Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1348: Lift the coffin lid

Oncoming is the strange space, the stone road like a broken bridge suspended in the void, the golden coffin and the hive-like space, and the dark blue energy barrier.

The whole space was so silent that there was no sound, no air, only energy with the breath of death. As soon as Ning Tao came in, the energy of the whole space would surge towards him, and the bones around him made crackling sounds under the suppression, as if they would break at any moment. There were cracks in his skin and even his internal organs. The golden blood flowed not only in his body, but also in his abdominal cavity!

"Hahaha!" Ranbu suddenly smiled, his face sullen, "Aren't you making me atonement? This is my atonement! I die here, and I will be forgiven and redeemed by the great goddess of wisdom! You, you are the one with the soul flying away! Come, move your **** to kill me! You come! Can't you move? Ha ha ha ha ... "

Suddenly, Ning Tao photographed a golden French seal, and the golden energy quickly spread to all directions with the French seal as the center, and a spherical energy space was supported in a blink of an eye.

Mark of Chaos.

The energy with the breath of death was suddenly isolated from the energy shield supported by the seal of chaos. Although it was desperately squeezing into the interior, it would not be able to break through for a while.

Ning Tao's hand wiped a trace of golden blood on the corner of his mouth, then he looked at Rambo.

Rambourn was stunned.

He spared all the sacrifices he made, and actually paid back for it?

The **** wild **** didn't die, where did his salvation come from?

"No--" After a brief silence, Rambo collapsed, yelling, and suddenly bumped into the golden energy barrier.


With a muffled sound, Ramb was bounced back. Where he hit, there was only a ripple of energy, let alone a rupture, not even a rift.

Even the space energy here cannot crush the energy barrier of the Seal of Chaos. How could a **** godmind break through?

Ning Tao said lightly: "I really want to let go of my life this time, why do you seek death by yourself?"

Rombo looked at Ning Tao resentfully, without a word.

Does he regret it?

Only he knew it.

Ning Tao raised his finger and touched the golden coffin at the end of the stone road: "Do you think the corpse in that coffin will help you? You think you are important, but in the eyes of your god, you are nothing to a cricket ant Difference. Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you and kill you in the presence of your God. "

"Ah!" Lamb burst out suddenly, raised from the ground, and bumped into Ning Tao.

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, Rambou's body fell to the ground, the soul burned, his soul melted like ice and snow under the scorching sun, and in the end there was nothing left, not even a grain of ash .

In fact, just while he was in the empty back room, he saw the resentment in Rambo's eyes, and he had some doubts in Rambo's conspiracy. However, he was fearless. This time he came to destroy the city of the sky, of course, including the traps in the city of the sky.

No matter what the conspiracy is, the front of the French Front is a cloud in front of its absolute strength.


The energy barrier of the Seal of Creation made a sound of impending collapse.

It seemed that the moment he killed Rambourg, the repressive energy here was even more fierce.

Is it really Hemia that is lifting the coffin board?

Ning Tao stepped on the Seal of Chaos, and a force of creation, like a golden soup, poured into the Seal of Chaos from his feet. The energy shield that was about to collapse was strengthened, the crack disappeared instantly, and the range expanded rapidly.

This is how Ning Tao is not afraid of traps.

He dares to break through the tombs of gods on the mountain and is still alive. Can a city in the sky be more dangerous than the tombs?

The space covered by the energy barrier of the Seal of Chaos is Ning Tao's absolute realm, and this absolute realm is rapidly expanding to the golden coffin.

Ning Tao stepped towards the end of the stone road. He threw away the long-handled sword in his hand, took off the magic weapon on his back, and took off his black robe. Jia also disbanded, and separated from his body in the form of powder.

It ’s all here, he does n’t need any disguise.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is a respectable opponent. He wants to face her upright and kill her!

The energy barrier of the Seal of Chaos spreads to the end of the dead end and cannot be extended any further, even an inch. At the end of the stone road is a step. Above the step is a platform. Above the platform is the mouth of the golden coffin. However, the first step was like the sky barrier that Rambourg said, and it couldn't be crossed!

Ning Tao stopped at the end of the stone road. The first step was in front of him, but it was separated from him by a layer of energy barrier of the mark of chaos. However, he knew that this step was extremely difficult, because the energy of death in the whole space was blocked in front of him.

Ning Tao was not in a hurry, he said, "I'm already here. Come out and meet."

No one responded, and his voice was limited to echoing in his absolute realm.

Ning Tao explored his moves, and Chaoduo appeared in his hands.

In this way, Hemia was ruined. It always felt that the soft coin player in the game had no difficulty in playing big bosses. In addition, many mysteries that trouble him will be buried forever with this pan, and he is a little unwilling. However, he must do so, as long as he destroys Hemia and does not give him a chance to lift the coffin board, Daenerys will not disappear, and his and Daenerys' children will be preserved. . Most importantly, the fairy catcher will no longer harm the fairyland. So no matter how he feels about himself, he has to shoot.

"That's it, I will send you on the road, and then let this city of sky be buried with you." Ning Tao said, he raised the pan, and the power of creation entered the pot. The energy was immediately released from the pot, and the tide generally poured into the energy barrier in front of him.

Before the energy of this space crushes the energy barrier propped up by the mark of creation, he will break it!

But at this moment, the golden coffin on the platform suddenly trembled.

Ning Tao stunned for a moment, but the raised pan failed to shoot out.

That's a coffin!

Does Hemia really want to lift the coffin board?

For a moment, Ning Tao even felt that he was dazzled, but just under his eyelids, the golden coffin moved again. It was a coffin just now, and this time it was a coffin cover, and the movement was much larger than the previous one. The golden coffin cover even showed a gap with a wide finger!

Not dazzling, but someone is actually lifting the coffin lid!

At this moment, Ning Tao's mind flashed several thoughts.

Rambo said that today is the resurrection day of the goddess of wisdom Hemia, has she been resurrected?

Rambo is dead, and the resurrection ceremony of Hemia must not be held again, but the ceremony is only a ritual. Hemia is not resurrected because of the ceremony. In fact, Hemia had been preparing for resurrection long before she died. Was there any ritual that was important to her from the end of the spiritual age to the present?

It doesn't matter at all.


When these thoughts flashed in Ning Tao's heart, the golden coffin cover suddenly flew up, and then fell heavily on the platform.

The repressive energy of this space has also receded, such as high tide when it comes, and ebb when it is low.

Ning Tao's thoughts extinguished the Seal of Chaos, and the energy barrier propped up by the Seal of Chaos also disappeared.

The stone ladder on the platform was right in front of me, and I could go up with my legs raised, but Ning Tao hesitated.

Just then, a voice suddenly came out of the golden coffin: "Don't you want to see me? Why are you still standing there and dare not come up?"

This voice is a woman's voice.

But that's not the point.

The point is, this woman's voice Ning Tao is extremely familiar!

The sound is ...

A hand stretched out of the coffin, white and delicate, blue blood vessels clearly visible under the skin like beautiful jade. Then came the second hand, both hands clasped the sides of the coffin, and then pulled up, a woman sat up from the coffin.

Ning Tao's eyes could not move, and her mind was blank, and a bee with a head in her head was buzzing.

The woman who sat up from the golden coffin was no one else, but the pregnant Daenerys he was looking for!

Just now, when he heard Daenerys' voice, he was already frightened. When he saw Daenerys sitting up from the coffin, he was all bad.

Apparently, he was one step behind.

Daenerys slowly stood up from inside the coffin. There was no thread on her body, beautiful nature, beautiful generosity, beautiful people suffocating. Her lower abdomen has no obvious bulge, but she also has an initial taste, with a slight convexity.

She is Daenerys.

However, Ning Tao knew that ~ ~ The woman standing in the coffin was no longer giving him a knuckle-locked Daenerys, she was the goddess of wisdom, Himia. Because there is a difference that he can see with his eyes, Daenerys' eyes are as beautiful as sapphire, but what he sees is a pair of golden eyes.

Golden eyes, those are the eyes of God.

Moreover, if it's her Daenerys, she will look at him with affection, after all, he is the father of the child in her stomach, a couple of days a day, not to mention she has been with him for so many days , How can there be no feelings?

However, in the eyes of the woman in front of her, there is divine power, shock, wisdom, but no emotion.

Therefore, she is Daenerys, yes, but she is not Daenerys, she is the goddess of wisdom, Hemia!

Previously, Rambo said he didn't know where Daenerys was. Ning Tao didn't believe it, but he couldn't find relevant memories and clues in Rambo's head. Now, the answer has been automatically presented, Daenerys was captured by the golden light, and she was locked in this coffin!

PS: Today, there are only 2 more. Take a short break and wish everyone a happy weekend.

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