Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1615: Idle God Cloud

The moonlight was bright outside the window.

The atmosphere in the room is warm.

A small and a half pot of Lingcai fruits were eaten into the stomach too much, and the spirit soup in the pot was also drunk by her, but her belly was not swollen at all, and it was still so flat, like a fat.

A pot of wine was also consumed.

Ning Tao's body didn't react at all, but she was too drunk. The beauty of the skin-powder powder is red, and beauty is not square.

After the meal was finished, and the wine was drunk, the God of Delivery should leave, but he didn't know what was going on. He was still sitting there as if waiting for something. For example, the last steamed dish at the banquet.

Taizhen came down from the couch and said shamefully, "Daxian, the younger generation will dance for you."

Ning Tao nodded his head and smiled, "Well, there is a working girl."

"Daxian is polite." Taizhen gave a good luck gift to Ning Tao on the couch, then went to get the sword, and danced on the open space under the couch.

The sword is an ordinary sword, and in Ning Tao's eyes, it is a rotten iron.

But people are peerless beauties.

Too real sword dance is smart and beautiful, like a beautiful butterfly flying in this room. That thin gauze quality and her movements fluttered, like her wings, it really felt like it was about to fly.

In the part of life on earth, Ning Tao had no money to go to those unruly places, where she had seen a woman dance this kind of dance. This encounter was too real. Seeing her dance a sword for him, there was an eye-opening feeling.

Nima, it turns out that women dance so beautifully!

I want to teach those **** girls at home, so that they can jump around when they are okay. That kind of life is fun.

It was too real, and the veil was thrown off by centrifugal force, like a little skirt on a ballet dancer.

However, they have pantyhose, and Datang doesn't have that stuff at all.

Suddenly, Ning Tao felt that his mouth was a little dry. He went to get the wine bowl and prepared to take another sip, but found that the wine bowl had been empty.

Just then, Tai Chi slipped on his feet, suddenly lost his balance, and fell on Ning Tao's legs.

"Girl, are you okay?" Ning Tao chuckled her, expressing concern.

Taizhen pouted and smiled, exhaling like a orchid: "Daxian, I have wine. Do you want to drink?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I have food, do you want to eat?"

Too nodded, closed my eyes ...

The whole is shameless.

Good food and good food, make a table.

Night after night, it's dawn again.

Ning Tao stood in front of the window and looked at the rising sun in front of the window. There was poetry in his stomach again, but after a while he didn't come out.


The God of Destiny is not the God of Poetry of Destiny. What are you doing to make poetry?

This is an inter-line assignment, you just need to send warmth professionally.

In this way, Fang does not shame his fate.

"Daxian, I'll take you to see my king now, okay?" Taizhen packed her body and came behind Ning Tao, respectfully and respectfully.

Ning Tao turned around and looked too real. He did n’t want to reject her request. After all, he did n’t reject all his requests, but after thinking about it, he said, “I ’m not going to see him, I ’ll talk to Wu Ye Let her change her mind. Leave it to me. "

It was a bit unkind to send someone a green one, and then go to see them and accept their courtesy.

"Then I will send someone to send a letter, and ask my king to wait for the good news in the palace, and I will accompany Daxian to see that Wudi." Taizhen said.

Ning Tao nodded.

He looked at Ning Tao too timidly, then seemed to be sure, hesitated a little, took a step, and got into Ning Tao's arms.

"Too really can get the favor of Daxian. This is the great fortune of Taizhen's life. Too real. I don't dare to expect to be with Daxian forever, but she will miss Daxian every day." Crispy, but it can also strengthen human bones.

The beauty was pregnant, but Ning Tao's heart rose.

This is another evil fate, this one ...

and many more.

Wu Yan played a stand-alone game in this past time and space. This past time and space will not stop. If he leaves, it will be too real that he will miss him every day. With his boundless mana and super professional ability, the prince will probably have a son and daughter for him.

So what kind of child are children born in the past?

Forget it, the more these things become more and more complicated, the later you have time to come and see, you will know, anyway, he has a very long time to splurge.

Ning Tao held her waist lightly, kept a little warm, and then said, "Let's go to Chang'an City, we will wait for her in Chang'an City."

Too true to say Too true to say: "I'll let someone prepare a horse."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "What other horses are you riding with me, do you want to drive in the clouds?"

"Ah?" Taizhen paused for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Taizhen is also a cultivator. I dreamed that one day I would be able to travel in the clouds between heaven and earth, but I could n’t do it, I do n’t know. Does Daxian have magical powers to drive me to the cloud? "

What magical power does this require?

Ning Tao did not loosen his waist too much, so he leaned on her small waist and leapt to the roof. When the thoughts moved, the roof opened instantly, and he flew out with too much truth.

"Ahhh!" I really thought I was going to hit the roof and held my head subconsciously, but the roof opened instantly, as if a window had suddenly been opened, and before he came back to her, she found she was already in the air Already. The house was large, but in her eyes it was like a box. Even the rolling Qinling Mountains, in her eyes at this moment, are just rolling hills.

However, she didn't see any clouds, and her and Daxian's feet were empty.

"This ... Daxian, there are no clouds under our feet ..." Too nervous and authentic.

Ning Tao smiled: "Isn't it easy to want clouds? Clouds come."

As soon as his voice fell, a golden **** cloud was born at his feet, just dragging him and Taizheng's feet. The cloud fluttered suddenly, as if it would deform at any time, become a fairy crane, or a unicorn stepping on fire, the end is magical.

Of course, this is just too true, and for Ning Tao, there is no novelty anymore.

Although there was Shenyun under her feet, Taizhen was also holding Ning Tao's waist tightly, for fear that she would fall off the cloud when she let go, and then fell into a pile of beautiful mud.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "You do n’t have to worry about the girl too. Although there is only a cloud under your feet, let me say that this cloud is carrying you and me. It is no problem if you put Changan City on it. That ’s fine. Where do you want to fly Where to fly, as the girl likes. "

Is this pretending to be a force?

No no no, this is definitely not pretending to be a god, because he is telling the truth. As far as this **** cloud is concerned, he wants it to be as big as he wants, as much as he wants to carry it. What a Changan city is, that is, the entire Datang is put on it, and he can also carry the Datang flying all over the sky.

If he said that, he would be pretending, but he didn't say it.

So, how can this be considered pretense?

But these words fell into the ears that were too real, but it was incredible. She said excitedly: "Daxian is indeed Daxian, the magic is boundless. This cloud can carry Chang'an City, or Daxian moved Changan City to the fairy realm. Go, the people of Chang'an City and I also have a good look at what the immortal world looks like, and we can avoid being poisoned by that female devil. "

Ning Tao said a bit awkwardly: "It doesn't matter if you take you to the fairyland by yourself, but if you want to take a city and the people in Changan City to the fairyland, it will definitely not work."

If he really wants to do that, he can actually do it, move the entire Chang'an City to the fairyland, and then protect it with the energy shield of the Chaos Mark, so that the people in the city ca n’t be harmed by the calamity. But he was worried that if she said that, she would really let him move all the people in Chang'an City and Chang'an City to Fairyland.

Then the game is big, and it becomes what it is. The inherent Zhou Youwang smiled for the Boss and played with the princes. Now there is a smile for Bo Taizhen, and he moves to the fairyland. If this happened, wouldn't it be laughed by for generations by ten thousand years?

"Daxian, can you really take me to see the immortal world?" Too real but serious, Wu Ningtao's eyes are full of longing.

Ning Tao said: "Of course it can, but I'll wait to see you Wu Wu."

"Well, thanks to Daxian too." Taizhen knelt on Yuntou's head.

Ning Tao didn't reach out to help her, but just smiled and said, "Look, don't you think this hasn't fallen?"

"Yeah, this cloud is soft and softer than my bed." Too strangely, he pressed the cloud with his hand, then lay on it, and rolled it.

The golden **** cloud was full of too real laughter, and she was as happy as a child.

There was wind on the clouds, and the breeze could not understand the style.

Ning Tao's mind was full of what happened last night.

What is the most beautiful concubine?

That's all nonsense.

It is the most beautiful for the concubine to get the cloud.

But those ordinary people are certainly invisible.

"Girl Yuzhen, I was in a hurry just now, I suddenly remembered, haven't you had breakfast?" Ning Tao said.

Taizhen stopped and said in a hurry: "It's too wrong, Taizhen didn't even think of it, Daxian must be hungry?"

Said she was about to get up from the cloud.

Ning Tao hurriedly squatted down and squeezed her shoulder: "No need to get up ~ ~ That's fine."

His expression was so confused, Daxian's thinking was too detached. He just said that he didn't use breakfast, and he flew to another place in a blink of an eye. That ’s good, what ’s so good about that?

A smile on Ning Tao's face: "The wine last night was delicious. Is there too much wine in the girl too?"

It was too real for a moment, and suddenly I understood something. Yudi suddenly became a big red, then nodded a little shyly, and finally said something softly. Finally, he said gently: "Daxian, it's true that there is still wine here, do you have vegetables in Daxian?"

"Yes, yes, good food." Ning Tao's face was full of smiles.

There is wine when there is meat, no matter what his life is.

The golden **** cloud is still flying in the sky.

Miles a day?

That's just the idle speed of the God Engine.

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