Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1567: Great motherhood

The rainstorm poured down endlessly and there was no sign of rest. There are several large rivers on the ground in Jizo City. The ink-like rivers are pouring, exuding a sour odor and flowing to the low-lying places. Where the black river flows, the vegetation withers and the vitality disappears.

If it is the sand of death that devours the immortal realm, Ning Tao can also use the Three Realms Seal to open the cracks in space, which will attract the real sand to deal with. But the world and the mill started, and the sky rained, and the whole sky was spinning and sinking, and he was powerless. Going on like this, it won't take long for the whole world to merge into one, and at that time the real things will return to zero.

Now, in this situation, Jizo City is pretty good. There are two guardians of Insects. Other cities only have some ordinary fairy guardians. How difficult it will be to survive, then you can imagine.

But Ning Tao can no longer take care of them. This is the calamity of the entire world. What if he ran back and forth to save ten cities? The key to the problem is none, and the problem can be solved by removing it, so his goal is nothing, and it can only be nothing. However, how can he kill Wu, he still has no clue in his heart.

"Dad, where are you taking me?" Ning Dani said curiously when the golden **** cloud flew out of the energy shield supported by Zushi Er.

Ning Tao put away her confused thoughts and said softly, "Dad takes you to see ... an aunt."

He originally wanted to say take her to see his mother, but then thought about it, he had let Ning Dani recognize Ashibo as a mother, and Ning Dani and Ashibo got along well, and suddenly told her to take her It was not appropriate to meet her mother. However, it was inappropriate to say that she was a biological mother and said she was an aunt.

Let it be, only that.

"What kind of aunt?" Ning Dani asked.

Ning Tao said, "Uh, very beautiful aunt."

"Is my mother pretty?" Ning Dani asked again.

Ning Tao casually said, "Well, as beautiful as your mother."

"I went back and told my mother that you took me to see the pretty aunt." Ning Dani said.

Ning Tao: "..."

"Dad, is this rain so black?" Ning Dani asked.

"This ... this rain is sick, so it rains black."

"God get sick?"

"This one……"

"Why is the river below black?"

"Uh ..." Ning Tao had a headache. The child always had such strange questions. He didn't know how to answer some questions.

There was a sudden flare of fire among a mountain stream.

Ning Tao, who was looking for him, was guided and flew into the mountain stream under the golden **** cloud.

Under a cliff, a woman was sitting on a stone, and a bonfire was burning in front of her. Under the blazing fire, her face was as bright as gold.

She is the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

Ning Tao lowered the golden **** cloud and hugged Ning Dani toward the bonfire.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia stood up and stared straight at Ning Dani in Ning Tao's arms. Her eyes looked complicated, excited, happy, sad, and a trace of motherhood that was hard to find.

She betrayed nothing. This was not because she was awakened and influenced by justice, but only because of Ning Dani, the child in Ning Tao's arms. Motherhood is great, a mother can give her life for her child, let alone betray one person?

Ning Dani also stared at the goddess of wisdom, Shemya, and her eyes were full of curiosity.

Ning Tao said, "Dani, this is the aunt I want to bring you to see. Her name is ..."

Goddess of Wisdom interrupted

Ning Tao's words: "My name is Sialis."

Ning Tao stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood her intention to give the name to herself. The name Sialis was full of two people, one was the goddess of wisdom, the other was Daenerys.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia was resurrected by Daenerys 'body, Daenerys' soul disappeared, but she left? No, Ning Dani is a link to Daenerys' soul. The child born from her belly not only awakened the motherhood of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, but also awakened her soul and humanity.

Is the woman standing in front of him the goddess of wisdom, Hemia?

Yes, but she is also Hiales. The combination of the goddess of wisdom Shemia and Daenerys.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia stretched out her hands, and a gentle smile appeared on her face: "Come, Danny, aunt hug."

Ning Dani hid in Ning Tao's arms and refused to pass, and said, "Do you have something delicious?"

The hand of Goddess of Wisdom Hemia froze in the air, then she looked at Ning Tao for help.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly, it was really a child brought out by A Shibo, and her mouth was delicious. He was so distraught that he released a golden fruit from the Japanese gourd.

The fruit flew straight into the hands of the goddess of wisdom. She followed and handed the fruit to Ning Dani, flatteringly, "Dani, auntie will give you a fruit to eat, and let the auntie hug."

Ning Dani took the golden fruit, and then she passed Ning Tao's arms and got into Dainalis's arms.

The moment he held Ning Dani, the goddess of wisdom Hemia's face suddenly showed a sweet and gentle smile. Ning Dani took a sip of fruit, and she couldn't help but kiss her on Ning Dani's small face.

"Small face, one fruit is not enough," Ning Dani said.

Goddess of Wisdom: "..."

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "The mother who took her was A Shibo, who was a foodie. The child was taken away."

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, said with a smile: "I think it's good, don't all the children greedy?" She said to Ning Dani again, "Dani, next time your aunt will bring you a lot of good food?

"Okay, auntie you are so beautiful." Ning Dani said.

The smile on the face of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, was even sweeter: "Oh, Dani can really speak."

Ning Dani followed up with another sentence: "But my father has more than a dozen wives, and I also have a dozen mothers. One is more beautiful than the other, and my mother is the most beautiful, so you are not beautiful, so don't hit my father's idea."

The smile on the face of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, froze.

Ning Tao covered her forehead.

This bear boy, how can you say your father like that?

I do n’t know, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia made up another knife. After a moment of stiffness, she said with a smile, "Danny, your father has more than a dozen wives. Your father has many wives."

Ning Tao: "..."

Ning Dani stunned Ning Tao: "Dad, how much delicious you want to buy me, or I will tell my mother this secret."

Ning Tao wanted to spank her, but the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, seemed to have expected it, and took a step back in advance. She also covered Ning Dani's small **** with one hand and did not give him the opportunity to spank.

"How can you protect a calf like this?" Ning Tao said with a smile.

He said so, but he was very happy. This shows that the mother of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, was really awake, otherwise she would not protect the calves. Although Ning Dani did not know that the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, was her biological mother, her mother did not leave.

"Let me stay alone with Danny," said the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, with longing in her eyes.

Ning Tao nodded his head and he stepped out of the cliff. For the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, there are not many opportunities to spend time with Ning Dani alone. It can be said that it is precious. He does not need to stay here as a light bulb.

The black raindrops poured down from the top of the head, and was bounced off by the energy field on him, so he could not touch his clothes and skin at all. He glanced up at the sky. The sky was still dark, and all the black clouds were slowly rotating with the sky, not clockwise, but counterclockwise.

"Heaven and earth, how can I stop it?" Ning Tao pondered, but still had no clue.

He glanced back. The goddess of wisdom, Hemia, held Ning Dani, trying to make Ning Dani laugh. Her performance was clumsy, but she was so serious.

This scene reflected in his eyes, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

For a time, he took in the energy field of his body, and the black raindrops were unblocked, hitting him with his head and face covered. The burning sensation of acid corrosion on the skin suddenly disappeared. Naturally, he wouldn't have any problems, but the creatures of this fairyland are suffering. Such a rain of death falls on the bodies of ordinary humans and beasts, and their skin will fester, and their chances of life will be swallowed up.

It is conceivable that when he was in a daze here, he didn't know how many lives died in this death rain.

There was a laugh behind Ning Dani, and the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, finally made her laugh.

After a while, the voice of the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, came from behind her: "She is asleep."

Ning Tao gathered his thoughts, and the seal of fortune shook slightly. The energy field was diffused again. The black raindrops were immediately isolated. The rain on his body was completely decomposed and disappeared, as dry as ever. He walked under the cliff, and the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, was sitting next to the bonfire holding Ning Dani. The bear child curled up and fell asleep in her arms. There was a uniform snoring sound in her little mouth, and one in her nostril The snot bubble stretched and shrunk with her breathing, and the eyes of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, were full of pampering and tranquility.

Ning Tao sat down next to the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and said a few moments of silence: "Send Danny back later, let's go to Shenshan."

Goddess of Wisdom Nomia nodded: "I think so too."

Ning Tao said: "You want to see her in the future, you can come at any time."

The goddess of wisdom quietly said: "Can I still have a chance?"

Ning Tao looked into her eyes: "How can there be a chance? You are Danny's mother, I think Ashibo will understand ~ ~ The goddess of wisdom also looked at Ning Tao:" I said It ’s not this, I ’m talking about ... this time, I probably wo n’t be able to return. "

Ning Tao said: "No, you will be fine."

The goddess of wisdom, Shemia, smiled bitterly, but did not say what she wanted to say, but she bowed her head and kissed Ning Dani's forehead, and then she passed Ning Dani into Ning Tao's arms.

"Don't you want to hold for a while?" Ning Tao asked her.

The goddess of wisdom said: "I want to hold her like this until she wakes up. If she wants to, I will always hold her, but we do n’t have time to send her to her Ashibo Go, we should leave. "

Ning Tao nodded, got up and opened a door of convenience, and then went in. A few seconds later, he returned to the cliff. He stared at Hemia, the goddess of wisdom, and both jumped forward and flew into the dark sky.

Shenzhou was already waiting there.

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