Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1604: Go up to the High Temple

The third day passed in an instant.

Compared with the happy atmosphere of last night, the gracious atmosphere in the stone house is like a scorching sun and a gloomy depression before the rainstorm.

Ning Tao is about to leave.

This battle is not only related to the fate of the Three Realms, but also to the fate of Ning Tao himself. The fate of the Three Realms, in fact, the two women do not care much, especially Dongshan Polly, she does not even know what the Three Realms look like, so how to talk about the fate of the Three Realms. For Hemia, Ning Tao is the most important. As for the existence or death of the Three Realms, she doesn't really care.

Ning Tao smiled: "What are you doing with such serious expressions? I'm here to kill Wuwu, not to kill him. With a smile, I'm triumphant."

Dongshan Polly then showed a smile, but she was obviously worried and worried, so she smiled more reluctantly.

Hemia didn't like to laugh at first, but now he couldn't laugh anymore. However, she managed to squeeze out a smile, but it seemed to be barely more than Dongshan Polly.

Ning Tao gave him a hug. Her height made him feel a little embarrassed. Her head just reached her chest, but she couldn't get through that much at this time. He said softly, "I will be here before I leave. Open a hole in the absolute realm. If I haven't returned before dark, you leave from this hole. "

Hemia said flatly: "No, if you don't come back, I will go out of this absolute realm, even if I die, I will die with you."

"You ..." Ning Tao wanted her to change her mind, but she didn't know how to persuade her, and he knew her, and her decision would never change.

Dongshan Polly said: "If my sister goes out, I will go out too. Our family of three will live together and die together."

Ning Tao reached out and pulled Dongshan Polly over and hugged.

After being gentle, Ning Tao let go of the two women: "You stay here and wait for me to come back, but you remember that you are dead when you come out, so no matter what happens outside, no matter how much movement, don't come out. "

Hemia nodded his head. "That old thing is cunning. Be careful."

Dongshan Polly also urged: "Fu Jun, I'll wait for you to come back, you must come back."

Ning Tao smiled at the two women, then walked away from the stone house, jumped up, and flew into the sky.

The farewell before the expedition should be just enough, and stay with two women, they are grinding discs, his spirit is about to be smoothed.

Hemia and Dongshan Polly chased out of the stone house, looking forward, Ning Tao quickly disappeared into their sight.

At this moment, the sky has not yet opened, and the accurate statement is that the sky has not yet been changed, and it is still the dark, black curtain, and it should be replaced with a dark blue curtain in a few moments.

The Supreme High Heaven Temple is hidden in this curtain, covered and guarded by the Rune Array of Heaven, but those Rune Arrays now appear to Ning Tao as the sacred armor of Hemia, God No thoughts left.

Flying at high speed, Ning Tao shells were generally fired at the Supreme Temple of Heaven.

His plan is simple, rush in and kill none!

If you can't kill it once, kill it again!

In a blink of an eye, Ning Tao came outside the guardian circle of the Supreme Celestial Temple. He did not stay in the slightest, and plunged in.

The Guardian Matrix of the Supreme Temple is not activated. For it, Ning Tao is now equal to "oneself" or a part of itself. In this case, it will not have any response.

Ning Tao settled on the platform in front of the temple and did not wait for him to go up to knock

Even before he spoke, there was no sound in the temple.

"How did you ... come here?" Wu's voice was full of surprise, and there was obvious tension.

Ning Tao sneered: "Do you think I can't see you? I was able to see you a few days ago, and you thought you were standing on the edge of the platform and monitoring me. Do you think you are stupid?"

Without a moment of silence, he said, "How did you find this place?"

He asked this once just now, but Ning Tao's words had no answer at all.

Ning Tao said, "Guess."

This time there was no silence longer.

Although he did not see his face, this did not prevent Ning Tao from imagining his extremely gloomy face at the moment.

"You and I will have to fight one after another. This time you can't hide, it's you who come out by yourself or I break in." Ning Tao said.

No no response.

Ning Tao said, "Are you thinking about how to get rid of me?"

None or no response.

Ning Tao laughed: "It's useless, you dare not leave here, but I'm in your temple now. Wherever you go, I can't get rid of me."

No silence at all times.

The 10,000-meter-high giant door of the temple was closed tightly, giving the impression that no one was at home.

"Looks like you want me to come in through the door." Ning Tao walked towards the gate of the temple.

But it didn't wait for Ning Tao to summon the **** body to kick in the past, or use his fist to blast out a hole, and the giant door ten thousand meters high suddenly opened, and a piece of golden light was shining through the crack of the door.

"Since you are determined to die, then I will fulfill you. I have tolerated you for such a long time.

Ning Tao walked in through the crack in the door.

The door that opened slightly closed again.

Ning Tao flew towards the end of the temple, and the 10,000-meter-high statue of the Supreme Heavenly Immediately arrived.

Nothing stood at the foot of the deity, with his back facing the direction of the gate of the temple.

His figure was as thin as a firewood, as if a slightly stronger wind could blow him to the sky.

He is so skinny, but it is this lousy old man who cannot bear the wind. The Three Realms are suffering from the annihilation of the world because of him, and countless lives die for him every moment.

But the bad old man who did such an unforgivable thing, but he still has the freedom to pose here.

Ning Tao settled behind Wu Wu.

Although this time came with the determination to be successful without success, although the goal was in front of him, he didn't do it immediately.

However, this is not a dog-blood plot in a TV series. The protagonist must give the bad guys a chance to argue and beep at critical moments before he starts. The protagonist will always miss the opportunity to kill the bad guys for some inexplicable reason. It goes without saying that we are developing into the Changli.

He didn't do it immediately, just out of respect.

Respecting opponents is actually respecting yourself.

No matter what, we can't escape, escape will only die faster.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry.

He is a hunter, but nothing that falls into his trap.

He was standing outside the pit of the trap at this moment, but not in the pit.

Wu turned around and stared at Ning Tao with three eyes. The look was complicated.

This time, there was no golden light in his eyes, and the eyes of the three eyes were abnormally calm.

Four eyes were opposite, no sound.

After a while, Wucai broke the silence between the two, and his tone was very flat.

Jing: "Are there any surviving Dongshan people under your shield of French Seal?"

Ning Tao nodded.

Wu then said, "Is there a young Dongshan woman among the survivors?"

Ning Tao was speechless, but he nodded.

"I guess it's the female chief Dongshan Polly, and you're still sleeping with him." Nothing said.

Ning Tao was speechless.

This is how the God of the Son of God is. He is the mother of water that gathers all the water of the earth together, and I am afraid that it cannot be washed away.

"You opened her up and got some secrets about me, didn't you?" No question.

Ning Tao said: "Since you know, why bother asking me?"

Nothing said, "Not the same, I want to see you look surprised."

Ning Tao's face was calm, and there was no surprise in the wool.

With a sigh of relief, "When you came, I should have killed Dongshan Polly and all Dongshan people, but ... the love of one's heart."

Ning Tao said, "Don't you think it's God's will in the meditation?"

"God?" Nothing suddenly smiled: "Hahaha ..."

Ning Tao just looked at him and laughed. He said nothing and did nothing.

Laughter stopped and Ning Tao stared at him: "I have a feeling that we can only live one today. How about we talk before we die?"

Ning Tao froze slightly, he didn't expect to say so, but he nodded.

In fact, he does n’t say nothing, and he wants to talk to him. This is probably why he didn't do it immediately when he came.

I said without a moment of silence: "You always hang heaven in your mouth, you say you are the chosen person, you are the new day, I am the old day, it ’s God ’s will to kill me, and you are sent by fate Son of God, then tell me, what is heaven in your world? "

What is heaven?

Ning Tao froze immediately, he really hadn't thought about it.

Looking up, is the sky seen at a glance?


The heavens in the world, the heavens in the immortal world, the heavens in the Shenshan, and the heavens here are different. Who can say that the heavens in the heavens represent the heavens, or the heavens and the gods, and the sky of this rune space world? Is it the real heaven?

He suddenly discovered that the sky he often hangs around is actually a vague concept.

He has not seen or touched Tian.

Therefore, facing the simple problem of Wu, he couldn't handle it.

Smiled without a smile: "You can't answer it right ~ ~ You must be thinking at the moment, where did you get the **** card?"

"Then where did you say it came from?" Ning Tao said.

Wu looked up at the temple's dome without looking up, and spoke after ten seconds: "I don't know where it actually came from. If I knew it, I wouldn't ask you."

Ning Tao looked at him.

What kind of answer is Nima?

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Wu's mouth: "I studied this problem for at least 10,000 years and got a guess."

"What guess?"

"It's a god's card issued by a certain machine. You came from the earth, like what honor certificate in your hometown. I guess so, how about you?" Asked Ning Tao without asking.

Ning Tao was caught on the spot, speechless.

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