Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1538: Xuanwu tribe Lingzi

Ning Tao was just chatting on the night of her first wedding.

One night, Alice and Muyu, Alice, were chatting all the time. In addition to understanding each other, they also established a deep friendship.

This night, the God of Sending a Child could only move his hands, sometimes he couldn't help it, so he moved his hands, but his feet couldn't move. He couldn't deliver it if he wanted to. He didn't know what the magical mermaid's gum was, but imagined the gums of ordinary trees, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Pure friendship chat, at least he heard a lot of anecdotes on the prehistoric mountain from the mouth of the wooden fish **** Alice. But what made him strange was that she had never heard of the goddess of wisdom, Shemiya, but she knew that the mountain was a domineering star, and when she mentioned the fierce god, she was afraid, and she specifically told him not to provoke him.

In Ning Tao's mind, Bu Ri Xing Jun is regarded as his half son, and this secret will not be told to her.

Otherwise she would definitely think he was pretending.

This chat went to dawn.

It was dawn, the golden sky was falling down, the stones on the deep mountains were shining, this mountain forest was immersed in the golden sky, and it was golden.

"Male god, I won't make breakfast for you. There is one girl cake left. You can eat it." Alice the wooden fish **** climbed up from Ning Tao's arms. She was in good spirits and didn't talk at all. Overnight and nothing.

Ning Tao had a headache when she heard the girl ’s cake, and said hurriedly, “You can give me some fruits and vegetables. I ’m not hungry, I ’m afraid I ca n’t eat that cake.”

The wooden fish **** Alice glared at Ning Tao with her husband ’s eyes: "Male god, that cake is always yours. You do n’t eat it now, and you will also eat it in the future. I ca n’t eat that cake, neither can others. You can only eat. "

The cake used to marry someone must not be eaten by herself, and others ca n’t even eat it, so that cake is already engraved with the name of the **** of delivery. Who would you eat?

Ning Tao sighed, "Come here, I'll eat."

The wooden fish **** Alice opened the storage ring again, took out the girl cake, and held it in front of Ning Tao with both hands.

Ning Tao took the girl's cake and opened it. The mermaid mysterious gum cake, the fragrance of flowers and trees and the taste of the sea, it was still so delicious. After a few sips, she was warm, cheerful and indescribably comfortable.

The wooden fish **** Alice's Wangfu's eyes are full of favor and tenderness, and his voice is so gentle: "Oh god, this girl's cake is precious, just take this one, and you eat slowly. If you want to eat in the future, there will only be your wife There is no cake. "

Ning Tao said curiously: "How does wife cake?"

The wooden fish **** Alice said: "Of course it's still made of gum, but it won't take 500 years to marry you. The gum will definitely be a lot, so I can make a wife cake for you in a few days."

Ning Tao's heart suddenly felt a mess.

But he soon calmed down, and he wouldn't stay long, maybe left without eating his wife's cake. However, thinking of going through another parting, his heart was a little sad. After chatting about homework all night, he and she already had some feelings. Get along for a few more days, love for a long time, and parting will inevitably be sad.

"Male god, what are you thinking?" Alice, the wooden fish god, seemed to be aware of Ning Tao's psychological changes.

Ning Tao smiled: "It's nothing, I can't bear to hear this cake so precious."

"Then you have to eat it, too," said Alice the Wooden Fish God, her face full of happy smiles.

Ning Tao yelled at the delicious girl cake.

He just finished eating a girl's cake, and suddenly there was a mass of divine energy outside the temple. It was very vigorous, and then a woman's voice came: "I'm going! Girl Muyu, your temple is what happened?"

Looking at the sound of Ning Tao, a cloud of gold came from the gate of the temple. It was a golden **** cloud, a goddess on the head of the cloud, wearing a blue tight-fitting turtle-patterned leather armor. A pretty face with a good look. At first glance, it will feel like a fitness version of Lin Daiyu.

Without the introduction of the wooden fish **** Alice, Ning Tao also guessed who came.

Here comes the black goddess of the Xuanwu tribe, the goddess of the goddess Alice.

Xuanwu is one of the four great beasts in the earth's eastern civilization. It is a turtle that can carry mountains. At first glance, this Xuanming Lingzi was also immensely powerful, plus the tight leather armor on her body had a turtle pattern, so it was not difficult to guess her identity at all.

Sure enough, Alice, the wooden fish god, followed her and said, "Male god, she is my good girlfriend, mysterious soul child I told you."

Ning Tao held a half-cake and smiled, "Hello, I'm a child-god, I'm glad to meet you."

Xuanming Lingzi lowered Shenyun and landed in front of Ning Tao.

She has a head higher than Ning Tao, plus a horrible muscle, cast iron biceps, pectoralis major, and eight pack abs. In front of her, the whole person looked small and thin. As if this basalt goddess smashed his fist, he would become a flattened banana.

However, it is such a goddess that her flamboyant Lin Daiyu's face and her exaggerated figure have no sense of dissonance. On the contrary, she looks very shapely and looks good.

"Girl Muyu, what did you just say?" Xuanming Lingzi ignored Ning Tao, but instead said a word to Muyu **** Alice, and her face was full of surprise.

The wooden fish **** Alice looked a little shy and pouted a smile: "Sister Lingzi, I got married last night. This is my male god, the child god."

"A few days ago, when you were having tea with me, you were still talking about being a sister for a lifetime and not marrying for a lifetime. Will you marry after only a few days?" Xuanming Lingzi stared at the wooden fish **** Alice with a tone. dissatisfied.

The wooden fish **** Alice said with a smile: "That was the male **** I didn't meet. God sent the **** of God to me. Of course I will marry."

"Then what about your temple?" Xuanming Lingzi looked at the idol standing under the main wall of the temple and asked again, his eyes were full of surprise and curiosity.

The wooden fish **** Alice proudly said, "My temple was built for me by my male god. My male **** is a great god. Building a temple is like playing, and it will be built in a while."

Xuanming Lingzi's sight fell on Ning Tao's face again, with an exaggerated expression and an exaggerated tone: "It took me 800 years to build a temple. The temple I built was not even half as high as yours. You How could you say your male **** built this temple in a while? "

"Giggle, it really only took a while, I lied to you what to do." Alice the wooden fish **** is even more proud.

"No wonder you will marry him and give him to eat your girl's cake." Xuanming Lingzi said.

Ning Tao felt that this Xuanming Lingzi was not very polite and masculine, but after all he was his wife's girlfriend, and it was hard to say anything. Even if Xuanming Lingzi stared at him, he could also show a friendly smile.

He thought that Xuanming Lingzi would say hello to him after all, call her brother-in-law or something, but when he thought about it, Xuanming Lingzi suddenly fisted over.

What's the matter?

Ning Tao reached out and grabbed the fist of Xuanming Lingzi, and at that moment, the energy of the earth-based energy attribute surged on the fist of Xuanming Lingzi, and the energy was as strong as a river hitting it!

If Ning Tao didn't want to be shaken by her, he would not move. But in a blink of an eye, if he didn't move, Xuanming Lingzi's face would not be able to get up and down, and maybe he would also hit him, so it would be confusing. So he decided to show weakness. When the power from Xuanming Lingzi's fist came over, his feet left the ground and flew in the direction of that power for dozens of meters before landing.

"Good strength!" Ning Tao shouted with his feet on the ground. "Okay! Good! It's not a goddess of the Xuanwu tribe, it's amazing!"

Xuanming Lingzi still maintained a posture of punching Ning Tao with a punch, and his eyes were full of terrifying light. For nothing else, Ning Tao just patted her fist with the palm of her hand, but now her fist still hurts so hot!

The wooden fish **** Alice frowned, and said unpleasantly, "Sister Lingzi, why did you shoot at my male god? I treat you as a sister. I was still thinking about the temples I prepared to build I probably do n’t need any of the spiritual materials, and I plan to give you those materials to let you build the temple a little higher, but you ... "

"Hahaha!" Xuanming Lingzi laughed three times and said with a smile: "Muyu, I just want to verify the strength of my brother-in-law, you say my brother-in-law is a great god, I try, it really is a great god. But brother-in-law you How did you build this temple in a while? I still don't believe it, or would you build another one for me? "

Ning Tao said, "Why do you need to build another one? Now you look carefully."

As the voice dropped, he took continuous shots with both hands, and the five elements of the seal fell to the ground one by one.

The Five Elements Seal was activated one by one, the earth suddenly shook, and the energy of the Five Elements elements poured into the temple like a tide.

The walls and stigmas increased rapidly, the beams became thicker and thicker, and the tiles became larger. Even the idols grew quickly, one hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters, four hundred meters, and five hundred meters!

When the idol grew to 500 meters, Ning Tao stopped expanding and the five elements of the ground disappeared.

In the temple, the jaws of the wooden fish **** Alice and Xuanming Lingzi fell to the ground.

It used to be an ordinary temple several hundred meters high, but now it has become a towering temple at least two kilometers high!

What magical power is this?

Not to mention that you have seen it with your own eyes, never even dreamed of it!

Ning Tao is calm.

Not to pretend to force, but the result was again.

Hopefully, this pretense will not fall into the pit.

"Wow! My male **** is so good!" Alice, the wooden fish god, cheered, slammed her head into Ning Tao's arms, and a pair of arm around her neck tightly.


Wooden fish pecking.

There was a lipstick mark on Ning Tao's cheek.

Xuanming Lingzi came back to God, and she said, "No, I mean, brother-in-law, go to my territory to build a temple, then I will admire you."

Ning Tao: "..."

Just your **** talent ~ ~ Do you want your brother-in-law to build a temple for you?


A bell rang suddenly in the void.

The wooden fish **** Alice changed her look: "This is the clock, we're going to the summit of the mountain."

She pulls out the gods.

A golden light burst out from the gods card, and the sound of the sky bell suddenly gathered to the gods card. A blink of energy in the void flashed a mysterious energy gate.

"Male god, sister Lingzi, let's go, let's go to the top of the mountain." Said Alice Muyu.

Ning Tao nodded.

Goddess of wisdom, Mia, will you be on top of the mountain?

PS: On the 4th.

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