Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1566: The atmosphere that should be in the last days

After another ten seconds, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not return.

Ning Tao was still reluctant to hold his breath, but as time passed, his heart became more and more anxious and more and more nervous, and he was so anxious to walk around in situ.

A minute passed, and there was still a pool of flesh on the ground.

Ning Tao roared: "You lied to me! You came back! I don't want to kill you, don't you want to listen to Ning Dani calling your mother!"

Only his own voice was reverberating in the empty realm, and the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, did not respond at all.

Ning Tao's tears burst into tears, and the voice of his voice choked: "You said you would recover, you lied to me ... you are dead, but I still haven't found nothing to kill nothing, why are you so stupid, This way you can find a way to kill Wu, he, he will make you like him? "

The flesh and blood on the ground is still not responding at all, and there is no response in this absolute realm from the wisdom goddess Hemia.

Ning Tao plopped on her knees in front of a pool of flesh, and held up in her hands the flesh and blood of the goddess of wisdom, but he did not know whether it was her **** or anything else. At this moment, his heart was broken. He always wanted to kill her, and even when facing Ning Dani, he could think of righteousness and felt that if he could succeed, he must also start. But when she died in front of him, he was so miserable.

Suddenly, the flesh held in the palm of his hand glowed a little golden light, and there were countless runes of 0 and 1 in that golden light.

Ning Tao's heart suddenly ignited hope and said with excitement: "Hurry back! Come back soon!"

Pieces of flesh flew from all directions, flesh to flesh, bone to bone, blood to blood, and the body of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, quickly restored in Ning Tao's palms. However, compared with the speed of no, her recovery speed is still very slow, this time it took a full minute to fully restore.

Ning Tao just didn't know what part of her flesh was holding her, and the answer was revealed one minute later, it was really her ass.

"Are you ... okay?" Ning Tao was moved to cry.

"I'm fine. Did you find a way?" The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, was concerned about this.

Ning Tao was silent again. Just now he had been fully absorbed. He didn't think about other messy things, but he won't gain by concentrating. This time he blasted the entire goddess of wisdom, Hemia, but he still couldn't find a way to kill Wu Wu.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, is also silent. Although she also knows that it is not easy to find a way to kill nothing, her heart is still disappointed and her mood is very low.

The black rainstorm is still endless, the black water flows along the terrain to the low-lying places, and some places even have black rivers. The whole world is filled with the stench of sour, as if there are countless corpses buried shallowly.

The goddess of wisdom, Shemya, moved a bit, only to find that the **** of giving the child kept holding her corps, and jumped from his hand in a hurry.

Ning Tao just put away her messy thoughts, but also avoided the skeptical look of the goddess of wisdom.

He didn't really want to send her hundreds of millions of pocket money, heaven and earth, but he knew that she must be doubting him at this moment. I don't care anymore, the **** of giving the child is this god, think what she loves.

"Come again, I believe you will find a way to kill Wu Wu." Said the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

However, Ning Tao shook his head: "This matter is useless in urgency. I just killed you 10,000 times and did not find the source of the problem. We still can't solve the problem."

"What then?"

Ning Tao said, "Come with me to Jizo City. You may also see Ning Dani. After I say goodbye to my family, we go to Shenshan, where we want to kill Wu Wu. You are the goddess of wisdom and have no choice You must have his reason. I am a man of choice. It is no accident that I can go to this step today. It is God's will. So I think that we can think of a way to kill Wu Wu together. "

The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, was silent.

Ning Tao thought for a while and then said, "The child is still young, and you have n’t told her your true identity. You follow me to Jizo City. If you do n’t want to see my family, I will bring the child out. You can meet alone. ?"

The goddess of wisdom Hemia was still silent, hesitant.

Ning Tao said: "You are Ning Dani's biological mother. You refuse to even meet her. Are you too cruel?"

The Goddess of Wisdom Sighia sighed: "Well, I will go to Jizo City with you, but I will not enter the city, I will wait for you outside, you can bring the child out."

"Okay, that's it." Ning Tao's mouth showed a smile.

He also feels that this method of treatment is the best. The identity of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, is special. If he takes her directly to Jizo City and meets his fairy wife and godwife at home, it is really difficult to explain. Maybe a rage broke out on the spot. At that time, was he helping his wife or his wife?

Let alone face this kind of problem, just feel a headache.

Jizo City.

Rumo's sky was covered with dark clouds, and large black raindrops poured down. It dried up for hundreds of years, even thousands of years. But the water is definitely not the water that humans and animals can drink, but the ink-like water that emits the smell of corpses.

The entire sky is slowly spinning, slowly sinking, dark energy is everywhere, plants are withered, and animals are exposed to the wilderness.

However, in Jizo City, Zuji supported the energy shield and closed the entrance of Jizo City. The black rainwater did not flow into Jizo City. Dark energy is also isolated, and the immortal people in Jizo City can only see the terrible doomsday scene and are not harmed.

But even when I saw it, the sight of the end was still scary. The immortal people in the city gathered in the square in front of the Temple of Deity to worship God and pray for peace. As the high priest, Lang Xianghun presided over the worship service himself and said many words of encouragement and comfort, but with little effect. Fear and despair still spread like a virus in Jizo.

In the temple, a large group of fairies and goddesses also kneeled in the temple to pray. They prayed to their own men, which is also a rare situation in the faith world. But there is nothing they can do. The world changes suddenly, the scene of doomsday comes so suddenly, the entire Jizo City has fallen into panic, they must calm the hearts of the people, so there is also a large group of sisters gathered to worship their men Wonderful things.

But it's just doing things, no one really prays to his man. A large group of children are playing games in a corner of the temple, laughing and laughing, which is completely different from the solemn and sacred prayer scenes outside.

The bear children of the Ning family don't care whether the sky is falling or not, as long as they are happy.

"Where has the husband gone? It's been a few days since this was gone, and it has changed all day, and he will not go home." Tang Zixian complained, and then sighed again.

"Fu Jun must be busy sending sons outside, after all, he is the God of Destiny to send sons." Bai Jing said with a smile.

Jiang Hao said, "Oh, this is all

Now, this day is about to collapse, and you still have thoughts about your husband. "

Qing Zhui said, "Just, don't say it, worship God honestly."

Undead Fire Phoenix was trying to say something, and suddenly saw Ning Xingjun climbing up from a stigma. She then scolded: "Xingjun, what are you doing? You come down to the old lady, or I will hit you!"

Ning Xingjun looked back at the undead phoenix, but had to come down, spit out his tongue at the undead phoenix, and made a grimace.

"Oh, your child dare to make a face for the old lady, don't stop me, I need to teach this rotten boy." The face of the undead fire phoenix was going to hit someone.

Aside, Bai Huxi'er said, "Sister, no one is stopping you. I was meant to pull you, but I didn't even stretch my hand to hear you say that."

Undead Phoenix: "..."

What is this plastic flower sisterhood?

Soft Tianyin, Lin Qingyu, wetland sisters Wetwood Runhua and A Shibo murmured aside.

"Don't worry, my husband is so powerful, he will definitely solve the problem." Soft Tianyin said, with a sweet smile on his face, "I think he is back. How should I wait for him to make him comfortable? It feels like home. Do n’t laugh, this is our responsibility as wives. "

Lin Qingying said, "No one laughs at you, soft sister."

Wet wood Runhua said, "What will you eat tonight?"

A Shibo thought for a moment: "The chefs in the palace are worshipping outside. No one may cook. I miss Miss Hualang. When I think about him, I can't help swallowing."

Wet wood Runhua sighed: "Don't tell me, my drool is almost flowing out, I really don't know, when the unconscience will come back to me to eat."

As soon as her voice fell, the temple's lock wall suddenly radiated a golden light, then opened a portal, and a slender figure came out of the golden glittering portal.

"Ning Aiqing is back!" Zoji Er was so excited, "hahaha!"

Ning Tao is back.

A large group of women and children surrounded them suddenly, babbling, and the temple was full of women and children's voices, and the picture was lively and warm.

Ning Tao finally had a chance to speak: "Don't worry, this world will not be destroyed, I have found a way to kill Wu Wu, I will completely eradicate his tumor."

"Dad, I want you to hug."

"Dad, I want to hold high."

"Dad, did you bring something delicious?"

"Dad, I want to pee ~ ~ Daddy ..."

A large group of children gathered around Ning Tao. Several agile men crawled onto him early, some dug his nostrils, some twisted his ears, some plucked his eyelids, and plucked his beard.

"Ninghu, you silly son, don't use your tiger nails to scratch your dad's beard. If you cut off half, your dad will tie your mother with his beard." Bai Huxi'er voice, "If you really want to play, you Just pull your beard, fool! "

Ning Tao: "..."

The world is going to be destroyed!

What is this atmosphere?

What kind of family is this?

Is there no normal person?

Ning Tao felt a mess of sadness in his heart. He said such a serious matter, why no one listened to him?

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