Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1344: 3 Wang Jutianqi

The Asakusa scooter line was at the front of the line, slowing down as it approached a half-collapsed stone building.

This is what he is going to do.

With a sigh in Ning Tao's heart, this is a real evil.

If these guys knew that the person they wanted to murder was a god, how would they feel?

"My son, who do you think that person is?" Yinsha Asakusa suddenly raised her hand and pointed Ning Tao in a direction on the side, looking surprised.

Ning Tao looked at it in cooperation, and there was no ghost in the air.

At that moment, Asakusa suddenly pulled out the short knife on the waist, and stabbed Ning Tao's abdomen.

Ning Tao turned back and said quietly, "Nobody, are you looking at the blindfold?"

Yin Sha Asak was suddenly stunned, subconsciously withdrew the short knife in his hand, and then tied it up.


The short knife is broken.

Ning Tao looked down at the half-knife in Yinsha Asakusa's hand and said with surprise: "Friend, what are you doing?"

Yasha Asakusa's expression on the dog: "You ..."

Ning Tao smiled: "Are you trying to kill me?"

Yasha Asakusa made a strange noise, and slammed a half-knife into Ning Tao's neck.

He suspected that Ning Tao was wearing high-level armor. His knife couldn't reach Ning Tao at all, but his neck was very fragile and there was no armor protection. A broken sword could kill someone!

Ning Tao didn't move, just looked at him quietly.


The broken knife stuck on Ning Tao's neck and splashed out a few Mars, but the skin on his neck was not broken, let alone the bleeding.

Yinsha Asakusa was completely dumbfounded, his mind was blank, and he was buzzing. He opened his mouth to say anything, but couldn't say a word.

Ning Tao said lightly: "You don't have to say anything, I understand."

Yasha Asakusa reluctantly returned to God: "I ... this is a misunderstanding ... I ..."

Before he could finish a sentence, Ning Tao nodded his finger on his chest.

A blaze of fire fell from his fingertips into the heart of Yinsha Asakusa and reached the heart. Within a second, the heart was burned to ashes. Immediately, Divine Fire spread to his entire body, and his body became a ash.

The whole process lasted for two seconds, and it wasn't until the yin sha grass was grayed out, and the next few companions did not find it. However, Ning Tao didn't give them any chance. The scout caught a gap, and the dirt and construction waste on the road suddenly surged. Several carriages and people were buried instantly.

No trace was left on the road.

This is the earth spell that Ning Tao separated from the Kaitian Rune in Kowloon, killing a few unscrupulous vendors, but it is a small test of a bullsword. Moreover, it is still possible for him to control the power of the spell to a minimum, in order to reduce the fluctuation of mana and avoid being discovered.

Ning Tao jumped down from the scooter of Asakusa, the seal of earth was activated, and the soil and rocks on the ground were polished into mud in the swamp. The car originally parked on the hard ground fell quickly and blinked. Disappeared on the ground.

This is the real dead body. Several scooters and a few unscrupulous vendors have not even left a trace.

Nine Tao ’s favorite spell among the nine dragon-born gods ’destiny spells is this earth spell, but it is definitely not the reason that it can destroy the corpse, but if he wants, he can use his earth spell to transfer it between the beards. This ruin was rebuilt. If he returns to the world of the earth, let alone what real estate can be built, and build a dam in the Pacific Ocean, it will be a matter of minutes.

Where is he still the part-time student at Shancheng Medical University? Now he is already a great **** who stepped into the ranks of the Creator.

After getting the last scooter, Ning Tao walked into the stone building that collapsed in half.

Suddenly, a large shadow was cast over his head.

Ning Tao, who was about to open the bloodlock and returned to the Temple of the Sky, stopped, looked up at the sky, and suddenly hesitated.

In the sky, two huge spaceships are slowly moving across the city and flying towards the sky temple. Either one is a kilometer long or two or three hundred meters wide. The deck of the bow was full of black robe **** guards, all-colored long-handled knives and magic weapon lances, one after another with awe-inspiring looks.

The hull of a spaceship has the emblem of "Shentucheng", and the spaceship has the emblem of "Ironbone City".

The **** guards of Shentucheng and Ironbone City have arrived. At least five or six thousand of the **** guards of a giant spacecraft are visually inspected. If you add people to work and ordinary city guards, the total number is at least tens of thousands!

Next to the two giant spaceships, there are also two deities and gods!

Next to the **** Tu, the body and spirit of a **** is more than 1,000 meters high and hundreds of meters wide. They are almost fat and become a ball. He is not a **** created in the form of a human, but a mixture of man and fish. His body is covered with black fish scales, and on his back are a pair of dorsal fins almost as high as the body of the god. Although it is a fin, it certainly can also play the role of a wing. He had a long black gun in his hand, which was longer than his **** body. The diameter of a prismatic gun head was at least 100 meters. It was really a magic gun!

The deity mixed with the fish is the guardian of the iron people, the sharp gun King Tianxu.

Next to the Iron Bone, a deity body and black armor were added. No one inch of skin was exposed from head to toe. The only thing he could see was his eyes, but the eyes under the double-faced hood were green and secluded, as if two groups of ghosts were in the fire. combustion. His **** body was twice as high as the sharp gun Heavenly King's Fair, reaching a horrible early two thousand meters. He had a long-handled sickle in his hand, which was probably three kilometers long. His body was filled with black gas, and it fluttered like a ribbon, making him mysterious and weird.

This **** body is the guardian of the gods and people, and the dark king Yin Shali.

When coming in the morning, Yinsha Asakusa was still talking about the magic gun Heavenly King's Ruins and the dark Heavenly King Yinshali, and came over with the Shenwei Corps of Shentucheng and Ironbone City, and Ning Tao saw it now.

The magic gun King Wangxu and the dark King Yin Shali stepped on the golden **** cloud, leading two giant warships over the ruins, and the surrounding large and small spaceships avoided each other.

Near the Temple of the Sky, the sharp gun King Yuxun and the dark King Yinshali knelt down on their respective **** clouds, and their voices also sounded in the sky: "Great Goddess of Wisdom, my Xunxu (yin (Shaley) is here. "

The sound was so loud that Tiemin and Shenmin in the city of Apocalypse pushed the dominoes to kneel. Whether iron people or **** people, their patron saints are here.

Ning Tao did not open the bloodlock. Those **** guards could not detect his existence, but at this moment there were two gods above him, and he had to be careful.

Suddenly, the King of Darkness turned his head and looked at the ruins behind him. Two green eyes cast two horrible green beams and came straight to the ruins of the stone building where Ning Tao was hiding.

Ning Tao was not panicked at all, a movement of divine thought, a trace of the force of creation activated the magic seal of the earth. There was no leakage of mana at all, and the mud and gravel beneath his feet generally buried him.

The whole process took less than a second, just now he was still there, and in the blink of an eye there was only a pile of rocks and dirt.

Two tragic green beams from the eyes of the dark king Yin Shali came to the ruins of this stone building, swept quickly, and then retracted it.

"Yinshali, what are you looking at?" Void shuddered, a golden light dropped, and another **** and spirit appeared from the golden light.

It was the big sword Tianwang Langlang carrying a large sword that was more than 1,000 meters long.

In the sky, the three patron saints of the Kingdom of Apocalypse gathered.

If the goddess of wisdom Hemia reappears, the four gods can make a table of Mahjong.

In the ruins, a pair of eyes opened in the pile of gravel and dirt, looking at the three patron saints in the sky, the so-called Heavenly King.

Only a false god.

However, despite being an enemy, Ning Tao still admired the goddess of wisdom, Shemia. The creation of the Iron Man is already quite a miracle, but she actually created the three guardians of the fairy catcher and the eyes. From the perspective of wisdom, he sighed.

Goddess of Wisdom, this godname has actually illustrated the problem.

However, in terms of all her creations, her wisdom is too great.

In the sky, the dark king Yin Shali stood up and snorted sternly, "I felt like someone was spying on me, so I glanced at it."

"Then what did you see?" It was the sharp gun King Tianxu who spoke, and he stood up from above the cloud.

Yin Shali said, "Nothing."

Lang Lang said: "Yin Shali, you are still so cautious, only a false god. Last time, he was lucky and fled in time. If he dares to come to Tianqi City again, I will definitely cut off his head."

"We have arrived," said Yin Shali. "When will the great goddess of wisdom call us?"

"Come with me," Lang Lang said, and then the divine body disappeared, turning into a ray of golden light and thrown at the highest sky temple.

The gods of Yinshali and Yanxu also disappeared, and each turned into a golden light and flew into the sky temple.

Two huge spacecraft hovered in the void ~ ~ Those gods kneeling on the bow deck also kept their kneeling position.

In the ruins, the pile of rocks was quietly integrated into the ground, and Ning Tao's body was revealed. He glanced up and looked at the sky temple several thousand meters high, where the golden light shrouded, his sight could not be penetrated, he could not see the three guardian gods in it, let alone the goddess of wisdom Hemia in the temple.

This is a strange thing.

The sky temple has collected many sacrifice supplies. The three patron saints gathered in the sky temple. Is there any major action for the goddess of wisdom, Hemia?

No way of knowing.

Ning Tao opened a door of convenience, and did not wait until the door was fully opened before digging in, and the door disappeared.

A few seconds later, a door of convenience opened, and Ning Tao came out of it.

He returned to the warehouse in the Sky Temple.

I send the child **** back again!

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