The warehouse was quiet, and the only gate was closed tightly, leaving nowhere to go.

Lanterns were lit in the warehouse, and the light was fairly bright. Ning Tao stood in the warehouse and looked around. The warehouse had no windows and no back door. The closed door was the only entrance and the only exit, and it also had the guardianship of the magic circle. If it was destroyed, it would cause A series of reactions.

Ning Tao closed her eyes, and the consciousness diffused from his body, leaching from the air, from the soil, and from the wall.

At the door of the Treasury stood four Shenweis, with the same faces and the same equipment, all of them looked stern.

On the right side of the storeroom is a large hall, and many gods and women are rehearsing a sacrificial dance. With regard to the layout of the hall, as well as the dances performed by the gods and women, it is not difficult to guess that this hall is a functional side hall, similar to the rehearsal venue of the theater company.

To the left of the storehouse is a corridor, which is zigzag, and there is a Shenwei standing a few steps away.

Just behind the storeroom is a convenient place for people. There is no sign of "bathroom", but squatting one by one can tell people what the place is.

Shenwei, like Tiemin, has a body, and they need to **** if they need to eat to supplement their energy. The sky temple has a large scale, and there are tens of thousands of gods and gods in it. The place like the bathroom is definitely indispensable.

I can take my eyes back and have an idea in my heart.

He came to the place where the divine spirit was stored in the warehouse, activated the seal of the god, and the molecules and energy of the divine spirit were gathered towards him. His body quickly grew taller and stronger. In a blink of an eye he became a **** guard. Later, he came to the wall behind the warehouse, stuck out his right palm and stuck it to the wall.

With a little force of fortune, the seal of earth's law was activated, and the wall against which Ning Tao's right palm arrived was as soft and sticky as his right palm fell into it silently, followed by the entire arm and his body. He passed through the wall alive, and the wall behind him returned to normal when his body was completely detached, leaving no trace of passive passing.

He walked towards the door of the toilet.

A head came out of a compartment, exactly the same as his head, and the man was also a **** guard. The Shenwei glanced at Ning Tao, and then said, "Brother, your class?"

Where did Ning Tao know that he belonged to that class, he soon came to the door of the compartment where the Shenwei was, and then stopped.

Shen Wei, who squatted on the squatting position, looked at Ning Tao with a strange look, and said a little nervously, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Ning Tao suddenly reached out and grabbed the cranium of Shenwei's head. The god's fire poured in. The head of Shenwei's head instantly turned to ashes, and his body fell to the ground. Ning Tao hurriedly dragged the headless Shenwei, unplugged his black robe and put it on his body.

He just gathered a fake black robe with Divine Armor. It was hard and easy to be seen as fake. He was also unable to use the magic armor to consolidate the weapons and equipment of the Shenwei. The squatting Shenwei just gave him the clothes and equipment he needed.

After putting on Shenwei's black robe, Ning Tao took out Shenwei's identity card and took a look, then took Shenwei's long-handled sword and firearm weapon, and then left the toilet.

No one was on guard outside the toilet.

Ning Tao walked towards a hall.

Three steps and one post along the way, standing guards everywhere, but no one asked what Ning Tao. He has the identity card of the unlucky **** guard. These **** guards are not ordinary iron people. They not only have mana, but also have functions comparable to robots. Without Ning Tao escaping the identity card, they can also get from that identity. The corresponding identity is read on the card.

However, when we reached the ground main hall, we still had trouble.

"Stop, what are you doing here?" A guard officer on duty blocked Ning Tao's way and asked in a voice.

Ning Tao bowed his head and respectfully said, "My lord, the patron saint of the iron people, the great King of the Spears let me pass the letter to the priest, so please let the lord go and let me see the lord."

"The great King of the Sharp Guns actually let you send a message to the priest?" The wardier who blocked the road clearly did not believe it.

Ning Tao said humblely, "I don't know why, but I heard the great King of the Sharp Gun, and he did let me give a letter to the priest."

The clergyman who stopped the road stretched out a hand: "Show me the letter."

Ning Tao didn't move, and then said: "Just a message."

The priest blocking the road frowned suddenly: "Then tell me."

Ning Tao said, "No, because the great King of Heavenly Guns said, if I say to a third person, I must die, and the person who listens must also die. If you have to listen, Lord Guardian, I will tell you listen."

The priest blocking the road hurriedly took a step back: "You are said to be anything, hurry up and give a message to the priest, he is in the study."

"Yes." Ning Tao answered quickly and walked quickly into the main hall.

This main hall Ning Tao came for the first time, but not the first time he saw it. He had already obtained the information of this main hall from the head of Zunling, and he knew exactly where the priest Rambo's study was.

Walking through the main hall hall, Ning Tao turned into a corridor. He entered the corridor and came to a room at the end of the corridor.

This room is Lamb's study.

At the door of the study stood two Shenweis, staring at Ning Tao expressionlessly.

Ning Tao said: "I am the patron saint of Tiemin and the great God of Heavenly Guns to order to preach to the priests."

"Wait a minute." One of the guards said something, then pushed open the door and walked in. A few seconds later he came out again and said, "Go in."

Ning Tao then entered the study, and closed the door when he entered.

The priest Longbow was writing something behind the desk. He did not look up. He heard the footsteps of Ning Tao closing and walking, and said casually: "I heard that it is the guardian of the iron people. I wrote, what did he say? "

Ning Tao had approached the desk, and said, "The patron saint of the iron people, the great God of Heavenly Guns, let me ask you, where were Daenerys and Eli Saba who were captured from the fairy realm? "

The priest Longbu suddenly raised his head, and two blue eyes in pure energy form stared at Ning Tao: "What did you say?"

He obviously thought he heard it wrong.

There was a sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth. He moved under his feet and fluttered, instantly breaking the distance between him and the priest Rambo, and grasping the priest Rambo's neck.

The fastest speed in the world is the speed of the soul, but Ning Tao's speed is faster than the priest Rambo's thoughts. Before the priest Rambo has an idea to escape, he has already grasped the priest Rambo's neck. .

In fact, the priest Rambo could not have thought of running away without figuring out what was going on. There are a lot of reasons. The first is that Ning Tao is a Shenwei. The second is that what Ning Tao said was so strange, he wanted to ask clearly. The third is that Ning Tao claimed to be sent from Xunxu to send a message. He did not even understand the Xunxu's message. How dare he escape?

For these reasons, coupled with Ning Tao's sudden attack that caught him off guard, how could he escape Ning Tao's palm?

"You ..." Shenguang Rambo was shocked and angry, and wanted to say something, but Ning Tao could not speak because he was holding his soul body.

Ning Tao said lightly: "I am the guardian of the tribe, the great sender Ning Tao, do you know who I am now?"

The priest Rambo's eyes were suddenly full of tension and fear, and he didn't know whether to nod or shake his head, and his mind was confused.

Is n’t that the wild **** who destroyed Kobe Palace dare not set foot in Apocalypse?

But the wild **** came again, and was in his study!

Ning Tao went on to say: "I have to remind you that I don't care about killing you. So no matter what I ask you or let you do, don't be lucky, don't answer or lie to me, you have to die .Whatever I ask you to do, you just do it. If you are slow or do not do it, you have to die. Do you understand? Nod if you understand. "

The priest, Rambo, dared to hesitate wherever he went, then nodded.

Ning Tao gave away the hand holding the priest Rambo's neck a bit, but in the process, he has engraved a soul imprint in the priest Rambo's soul body with the power of creation. There is also a soul-branded Rangxiang soul in this kind of soul, but he will not activate, but this one on Rambo can be activated at any time.

The priest Longbu bowed his head, and saw the soul imprint that emerged from his chest in a blink of an eye, and there was no blue blood on his face.

As a soul body, he knew very well what Ning Tao had left in his body.

However, Ning Tao still said: "This is the brand of my soul. I only need one thought to let your soul fly, there is no day of reincarnation."

After that, he let go of his hand.

Without waiting for the priest Rambo to say anything, or even waiting for the priest Rambo to have any reaction, the soul imprinted a golden light and entered the activated state. The priest Longbu fell suddenly on the ground, curled up into a ball, and opened his mouth but could not make any sound ~ ~ Ning Tao closed the soul brand, and then he said, "I am afraid of you I do n’t believe it, so let you see it. Now, answer my question, where are you detained Daenerys and Eli Saba from the fairyland? ”

The priest Rambo then took a breath and said, "You ... what do you want to do?"

Ning Tao frowned.

The priest Rambo suddenly realized what mistake he had made, and hurriedly said, "No, no, no, I'm not this consciousness. I tell you, the Virgin and her father have been locked up in the city of the sky."

Sure enough, he was locked up in the city of the sky, no wonder the presence of Daenerys and Elisabba could not be sensed.

However, if you think about it, you can find out why. This deity cannot be treated as a god. The people of the kingdom of Apocalypse are either iron people and **** guards, or **** people without flesh and blood. Knowing that now he has not even seen a real living person. Here. In fact, let alone a living person in the true sense, he has not even seen an ant in the true sense. From this point, it can be inferred that Daenerys and Eli Saba can only be imprisoned in the city of the sky, but cannot be imprisoned here. This is the world of God!

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