Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1592: everywhere

Absolute spheres control everything?

It also depends on who is in control.

This temple is the absolute realm of nothing. Ning Tao does have some restrictions in this temple, but it is far from being controlled. After all, how can he be easily controlled if he is an existence that even stars can create?

Absolute realm is in control of everything, it's nothing but wishful thinking. Just like now, his thin arm can't stop Ning Tao's thick arm at all, he can only watch Ning Tao's forefinger pinch down.


Blood flower splatter.

None of the 0s are popped.

"Ah!" Wu screamed.

Before, at the entrance of the temple, Ning Tao smashed his waist and even knocked him alive. He didn't cry out. But now, Ning Tao just blew up one of his eyes, but he was so painful, nervous and frightened.

The force of good fortune and the energy of runes poured into the eyes of Wu, his eyes quickly festered and disintegrated.

But this is just the beginning. His eyes are followed by his brain. The virus-like energy merges into his brain, and his brain begins to collapse and disintegrate.

The runes of the sky are rotten and no longer restored.

Ning Tao stood up and stepped toward the head that was lying on the ground.

Just now no one foot broke his avatar to the ground, now he gave him the same foot.

"You go to death!" Ning Tao screamed an angry roar.


Wu's head turned into a puddle of flesh, and the golden blood sprayed with black sand.

Ning Tao suddenly stunned at the scene.

The brain plasma should be white, but the brain brain is the sand of death.

Wu's headless corpse began to disintegrate, and the runes of the sky annihilated.

Ning Tao probed a move, and a sand of death flew into his hand, and he passed the sand of death to his eyes.

There is a rune of heaven shining in the grain of death sand, perfectly combined with dark energy.

Without waiting for him to take a closer look, the sand of death also disintegrated, and finally the rune of the sky was annihilated. There was nothing left in Ning Tao's palm, as if everything was just an illusion.

This was also the case when he killed the trapper.

The immortal catcher is just a fake **** created, but even if it is a fake god, it is not something that ordinary gods can beat.

The godless body is more than tens of thousands of meters away. Obviously this is not his true godly body.

He didn't kill Wu, but a "robot".

When this thought came out, Ning Tao suddenly realized what, his power of fortune and rune energy carried thousands of thoughts and spread out in all directions.

He killed without two times, but never saw the soul without it.

But whether it is the original skinny old man or the tens of thousands of meters of pseudo-god at the moment, he can feel the existence of a soul. He killed Wu Wu twice, but after each kill, he can't feel Wu Ling's soul.

The force of creation and the energy of runes searched the entire temple with thousands of gods, stigmas, walls, floor tiles, roofs, and no place was missed. An amazing discovery also appeared in front of Ning Tao, that is, the soul is everywhere in this temple!

None, everywhere!

"Come out!" Ning Tao shouted. He had a feeling of being played, which made him angry.

His voice echoed in the empty temple, layer upon layer, like a group of angry bulls rushing back and forth.

No response, only the three holographic projections shaking back and forth at any time

Are likely to disintegrate.

In that holographic projection, half of Shenshan is gone, and the immortal world is dark, and even the stars in the world are much fewer, and a large dark area is added.

If this holographic projection is a timely projection of the three realms, then the three realms are already in a very dangerous situation.

Ning Tao's heart was anxious and angry, and she kicked her head toward a pillar.


Hundreds of thousands of meters of pillars burst into pieces, small and large pieces scattered on the ground. But in a blink of an eye, the fragments returned to their original position and restored the pillar.

Without killing, even a pillar is so abominable.

However, after venting this time, Ning Tao calmed down, and his heart secretly said: "I and Hemia 10 combined and obviously got the sword that killed Wu Wu, why ca n’t he kill him? And this temple, I easily It can be destroyed, why can it still be restored? Isn't my so-called knife actually useless at all? But why is it so powerful on Hemia, I almost killed her in that attempt ... "

A non-sounding voice suddenly appeared in the temple: "You killed me, I thought you would be very happy, but there is not even a smile on your face. I am still alive. Does this make you so unhappy?"

There was a joke in the voice.

Ning Tao cleared away the thoughts in her heart, and surrounded the head, and then said a few moments of silence: "I see. Your rune body is far higher and stronger than the rune body of Hemia. In this space, you can Reshape yourself countless times. In this space, your life is infinite. But the space made by the runes of this day does not belong to you, you control only this temple, and you, you are This temple. "

"Hahaha ..." Wu laughed echoing in the temple.

Ning Tao took the body of God and walked towards the temple gate.

He had previously been burned by Wu Jin's eyes, and now he has recovered. There is no trace of burns on his body.

"Would you like to go?" No voice came.

"Yes, you are so **** smart." Ning Tao replied, walking nonstop to the gate.

This temple is the absolute realm of Wu. Although Wu can not dominate him, he is restricted everywhere, but Wu is here a hundred times more powerful, which means that he is the same as an invader in his own body. machine. He stayed, he couldn't kill Wuwu, so he had to go out, and then thought he would not ruin Wuwu's temple!

"Where are you when you are here, do you want to come, just leave if you want to go?" The voice fell, the void shuddered, and no one appeared again.

Even the tens of thousands of meters high that had just been detonated by Ning Tao appeared on the pedestal out of thin air, wearing thirteen crowns of dzi beads, and pressing the **** king's sword in his hand. The sword didn't seem to be an ornament, but in the previous combat power, it did not shed its sheath.

It's just that there is no need to know anything. Ning Tao did not use the god's body before the statue of tens of thousands of meters in height. It was just an ant at the foot of the giant. Does the giant have to pull his sword to chop an ant? Leaving aside the flexibility of that ant, let's just say that using a large 10,000-meter-long sword to chop an ant isn't it appropriate?

Ning Tao stopped and turned to look at Wu.

Nothing is still like that, his body is as thin as a wood, and there is not even a thread on his body.

An old man appeared in front of himself several times like this, and Ning Tao felt really sick. But Wu seems to like it very much. He can obviously gather a set of energy armors, but he doesn't want to.

Ning Tao's body was originally nothing, but at the moment he turned around, he condensed a set of energy armors, using pure runic energy, with 0 and 1 flowing all over his body.

Nothing faintly said: "Why are you doing this?

This is what it is like to be born. The reason to put on clothes to isolate yourself from nature is to highlight yourself as a person, the difference from all things, or something else? "

Ning Tao said, "No, I just don't want to be like you. You are so spicy."

A smile appeared on the corner of Wu ’s mouth: “It turned out that you were just showing your body in front of a woman. I really ca n’t understand it. Your level of thought can reach such a high level now. Oh my god, it ’s not long. Eyes are not fair at all. "

"I don't have time to beep with you." Ning Tao turned around and walked away. Nothing was behind him, but this time he didn't even have the thought of killing nothing.

Nothing said, "Did you not hear what I said to you just now?"

"I can't kill you, but if I leave, you can't stop me." Ning Tao said, non-stop.

No one snapped a French seal.

The 100,000-meter-high roof, stigma, walls, and floor tiles at the feet spewed out 1's and 0's, and then piled into a human shape. In a blink of an eye, a large number of women appeared at the door of the temple. Human women, non-human women, one is more beautiful than the other is sexy.

He smiled and said, "Send the child, aren't you the **** of destiny and the child? These women have no children, so give them a child. Rest assured, I will never attack you when you give them children . Conversely, if you like them, you can always be with them. "

At least thousands of beautiful women came to Ning Tao, one by one called the God of Sending a Child, one voice more than the other, thousands of voices, thousands of languages ​​together, and that voice can melt human bones.

Ning Tao clearly knew that they were all women composed of heavenly runes, but where he had seen such battles for a while, he had a bit of an instinct to react.

This reaction was captured without a trace, he said with a smile: "You see, your heart is moving, go, you will never regret it, they are all flesh and blood, not fake."

The women who created these many flesh and blood in an instant were thousands of races and words. Also the Creator, the means of creation without creation is obviously much smarter.

Ke Ningtao's surprise and reaction took only a second or two, and then he calmed down. He also figured out that the reason why he would be in a daze and have a reaction, it was actually the voices of the women who were not calling him by name or calling him merry, but were chanting mantras.

"The eagle worm wants to stay with me?" Ning Tao snorted coldly, and shot it with a palm. A French seal flew out, Jin Mang flashed, and a wooden fish suddenly appeared in the void.

Ning Tao's thoughts moved, and the wooden fish sounded.

Uh, uh ...

The sound of Muyu's voice shone through the temple, and the mantras of those women's mouths immediately lost their mana, and their bodies stopped dead, no longer doing those seductive and seductive moves ~ ~ The corners of Wu mouth were exposed A smile: "Interesting."

But at this instant, Ning Tao's body shot a thousand feet of golden light, the god's body appeared, and he would step on the floor without stepping. After that, he jumped forward and slammed into the temple door.

The force of creation and rune energy on the body of God flow like gold soup.


The two door panels were knocked alive, the debris flew across, and then quickly restored.

After a second, the gate of the temple was restored.

But this second is enough time for Ning Tao to do a lot of things.

After the gate was restored, there was no figure of the **** of sending the child in the temple, nor was there outside the gate.

Stepped on the ground, slowly stood up from the ground, his face was ugly.

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