Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1539: Kamiyama Bully

It was really a **** card that opened the door and reached the top of the mountain.

The wooden fish **** Alice took Ning Tao's hand and entered the gate of the god, and the Xuanwu spirit of Xuanwu tribe also entered the gate.

After getting started, there was a black energy light in front of me, and the runes flickered in the light, which seemed to be a high-end atmosphere. Ke Ningtao analyzed with the seal of good fortune, and even found that the runes were just decorations, without any substantial mana. But it was transmitted from somewhere on the top of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and it didn't cross the wall of space.

However, this gave Ning Tao a chance to understand the enemy. When he understood the prehistoric nothingness, he also knew the enemies of later generations.

For about half a minute, the mysterious light in front of me disappeared, and on the other hand came a corner of the rooftop of the mountain. The triangle of the best stone is still standing on the highest point of the mountain, golden light, like a sharp sword inserted into the day.

A large number of gods have been gathered on the roof of worship, all kinds of gods. Many gods gave Ning Tao a familiarity that he had seen before. This is not surprising. He came to this prehistoric time and space to kill thousands of gods from the tomb. Most of those gods are here, how can they not be familiar.

Ning Tao's gaze searched among the gods, looking for the most familiar figure she wanted to see.

The **** he most wanted to see was the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, but he didn't see her.

The **** he wanted to see next was a hegemon of this mountain, the Sun King. However, he glanced across the entire rooftop without seeing the figure of the Sunless King. If Xingjun is not here, he can recognize it at a glance. After all, it was he who brought the body of the Sunstar King from Penglai Xiandao in the fairyland to the mountain for burial. He knew exactly what the Sunstar King looked like.


What fame?

Ning Tao's heart was a little depressed.

"Male god, this is the top of the mountain to worship the rooftop, must be the first time to come?" Said Alice, the wooden fish god.

Ning Tao retracted his gaze and nodded his head: "Well, this is indeed the first time, so spectacular."

He is certainly not the first time, but in this prehistoric past time and space, he is indeed the first time, so it is not a lie to lie to his wife. Although he often lied to his wife, this time it was not counted.

"Hehe." There was a laughter in Xuanming Lingzi's mouth, and the laughter was scornful.

Ning Tao glanced at her for a moment. This diamond Lin Daiyu possesses an untiring attribute. She clearly has developed limbs and a simple mind, but she also likes to pretend to be very bright, beautiful and interesting, but also a headache.

"Brother-in-law, is it a **** from the country?" Xuanming Lingzi said what he wanted to say.

Ning Tao said: "The earth is indeed a small place. I don't know where the sister Lingzi came from?"

Xuanming Lingzi slightly lifted his chest, showing a proud look, his voice was loud: "I came from Xuanwu Xing, my hometown is rich in energy, everyone is practicing martial arts, once there was a feat of collectively moving 100,000 mountains. local."

Somehow, Ning Tao's mind came up with a picture of 100,000 basalt tortoises crawling on the ground with large mountains, and the picture was indeed spectacular.

Xuanming Lingzi went on to say: "At present, I already have eight deities. They are all believers from Xuanwu Star, and kneel in my hall of worship every day to worship me."

This is a bit of deliberate pretense.

Ning Tao was disdainful. He thought that when he founded the Eastern Kingdom of God, he had more than 300,000 people and tens of thousands of iron people. He did not take it out.

Pretending to be, it's ridiculous that the goods should show off her eight deities in the presence of his master-level creator.

Anyone who pretends to be in the presence of the Son of God will eventually be dissuaded by the Son of God, King Kong Lin Daiyu obviously does not know this. Ning Tao's low-key silence was also apparently regarded as envious and shocked by her, and a smile appeared on her face, saying, "Brother-in-law, if there is any scum **** bullying on this mountain, then Tell me, I'm covering. "

Ning Tao smiled: "Thank you Sister Lingzi."

He thought to himself, the next sentence will let me help expand the temple, right?

Sure enough, Xuanming Lingzi turned sharply: "Brother-in-law, go back to me to expand the temple after I go back. I asked my eight gods to worship and make them enjoyable. How about it?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Okay, I'll help Sister Lingzi expand the temple when I go back."

But it's just a hand, there's nothing to do, after all, Xuanwu Lingzi is the girlfriend of the wooden fish **** Alice.

As soon as he agreed, he knew that Xuanwu Lingzi followed, and the muscle-filled "scarf arm" suddenly clenched his shoulders and struck hard twice. In these two times, he felt the power of her pectoralis major muscle, which was quite horrible, but the muscles that looked like discus were not so hard, a bit soft and rigid, which was strange.

The wooden fish **** Alice looked at her girlfriend with a strange look, and said nothing, but the look seemed to say a lot.

I'm still here, how dare to talk to my male god?

When am I air!

Xuanwu Lingzi let go of Ning Tao and laughed, "My brother-in-law is so interesting."

The wooden fish **** Alice said, "What about me?"

Xuanwu Lingzi hesitated for a moment, and suddenly understood something, and hugged the wooden fish **** Alice: "My good sister, of course, is the best."

A smile appeared on Alice's face.

At this moment, a black and white divine cloud flew on the sky, and there was a **** standing on the head of the cloud, carrying a golden rod, wearing a golden chain mail, stepping on a silk footstep, and wearing a headset The golden wings of the phoenix wings are so prestigious. He was not tall, but his aura was very strong. When he came, worshipping the gods on the rooftop of the mountain felt like it was suddenly short. Some timid gods, ghosts with ghosts in their hearts even lowered their heads, and did not even dare to look at him.

Ning Tao looked at the **** that came from the cloud, and suddenly felt a kind feeling in his heart.

This deity is exactly the prehistoric Sunstar King he wants to see, the old generation's natural middleman of good and evil.

The Sunray King practiced the spiritual power of good and evil to the extreme. His spiritual power of good and evil has evolved into a good power of good and evil. Although Ning Tao is also a natural middleman of good and evil, he is also good and evil spiritual power, but he is in the immortal world. After turning around and obtaining that great fortune, his spiritual power of good and evil also evolved into a force of fortune. Therefore, his middle **** of good and evil is actually the creator in the coat of good and evil.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Nanmen Xunxian was able to study the ancestral ancestral dandelion and obtain that great fortune, wouldn't it still be the star emperor?

Unfortunately, Nanmen Xunxian failed to become a god, or she could be seen here.

What a lovely scene to show your love to the gods and prehistoric wives, and sprinkle some dog food!

The black-and-white God Cloud slowly descended, and the cloak on the back of the Sun King fluttered with the wind, and the force was really high.

Beside, a **** spoke in a low voice.

"The evil **** is here again. I heard that he killed a dragon that had been robbed from the immortal world yesterday."

"So what kind of dragon, I heard that the earth dragon from a small place, only two legs, the neck of the elder elder, seems to be called ... Oh, I remember, called Liang Long."

Ning Tao almost came out with two black sweats on his forehead. I do n’t know if the two whispering gods said that Liang Liang was a dinosaur of the dinosaurs on the earth. If it is, then Sun Xingjun would be too bad. Now, Liang Liang is a grazing dragon, so he managed to cross over to Shenshan, but he killed them with a single stick. This really became a **** of mountains. If Heaven removes evil, I am afraid that the first one to be defeated is that he is not the Sun King.

The wooden fish **** Alice came to Ning Tao's side and whispered: "Male god, the one who drives the black and white clouds is God Mountain who is an unruly star king. Be careful not to provoke him."

Ning Tao said, "What will happen to him?"

"Oh, my god, all the gods who provoke him were killed by him." Alice the wooden fish **** looked nervous.

Even King Kong Lin Daiyu was honest and didn't even say a word. He looked nervously at the black and white **** cloud, for fear of landing on this side.

The situation she didn't want happened, but the black and white Shenyun didn't land anywhere. She flew a circle on the rooftop, and then landed straight to the two goddess of dregs and Ning Tao.

The wooden fish **** Alice and Vajra Lin Daiyu didn't even dare to look at Ri Xingjun.

Only Ning Tao stared straight at the star of the sun.

The real human star is exactly the same as the corpse.

Looking at his face and spirit, Ning Tao felt that his son Ning Xingjun was a bit like the sunless king. After all, his son was the reincarnation of the sunless king. The seed was his, but the soul was sunless.

Ning Tao's heart sighed: "Oh, converge, you can't rub a grain of sand into your eyes. Such a character will suffer a lot."

Although I don't know when the sun will fall, but thinking that he will fall eventually, the sentimental heart is still a little sad.

Ji Ri Xing Jun also looked at Ning Tao, and frowned slightly after one glance: "What?"

Ning Tao smiled slightly: "Hey."

The wooden fish **** Alice was so nervous that she stretched out Laningtao's sleeve.

Sure enough, Ji Rixing's voice turned cold: "Try again?"

Ning Tao don't overdo it.


I'm dad!

How dare you talk to dad like this!

Forget it, it's not appropriate to make trouble here, I will bear with this filial son.

"Where do you come from?" Bu Ri Xing Jun asked again.

Ning Tao glanced at him again: "I come from earth on earth ~ ~ a small place, where do you come from?"

Ji Rixing's tone was arrogant: "I've always been."

Ning Tao: "..."

"When did you come and what kind of deity should you seal?" Bu Ri Xing Jun asked again.

Ning Tao said, "I just arrived, and my destiny sent my son."

"Send the **** of son?" Fuji Xingjun probed his hand, and added a bamboo slip in his hand.

This bamboo slip Ning Tao is familiar, isn't that the original bamboo slip in the Tianwai Clinic? Can judge good and evil, as well as the goodwill and evil of sin.

"Hold it." Fuji Xingjun handed the ledger bamboo slip to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao stared silently at Xingjun.

Boy, this is to judge good and evil for father!

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