Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1346: Mysterious golden coffin

"Is Daenerys still alive?" Ning Tao was eager to know the answer, but was afraid to know the answer.

The priest Rambo nodded his head: "The maiden is still alive, you ... what is your relationship with the maiden, how do you know that the maiden exists?"

"I asked you, or did you ask me?" Ning Tao's eyes were cold.

The clergyman Rambo closed his mouth.

However, Ning Tao still said, "She is my wife, and the child in her belly is my child."

"Ah?" The priest Rambo looked terrified.

Ning Tao said coldly, "Now you know why I found her. Even your goddess of wisdom, Hemia, if she dares to hurt Daenerys a hair, I will ruin everything in the Revelation God Kingdom!"

The priest Ranbu's lips trembled and said a word: "In my eyes, you ... you are an invincible being, but you are too overestimating yourself, no **** can defeat great wisdom Goddess Hemia, she is invincible. I advise you to let me go and leave here immediately, or you will die here. "

When Ning Tao's thoughts moved, the priest Rambo's face suddenly showed a painful look.

The priest Rambo is not a believer's people of Ning Tao, but Ning Tao can also control everything because Ning Tao's soul is imprinted on his body.

Ning Tao didn't bother to ask him any more, reached out and grabbed his head, wrapped in a divine power wrapped in a sense of God, and injected into his brain at that instant.

The priest, Rambo, froze and couldn't move. There were pictures of memories floating in his mind, as well as dynamic memories.

Ning Tao's consciousness plunged into a memory.

This is a memory related to the city of the sky.

Still in the huge space that looked like a ship's bridge, someone was saluting to the priest Rambou, very respectfully.

Ning Tao's mind was a little curious. The priest Rambo was actually not strong. In his opinion, he was only stronger than the puppet spirit. He was not even as strong as a sashimi. However, he was such a god. He has the same high status even in the city of the sky. Why is he?

The priest Rambo crossed the "ship bridge", passed several closed paths and gates, and finally came into a space.

Through the vision of the priest Rambo, Ning Tao was shocked when he saw this space.

This space is an extremely huge honeycomb-shaped space, with a wide middle and narrow ends. A dangling stone-paved road runs towards the center of this space, and the end of the road is at the most central point of the space, where a golden coffin stands.

The golden coffin was suspended above the surface and reached by a step to one side of the coffin. Above the steps is a small platform on which the runes flash and the light shines.

The priest Longbu stepped on the suspended stone road and walked towards the coffin at the end of the road. On his sides and in front is the boundary wall of this space, but it is not the boundary wall made of **** stone, but the dark blue energy boundary wall. Stars flickered among the dark blue walls of energy, and the nebula floated as if it were a shrunken starry sky. No, maybe the entire universe! Because there are too many twinkling stars, I am afraid that even large quantum computers can't calculate it clearly.

However, Ning Tao quickly discovered that the twinkling stars were not actually stars, but runes after run. Including those floating nebulae, they are also composed of tiny runes.

where is this place?

The coffin will not contain the actual body of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia?

Ning Tao couldn't help guessing this.

The body of the Sun King can be kept intact in the fairyland, so the body of the goddess of wisdom Hemia can also be preserved to this day.

However, even the most reliable guess is only guessing, and the real answer can only be revealed after the coffin has been opened and seen.

The priest Rambo walked to the end of the suspended road, and then stepped on the steps. After boarding the platform, he came to the golden coffin. He knelt with his legs down and chanted the mantra.

The runes on the coffin were activated one by one, sparkling.

The strands of dark energy diffused out of the coffin, and the sight like an evil spirit pierced out of the coffin, and the spell of the priest Rambo was the key to releasing the evil spirit!

"This dark energy ..." Ning Tao was shocked. He felt that this dark energy seemed familiar, but he was only in a memory of the priest Rambo, and his many magical powers and methods were useless. He can only see through the eyes of the priest Rambo, and hear through the ears of the priest Rambo, he does not even feel the priest Rambo, so he cannot judge.

However, he had a premonition that the dark energy in this coffin is closely related to the dark energy that devoured the immortal world!

After the recitation of the priest Rambo, he put his head on the platform, and respectfully said: "Great Goddess of wisdom, everything is ready. Tomorrow is the day of resurrection. Rambo, your devout believer, I will Preside over the resurrection ceremony in person and welcome your return. Supreme Master, Dah Sing World! "

That's it.

Thousands of supreme, big new world?

Ning Tao's heart secretly said, "Everything above the mountain represents the supreme heavenly god, the supreme god, is it the existence of nothing more than this? Daxin world, this kingdom of apocalypse is completely a god-created Civilization is just a kingdom of God. Does Hemia want to spread the seeds of the Kingdom of Apocalypse throughout the universe? "

When Ning Tao's mind was analyzing and guessing, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in this space.

"Extremely great, Dah Sing World."

This voice is the same as the voice of the goddess of wisdom, the goddess of Hemia!

"I've been waiting for too long, too long, this darkness has covered my eyes, this soil has buried my body, I want to trample this mountain down on my feet, I want me on top, no more than that! I want to cover the sky The fog disappeared with the wind! Hmm ... hahaha ... "A series of weird laughter.

All the sounds suddenly disappeared, all the pictures were still, and then there was a tide of darkness.

This memory ends here.

Ning Tao's consciousness did not leave the brain of the priest Rambo, after coming out of this memory, he searched for the memory related to Daenerys in the priest Rambo's mind.

He found it quickly.

He plunged in.

Jin Guang's eyes were hot, and Daenerys was struggling with golden light. The fairy armor on her body melted like snow and ice under the scorching sun, exposing her suffocating body, mature and sexy, impeccable.

Jin Guang not only made her fairy armor and clothes disappear, but her body also constantly overflowed with black dirt, which was melted by Jin Guang as soon as she came out. This scene feels like this golden light is bathing her, not only washing her epidermis, but also the inside of her body and even her soul have been washed away!

No matter how she struggled, she could not escape, she flew higher and higher in the golden light, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared with the golden light.

This memory is now over.

Ning Tao's heart was surprised: "Isn't this when Daenerys was captured? I was there at the time, but my angle was different. If this was seen by the priest Rambo, with his own eyes, where did he stand and see ? "

It is impossible to know that there is only this memory related to Daenerys in the mind of the priest Rambo, and there is no second paragraph.

Ning Tao could not find the second paragraph with Daenerys' memory, and his consciousness withdrew from the priest Rambo's mind.

"You ... what did you do to me?" Consciousness returned, and the priest Rambo said nervously.

Ning Tao said lightly: "Tell me, where is Daenerys being held?"

The priest Rambo said, "Did I tell you, she was locked up in the city of the sky."

Ning Tao said: "The city of the sky is so big, I want a specific location."

The priest Rambo was more nervous: "I ... I really don't know, I only know that she is in the sky city, and I don't know the specific location. The city is really big, and I have never been to many places ... I said Really, I didn't lie to you, I ... "

Ning Tao interrupted his words: "I saw an image in your mind, you entered a honeycomb-like space, surrounded by a dark blue energy barrier, with hanging roads and golden coffins inside. , Where is that? "

"God grave." Rambo, the priest, did not hesitate, and uttered it in a sigh.

Ning Tao's heart moved: "Is there the body of the goddess of wisdom Hemia in that coffin?"

Priest Rambo said, "I think so."

"You think so?"

The priest Rambo showed a bitter gourd expression: "Big God, I have never opened it before, I can only imagine it. I am a priest in the Sky Temple because of my psychic talent. This is not how powerful I am It is only because of my talent that I can communicate with the soul of the great goddess of wisdom, and hear her voice to obtain the oracle. "

That turned out to be the case.

No wonder he has a super high status in both Sky Temple and Sky City.

"My last question," Ning Tao said after a moment of silence. "Is today the Day of Resurrection?"

Priest Rambo nodded his head: "The resurrection ceremony will be held at noon today, so you should leave as soon as possible."

Ning Tao lifted the priest Lang Bu from the ground with one hand, then walked to the bookshelf.

"You, what are you doing?" Master Rambo tried to struggle, but he couldn't move at all.

Ning Tao stopped in front of the bookshelf, reached out to grab the book, and then pulled it out.

The bookshelf moved to the side, and a spherical French seal appeared on the exposed wall.

Ning Tao said, "Open the door and take me to the city of the sky. I took you there and let you go."

"You're lying to me ..." The voice of the priest Rambo was trembling ~ ~ Ning Tao's voice was cold: "Either the soul is flying away or the door is open, you choose the same.

He let go of his hand.

The priest Rambo raised his right hand and reached for the ball-shaped seal. His hand shook very much.

However, you have to open the door again.

The French seal is activated, and an energy blue energy gate arch opens on the wall.

Ning Tao said: "Go in and be my guard. If you dare to say a word, I will destroy your spirit immediately."

The priest Longbu nodded his head and walked into the energy gate bitingly.

Ning Tao followed in.

PS: Today is the end of five more, three consecutive days of explosion, I did it. Don't ask for beauties, just praise and hold high. If you have a monthly pass, it will be even more beautiful.

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