Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1347: Dive into the city of the sky

At the other end of the energy channel is the space that looks like a giant spaceship bridge. Ning Tao has come here in the memory of Wu Ling and Lamb, but this is the first time this deity has come. He emerged from the energy channel. Oncoming was an extremely wide space. The ground was covered with silver metal flooring, and a few huge windows outside were ink-like darkness, and nothing could be seen. There are hundreds of staff members in this space, as well as heavily armed guards.

No matter who it is, he is paying tribute to Rambourg at this moment.

Who can dare to disrespect a priest who can communicate with the soul of the goddess of wisdom and obtain a deity?

Rombou's gaze moved to the body of a sacred guard, his lips moved, and he seemed to want to say something, but suddenly a fear filled his heart, and he closed his mouth again. The wild **** around him planted a soul imprint in his body, which is equivalent to burying a thunder in his body, which may detonate at any time. How could a small **** guard save him? I'm afraid he didn't wait for him to speak out for help or give a warning. The wild **** around him could make his soul fly away.

Ning Tao didn't say a word, but stood behind Rambo, expressionless, a cold bodyguard.

He had already arrived in the city of the sky, and even if Rambo was willing to sacrifice himself to warn, it would not matter. He is tantamount to the old nest of the goddess of wisdom Hemia, and the body of Hemia is not here. Even if the three patron saints rush here, why should he be afraid?

As soon as the extra pot is pumped over, ask if you accept it!

Rombo glanced back at Ning Tao, then walked towards a metal door.

Ning Tao followed Rambo, not squinting, but the light in the corner of his eye was observing everything in this space. He felt that it was the bridge of a huge spaceship two times before, but now he saw it with his own eyes, and he didn't feel like it, it was more like a control center of a smart city.

He looked at another window, which looked like some kind of glass, but it wasn't, it was a wall of energy. The window was dark, and the sense of ink was extremely strong. But he couldn't see or feel anything except the darkness.

He secretly said, "This place is called the city of the sky, not the ship of the sky, so it should be a city, but it doesn't look like the darkness outside ... what is it?"

Impenetrable and unpredictable.

Rombo opened the metal gate on the wall and stepped into the closed gallery behind the door.

Ning Tao gathered her thoughts and went in.

Lambert led Ning Tao through several corridors and gates, and finally brought Ning Tao into a room.

Before coming, Ning Tao did not specify where to go, and time was not allowed. Rambo was considered to be his own decision.

There are no beds, no tables and chairs in this room, just an empty room and a golden blanket on the floor. There was a window on the wall, and there was still ink-like darkness outside the window.

Rambu said nothing, walked straight to the golden rug, then knelt down, scratched his head, scratched his head, and scratched his head, and finally prayed with his hands on his chest: "My goddess of wisdom, I am your godly son Lang Cloth, I am guilty, please forgive my sin, and I am willing to give everything to you ... "

Ning Tao said, "Extremely great, great new world."

Rombo gave a slight hesitation, then looked back at Ning Tao.

This is a word often spoken by the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, but he has never said anything to anyone, and only a psychic person knows this sentence, but the wild **** read it at this moment. What made him even harder to accept was that this sentence represented the highest ideal of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, but when the wild **** read it, the tone was full of contempt.

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "What does this sentence mean?"

He understood it, but he still wanted to hear what Rambo had said.

Lamb was silent for a while before he said, "Everything stands for the Supreme God of Heaven, and the Supreme One stands for the Great Goddess of Wisdom. Dah Sing World, this sentence means that the Great Goddess of Wisdom is going to create a new world. Noble ideals. You do n’t understand, and you ca n’t understand. "

Ning Tao did not care about him, and said lightly: "What is this place?"

"This is where I meditate, and I am here to worship God," Rambo said. "I have taken you to the city of the sky. Please erase the imprint of my soul on me. I am just a devout believer, even if I am not You believer, you cannot kill a good believer like me. "

"Don't worry." Ning Tao walked slowly to the side of the bed and stretched a hand towards the energy wall on the window.

There was a strange gleam of light in Rambo's eyes, but he said nothing.

Ning Tao retracted his hand again. He knew that the energy boundary wall on this window was part of the energy boundary wall of the entire city of the sky. Ordinary iron people or **** people will probably not touch anything, but if a **** like him touches it, it is another matter. Maybe when he touched here, it was time for the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, to lift the coffin board.

The reason why Ramb did not say anything was that he was waiting for him to start the legal circle and then besieged by the army.

This guy also claims to be a kind believer, he believes in a ghost.

"I'm curious what's out of the window. Tell me to listen." Ning Tao asked.

"The skyblock," Rambo said.

"Skyblock?" Ning Tao heard for the first time.

Rambo said: "The barrier between the immortal world and the mountain, this barrier could not be crossed. People in the immortal world need to cross the gods to go to the mountain, and the gods who cross the gods are the barrier. You can imagine it as a wall "Unless God has opened your mouth to let you pass, you will never cross this barrier in your lifetime."

"So, there is also a barrier between the world and the immortal world. Is that also a sky barrier?" Ning Tao said curiously.

Rambo said: "Of course there is a barrier between the world and the immortal world, but that is not a sky barrier, a ground barrier. The energy of that barrier is much lower and much weaker."

"There is no barrier over the mountain?"

There was a strange smile on the corner of Rambo's mouth: "Why don't you know anything about God?"

Ning Tao shrugged his shoulders: "I am a **** from the countryside and I do n’t know much. But if you deceive me, then desecrate God. Need me to remind you of the consequences?"

The slight smile on the corner of Rambo's mouth disappeared in an instant: "Of course there is a barrier above the mountain. That barrier is called a **** barrier. No **** can surmount it. Only the highest **** can surpass it."

"What is above the barrier?"

"Naturally is the temple of the highest heaven god, Elysium. If you die, you may have the opportunity to go up and drink and sing with the highest heaven **** in the hall of worship of the highest heaven god." Rambo said.

Ning Tao said: "The goddess of wisdom Hemia claims to be the daughter of Wu Wu. Did she fail to go to Wu Ling's Hall of Spirit when she died?"

Rambo shook his head: "I don't know."

"However, your **** is really amazing. I can build a city between the immortal world and the **** mountain. I ca n’t ask myself." Ning Tao said the truth, came here and saw the city of the sky with her own eyes. He really admired it very much.

He even had a strange thought in his heart.

If only it were the enemy.

He and Hemia can be friends. When they are okay, they can make an appointment and go to a planet in the depths of the universe to build a city. The city is more majestic and beautiful than the one who tries to create it. The one who creates more species and the one who has a brighter civilization.


"Take me to see Daenerys." Ning Tao said.

Rambo got up from the golden carpet and said stubbornly, "God, I really don't know where Daenerys is. Can't you capture my mind? If you look for it, you know I don't even know where Daenerys is. I didn't lie to you. For you, I have betrayed my god. What else do you want? "

"I think I know where Daenerys is probably." Ning Tao said.

Lamb fluttered for a moment, then said: "This is impossible, I am the person who is most familiar with this city of the sky, even I don't know, how could you know?"

Ning Tao said lightly: "You don't care about this, take me to the place where you and Hemia psychic."

Rambo suddenly became nervous: "You, what are you going to do there?"

Ning Tao's voice turned cold: "Don't talk nonsense, take me immediately!"

Ramb did not move.

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and a line of Jinmang pierced into Rambou's body.

Rompo did not even make a scream and fell to the ground, his skinny body curled up into a shrimp, trembling and painful.

Ning Tao said coldly, "I will give you one last chance, and immediately take me to the place where you and Hemia psychic, otherwise I will let your soul fly away. You still have a chance to confess and atonement, but you are dead You have nothing. "

Rombu nodded his last strength.

Ning Tao extinguished his soul imprint: "Hurry up."

Ranbu struggled to get up from the ground, tremblingly came to a wall, and then put his hand against the wall, chanting mantras in his mouth, his fingers engraved the runes on the wall.

Soon, a seemingly complicated French seal appeared on the metal wall ~ ~ Ramboug stuck the palm of his right hand, and a mass of blue energy spread around the wall with the French seal as the center. An energy channel was opened.

Turned out to be this way.

Ning Tao's heart secretly rejoiced that he caught Rambou. If it wasn't for this guy who led the way, opened the door and opened the door, even if he happened to invade the city of the sky, I'm afraid he could not get to the strange space where the golden coffin was located.

Rambo looked back at Ning Tao, his eyes filled with resentment: "My sin is unforgivable. After I take you in, you need to fulfill your promise, otherwise I will die and I will curse you in the dark until forever and always."

Ning Tao said, "You can rest assured that I rarely keep my promise, but this time I will honor my promise. As long as you take me to the golden coffin, I will erase the imprint of your soul."

Romp turned back and stepped into the energy channel.

Ning Tao followed in.

Comrade Hemia, I'm sending the Son of God!

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