Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1603: Lifeless gate

In the early morning of the next day, Ning Tao stepped out of the Xuanming Shield Seal's energy shield again, and came to the wilderness to cultivate the true power.

Wu has already become a statue on the edge of the platform of the Supreme Temple.

Although Ning Tao had no use to spy on the face without it, he could also imagine the face without this moment, that face must be hard to see at this moment, and the eyes on that face must also be full of doubtful light.

Ning Tao ignored him, reached out and printed his seal, and began to practice the power of truth. The runes of heaven in the void are constantly flowing into the true seal of the palm, and then refined into real power. The blue energy in the world inside him is more and more pure.

This time, he practiced for two full hours before finishing the practice. With the strengthening of his true seal and true power, he practiced longer and longer.

He wondered in his heart that one day he would be able to go up to the highest heaven temple when he practiced, which was almost the same as the time he originally estimated.

Slightly adjusted and operated the true power of the world in the body, Ning Tao stood up from the ground and looked up at the sky.

Wu also stood on the edge of the platform, overlooking the marks of chaos on the ground.

There was a sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth. "Old miscellaneous hair, I will let you live another day, I will kill you after a while."

Of course, he couldn't hear his voice, but just when he closed his mouth, Wu opened his eyes suddenly, a golden light burst out, passed through the void of hundreds of thousands of meters, and instantly hit the chaos on the ground. Of the seal.


An earth-shattering loud noise, the energy shield of the Seal of Chaos suddenly sunk, and numerous cracks appeared on the hemispherical cover.

No one can't hold his breath.

Ning Tao needed to repair the energy shield of the Seal of Chaos by moving his mind, but he did not do so. He wants to show weakness, he only needs to fight for a little more time a day, and now it doesn't make sense to do nothing.

Without energy support, the energy shield of the Chaos Seal did not persist for a few seconds, and then collapsed under the golden light without eyes, turning into a rune of the sky, scattered everywhere.

The energy shield of the Seal of Chaos disappeared, Ning Tao avoided the golden light in advance, and then shouted, "White beard, you old hair, you have a kind of fight! I kill you like a dog!"

The golden light disappeared, and the sound of no sound came down from the sky. "The madness! The Three Realms are about to be destroyed, but you still have your mind here to grind my tongue, aren't you saying you want to save the Three Realms, you should go to the Three Realms in accordance with your destiny Saving sentient beings, this is what you should do as a chosen person. "

The goods actually want to flicker away?

It seemed that he was really inaccurate, and then a little nervous.

Ning Tao thought this way, but his face remained calm. In order to increase the confusion, he deliberately looked around and made a look in search of nothing.

"You don't want to lie to me, you must kill you to save the Three Realms, that's what I should do!" Ning Tao looked at the other direction and said loudly.

"Hahaha ..." Wu's wild laughter echoed throughout the rune space, layering like waves of rage, making people confused about the direction.

But he didn't know that Ning Tao had seen his temple and him clearly.

In acting, the **** of giving has always been stuck.

"You old man, what are you laughing at?" Ning Tao continued, cursing "You are just a turtle with a shrinking head, do you dare to come down and fight with me?"


"I am the sky, and you want to kill me, that is to kill the sky. Aside from whether you can kill me or not, I won't say, it's just your thought, that's the worst sin, be a scum!"

Ning Tao erected his **** against the sky as a response.

A golden light suddenly shot out of Wu's vertical eyes, but this time he attacked Ning Tao, but attacked the shield of energy of Xuanming Shield not far away.

Once the mysterious shield shield energy shield is destroyed, the Dongshan people and Hemia hiding in it will appear, and there will also be Dongshan people surviving. If he suddenly appears in the temple, the golden light of extinction, Then the surviving Dongshan people and Hemia will be destroyed.

The fox, indeed, is old and cunning, and suddenly attacked while talking to Ning Tao.

However, Ning Tao did not move this time last year, and he did not have any idea of ​​stopping and saving.


Jin Guang struck through the void of hundreds of thousands of meters and hit the shield of Xuanming Shield, which was even more violent than before. However, the energy shield of Xuanming Shield only shakes a few times, and then transfers the energy of golden light to the ground.

Ning Tao looked at the other direction and said, "Old miscellaneous hair, if you want to see what I do in it, you have to come down. You come down, I will take you in to visit, I promise you that I will never do anything to you. "

No sneer said, "You just want to lie to me with this little trick? So I'm too lazy to look at you. You just stay here until the Three Realms are destroyed. You don't have much time, so why should I see you in general?"

Having said that, Wu turned and entered the temple, and the 10,000-meter-high door closed suddenly.

Ning Tao did not stay in the wilderness for a long time, and then returned to the shield of Xuanming Shield Energy.

A group of Dongshan people gathered in the open space of the camp. Dongshan Polly was comforting the child who was frightened and crying. Hemia looked solemnly above the energy shield. Her eyes were full of tension and worry. In such an environment of "exposure" death, she was actually very scared, but she didn't show it.

The women who lived with the **** of giving birth were afraid of death. After tasting the sweet and sweet life, who would die?

As soon as Ning Tao came back, Hemia greeted him. "Father, what's the matter, is there no killing?"

Ning Tao said, "I ca n’t wait for him to kill, but the old hair is very cunning. He wants to know what I'm doing, but he doesn't dare to come down, so he attacks the energy shield with an attack. But you don't need to worry, this energy shield him It can't be broken. "

Hearing Ning Tao's words, Hemia's expression relaxed. "That's good, you just need to stick to it for another day to kill him."

Dongshan Polly led a group of Dongshan people to worship Zizi.

Ning Tao walked over. "Bo Li, why are you kneeling down again, you are my woman, don't kneel, and you all get up, don't worry, the evil **** won't dare to come down, he can't hurt you."

Dongshan Polly then led a group of Dongshan people.

A little boy looked at Ning Tao and said timidly, "The great God of God, I want to catch fish in the water, can I?"

The mother of the child suddenly became tense, afraid that her son would offend Ning Tao, but he did not dare to reprimand her son, so he stood helpless.

Ning Tao smiled, came to the child, and reached out and touched the little boy's head. "Of course, but only in shallow water, not in deep water, or drowning."

At the moment of speaking, he injected a little force of fortune into the little boy's forehead, and his divine thought entered the little boy's eyes with that fortune.

The child originally wanted to run to catch fish by the pool, but as a result he stood still on the ground when he was stiff.

Ning Tao's mind emerged from the eyes of the little boy. He saw a seal of true life, completely opposite the attributes of Dongshan Polly.

At first, Ning Tao ’s divine thought entered Dongshan Polly ’s one-handed role. He opened Dongshan Polly with a god. That feeling was impossible for him to forget. He still remembers it clearly, but he entered the little boy ’s eyes. However, he didn't feel anything, and the seal of true devotion did not show any response.

Dongshan Polly once said that enlightening can only be a man enlightening a woman, and a woman is enlightened, and she also needs to eat fruit. From this perspective, what she said was true, but fortunately it was true.

Ning Tao's divine thoughts withdrew from the little boy's eyes, but the French seal in the little boy's eyes had been remembered by him.

Wu also had eyes, maybe even an ancient Dongshan tribe god. I do n’t know why he escaped from this space, went to the mountain, and then became the supreme god. Analyzing the seal of true life in the little boy's eyes, it is equivalent to analyzing nothing.

In fact, the whole process took only two or three seconds. After Ning Tao released his hand, the little boy ran towards the pool by throwing his legs.

The little boy's mother chased after him and whispered, "Child, be careful, run slowly!"

The little boy turned his tongue back and said, "Slightly!"

Dongshan people laughed.

Ning Tao also laughed, but his heart was heavy, why would anyone want to destroy it?

"Fu Jun, did you just now?" Dongshan Polly saw what.

Ning Tao nodded his head. "I saw the seal of life in his eyes. Contrary to your attributes, Wu's eyes should also have such a seal. I'll ponder."

"Then I'll catch the fish and grill it, and wait for you to go home for dinner." Dongshan Polly said.

She apparently entered the role of a newlywed wife.

Ning Tao smiled, then nodded. Then he went to a remote corner of the camp, and then used the power of creation to scribe the French seal in the little boy's eyes on the ground.

He did not portray the Dharma in his internal world. When he opened Dongshan Polly, he obtained a Dharma Seal, which was edited by the Seal of Creation and suitable for him, and rashly painted the Dharma Seal. In the world of the body ~ ~ there may be some bad results.

He held the golden seal on the ground, and the seal of creation was analyzing the seal.

Soon, a result appeared in his mind.

The Yin Yin of this true destiny is extremely heavy, and it is a zero at all.

0 breeds all things, representing life.

The infinite rebirth of Wu Sure was achieved through the eyeshadow of true life!

After getting this analytical result, Ning Tao also secretly rejoiced that he had not rashly engraved the true life method of the 0 attribute in the body world. If it had been engraved, wouldn't he have become 10 homogeneous? As a result, I think my back feels numb.

Ning Tao said secretly, "It seems that to kill Wu Wu, in addition to using the seal of real life and the power of real to grab his body, I have to find a way to attack his eyes and destroy the source of his rebirth!"


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