Yinsha Asakusa provided the city guards with a passing instrument. Several city guards symbolically checked the goods on the car. Because they were to be delivered to the sky temple, they didn't have to embarrass them and let them go.

Ning Tao sat in Asakusa's car and entered the city smoothly. The city guards were unaware, and the wild **** that destroyed Kobe Palace just entered the city from their eyelids.

Why use brute force for problems that can be solved with IQ?

As he crossed a street, Asakusa stopped in front of a breakfast shop and greeted Ning Tao and his companions for breakfast. Ning Taoming knew he wanted to take advantage of him, but he followed in.

Yasha Asakusa and several of his companions picked the most expensive points and ordered a large table. Ning Tao ate something casually and then paid for it.

This breakfast was very valuable, and the group made it clear that Ning Tao was regarded as a prince. However, Ning Tao didn't care. He had no money at all. All his money was robbed.

After eating breakfast, Yin Sha Asakusa was currently driving, leading the caravan towards the sky temple.

Ning Tao sat on the scooter and looked up at the sky. The sky temple still stands a few thousand meters above the sky and is brilliant. His Highness Sky, Twelve Heavenly Palaces are lined down one by one. The destroyed Kobe Palace is still rebuilt, just like the previous Kobe Palace, it feels like it has never been destroyed.

There was an intriguing smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "The speed of this reconstruction is really fast. It took only ten days to build the Kobe Palace, and I also upgraded the temple to a level there."

"Master, is this the first time you have come to worship at the Sky Temple to pray for blessings?" Yinsha Asakusa saw Ning Tao looking up at the Sky Temple and asked casually.

Ning Tao retracted his gaze and glanced at Yinsha Asakusa: "Yes, this is my first visit to Tianqi City, and this is my first visit to the Sky Temple to pray to God."

"What are you asking for from the Goddess of Wisdom?"

"That ..." Ning Tao put on an awkward look. "I like a girl, but I dare not confess to her. When I came to the Temple of Sky, I wanted to pray to the great goddess of wisdom, and asked her to give me The courageous person expresses courage and marries her. "

Yinsha Asakusa smiled: "Haha, I know you are for a woman. But rest assured, you son is a talented person, so much gold, the girl you like will also like you, she must be waiting for you to confess to her . "

"Oh, I hope so." Ning Tao said.

Talk about it, unknowingly went to the square in front of the sky temple.

This was once the battlefield of Ning Tao and the goddess of wisdom Hemia, with countless deaths and injuries, and a large number of houses destroyed. I came here again this time, but the destroyed buildings around the square were still there and no one cleaned them up. The sky temple is majestic, but no one's house is rebuilt.

At the end of the square, there are still many black robe gods, holding long-handled knives, and carrying a sci-fi sci-fi firearm weapon on his shoulder. At the end of the square, there is a row of Shenwei, and there are three guards under the fence of the Sky Temple.

Yin Sha Asakusa lowered his voice: "Son, let's go in through the West Gate. I would like to remind you again that after entering, don't talk casually, help us move the goods on the truck, and give us the final payment."

Ning Tao nodded his head: "You can rest assured that your final payment is indispensable."

Yinsha Asakusa smiled and drove the scooter to the west side of the Sky Temple.

The Shenwei on the west side of the square stopped the convoy, and Asakusa handed in the clearance documents, and then explained the situation to the inspected Shenwei.

A magic guard returned the customs clearance document to Asakusa, and then reminded him coldly: "After entering, hurry up and unload the goods, and then come out. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, watch out for your fate!"

Yasha Asakusa nodded his head and said, "Little people know, let's go to the Ximen warehouse to unload, and then come out without any delay."

"Go away," the clergyman said impatiently.

"Yes." Yinsha Asakusa followed the car into the road to Ximen.

Throughout, Ning Tao didn't say a word.

At the west gate of the Sky Temple, Yinsha Asakusa handed in the paperwork again, this time he also intentionally clamped two paper **** crystals in the clearance papers. The amount is not much, just two gods.

The **** guard guarding Simon took away the two **** crystals, and his face looked better: "Go in, come out quickly, otherwise I will come in to catch you."

Yinsha Asakusa hurriedly said, "Please rest assured, we will come out immediately after unloading the goods without any delay."

Shen Wei, the guard of Simon, closed up the two-denominated paper **** crystal, and he was reluctant to even look at the members of this caravan.

This situation is also normal. Although Shenwei was made according to the appearance of heaven and humans, they simply do not want to admit that they are iron people, and they look down on iron people.

After entering the warehouse, Ning Tao helped several vendors to unload the goods on the truck.

These guys did bring a little private goods, which are special products of Shentucheng. They have pickled food, fabrics dyed by the workers, and a **** earthenware pot made by a certain master. These private goods were left in the car to keep Ning Tao from touching.

Yinsha Asakusa pulled Ning Tao aside: "Master, we have taken you to the Sky Temple, please give us the balance."

Ning Tao gave the final payment to Yinsha Asakusa, and then said, "This is a warehouse. It is not suitable for worship. I have to find a suitable place. You don't have to wait for me. You go out first. I will come out myself."

Yin Sha Asak frowned suddenly: "No, this is the temple. You worship here and then go out with us."

"why not?"

Yasha Asakusa said: "You brought us in. When you leave, we will be suspected by the guard. If you do something bad in it, we will also be held accountable."

Ning Tao's heart had already moved a bit of murder. This guy was greedy, cunning, and even wanted to sell fellow savage tribes to earn that 10,000 bounty. This is the most unforgivable in him.

Yinsha Asakusa didn't know who he was talking to yet. He looked at Ning Tao with vigilant eyes and tentatively said, "Sir Lang Xiangfu, wouldn't you be a spy of the Savage Tribe?"

Ning Tao smiled: "Do you think a rich man like me is a savage?"

Onshaku Asakusa stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yeah, how could your rich son be a spy, just like that, you worship here, we give you some time, and then go out with us. If you If you don't agree, I will tell the guard at the door that you are a spy of the Savage Tribe. "

Saying such a threat, but with a smile on his face, this person is really bad.

Ning Tao nodded his head and said quietly, "Okay, I'm going to worship God."

Yasha Asakusa turned and left, returning to several of his companions.

Ning Tao knelt beside a pile of sacrifice supplies, muttered in his mouth, and pretended to worship God.

He wanted to kill Asakusa immediately, but this was not a suitable place. There is a **** guard at the door, and on the head there is the **** body of the sky's guardian sword, the great king of heaven, Lang Lang and the goddess of wisdom, the goddess of Hemia. Once his plan is exposed, he will be completely lost.

His consciousness diffused from the body.

Onshaku Asakusa was talking to his several companions in a low voice: "After taking him out later, we walked from the ruins behind the square. There was no one there. We slaughtered him and snatched all the money from him. Then he was crushed with stones, and even if found, he would be considered to have been killed by falling rocks. "

"How much money does he have?" The thin young man whispered.

Yasha Asakusa said: "I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of people. After this vote, we will not have to work so hard again, do you agree?"


"I agree."

Several of Asakusa's companions reached an agreement.

Ning Tao withdrew his consciousness and sighed in his heart. People are doing, heaven is watching, bad things that have been done will be punished after all. These few vendors from Shentucheng are not good people, and this kind of evil is probably not the first time. Otherwise, how could you meet him as a **** of giving birth?

However, this time he did not give away the child, but died.

While several vendors were still in the details, Ning Tao reached out and drew a blood lock in the sacrificial supplies next to him.

With this bloodlock, he can come back here easily, and there is no rush to do it here. Although he didn't have to spend a lot of effort to kill these people, but these people came in, so many gods saw it and registered them. If they are not allowed to go out, they will definitely be noticed by the gods.

It's a bit more troublesome, go out first, then come in.

After leaving the bloodlock, Ning Tao moved another sacrifice to cover up the bloodlock, then got up and walked to the black-hearted vendors.

"Here you come, don't say it," said the old man.

Several vendors stopped the whisper immediately.

Onsha Asakusa greeted him with a smile: "Son, have you finished worshipping God?"

Ning Tao said: "After worship, we can go."

Yinsha Asakusa pinched Ning Tao's shoulder warmly: "Master, you will definitely marry your favorite person. The wishes made in the Sky Temple will usually come true ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ning Tao just laughs Smiled.

Several scooters came out of the warehouse, and the guard at the door closed the door again.

There is only one door to this warehouse, and when we return to here, we need to find a way out.

Dare not to think about this now.

Yasha Asakusa took the due money from the hand of the warehouse memo and greeted several companions to drive away from the Sky Temple.

Ning Tao was still sitting in Asakusa's car. He knew what these iron people wanted to do, but he didn't even react at all.

The way out was smooth, no one questioned and checked.

Out of the west gate of the Sky Temple, the Asakusa indeed drove the scooter to the ruins that had not been cleaned up and rebuilt. There were collapsed buildings and broken walls everywhere, and no one was walking inside, and it really was a good place for murder and robbery.

PS: Today is still more explosive!

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