Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1614: Meet Yuhuan again

Said to go to live in the palace, but the carriage eventually reached a large family house. When the hostess came out to meet him, a knight dismounted and knocked on the door. After the porter opened the door, the driver drove the carriage directly in.

"Here, please get off the bus," said Taizheng.

Ning Tao got out of the car and looked around and said, "This is not a palace."

The girl Taizhen said, "Daxian is a stranger. The palace is in the Qinling Mountains. It takes twenty or thirty miles to get to that palace. The mountain road is rugged at night. That mountain road is unimportant to Daxian, but the younger servant It's ordinary people, and it's dangerous to let them go that way at night. "

As a concubine, she claimed to be a junior, and her posture was low enough.

But she didn't know that even if she was lying on the ground and looking up at the God of Sending Son, this gesture was not enough, because standing in front of her was the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the super great God of Sending Son.

Who dares to challenge the supreme power of the gods in this world?

Send a **** of three kingdoms seal, and bring in 100,000 soldiers to show you at any time, anywhere. Strips are round, with strips in the circle for you to choose, then ask if you dare?

However, the God of Sending a Child has passed the stage of pretending to be strong, and now he does not need to pretend. He is an ultimate existence. It feels like the word "Driving God" is engraved on his forehead. He doesn't need to do anything. He just needs to go to that station, or sit, or even go, there will be a strong force. Coming.

"Then stay here for a while, girl, just arrange a place for me." Ning Tao said, he really called him a senior, so he called her girl.

The child-giving **** is young, but the universe is the highest, so it's not ridiculous to call the girl Taizhen. You know, the **** of the mountains is not the Sun King now calls him father. If there is no rebirth now, he is called Wusi Xiaowa, and Wu also has to agree. That's it.

"Please Daisen follow me." Taizhen took the lead.

Ning Tao followed her and was taken into a room by her.

This is an antique room with clear windows and no complicated furniture in the bedrooms of later generations, but everything looks exquisite, simple but not simple, low-key and atmospheric.

"I'll kill the artificial rice, and I'll invite Daxian to eat later." Taizhen said.

Ning Tao just nodded slightly, "Yes."

Too real to retreat.

Ning Tao sat down on the couch, thinking about things.

Wu Yi's business was just a trivial matter. He was too lazy to think about it. He would meet each other tomorrow, sit down and chat, but it was just a wish.

He was thinking about nothing.

Wu is dead, but the words he said popped out of his mind from time to time.

What is this day

This question is so simple, even his supreme Creator cannot say it.

The sky in the eyes of mortals, taking this earth as an example, is just the atmosphere. If you expand the range a little bit, it will only include a part of space, but it will never come out of the solar system. Beyond the solar system, mortals on earth will feel that it is not their heaven.

The immortal sky is endless, and even the immortals cannot fly out.

Shenshan's sky is the same. His results flew at the extreme speed for a day and night without flying to the end.

But these days are not days, just air, just space.

This day is an existence, representing the supreme supremacy, and even the Lord of Heaven and Earth has to worship. For example, he is like a king on this earth, who has control over thousands of miles, mountains and airspace. The former represents the earth, and the latter represents the heaven, which is the so-called co-owner of heaven and earth. But on this day, he cannot represent heaven, nor can he represent the land. If one day he dies, this world still exists, and it follows its trajectory and rules.

Wu is dead, isn't this world still alive?

It goes without saying that there is a machine above.

This statement is ridiculous, but no matter what, if there is a chance to go out and look at it after 1,000 years, the answer will be revealed. At that time, he knew what heaven was.

But it will take a thousand years before there is an opportunity, and it is only an opportunity. Without going through so many millions of years without success, can he succeed?

"Well, let's talk about it later. It's over here. I have to go and see Alice and Xuanwu Lingzi." Ning Tao ended his thoughts.

To him, Alice and Xuanwu Lingzi were like wives in dreams, but even in dreams, he wanted to see them and bring them love and warmth.

Footsteps came from outside the door.

Ning Tao handed a glance at it. Although he was across the door panel, he also saw that there was a real attendant standing outside the door.

This is a bit neglecting Daxian, actually not to come to dinner in person.

The attendant knocked at the door twice, and then respectfully said, "Daxian, my host invited you to come and have a meal."

"Okay." Ning Tao responded with a sound, got up and went out, and followed the attendant.

Walking through a winding corridor, the attendant stopped in front of a room door and pushed open the door: "Daixian, please come in."

Ning Tao walked in, and as soon as he went in, he smelled something wrong.

That's the smell of roses and the water vapor.

The attendant closed the door.

Ning Tao's sight also moved to the source of water vapor. It was a small pool dug in the room. Because it was using hot water, the pool was steaming. But this is not the point, the point is that there is a person lying in the pool half-lying and sitting, it is the girl who is too real.

The water is transparent but hazy, which creates a hazy picture of beauty.

In history, it is said that her bathing is the most beautiful scene. She has been so touching before she even came out. If she comes out, how beautiful is it?

The beautiful things in the heart of Sendzi appeared.

He looked at her for less than three seconds, and Taizhen got up from the pool, stepped out of his legs, wrapped in a veil, and walked gently. He came to Ning Tao and gave Ning Tao generously. Tao made a kneeling salute: "Too true to see Daxian."

Ning Tao was still stunned there, a little stunned.

It's so beautiful!

Indescribable in words.

Only salute to the beauty.

"Daxian?" Taizhen kept his kneeling posture and narrowed his eyes to Ning Tao.

The God of Returning the Son came back to God, knowing that it was a puppet, knowing that it was not right, but he stepped forward and lifted her up: "Girls are welcome, isn't that ... said about eating?"

Taizhen said with a smile: "Don't dare to cheat Daxian, huh, isn't it?"

She raised her finger in one direction.

Ning Tao looked around. He saw a couch with a couple of delicate foods on it, including hoe, mutton, and a jug of wine.

Datang traded with the Western Regions, and the wine also passed into Datang, but it was not affordable for ordinary people. Gold is very expensive. Only rich people can drink a little. But such dinners can be enjoyed by ordinary families in future generations, just ordinary.

It's really a meal, but this place is a bit inappropriate.

"Daxian, please." Taizhen made a gesture of invitation.

Suddenly a gust of wind came, the breeze did not understand the style, blowing yarn for no reason.

Ning Tao's heart sighed secretly: "Oh, I just came to meet an acquaintance, what is so complicated to do? Is it because I am a child god, specially arranged by heaven? Well, since it is arranged by heaven, then I only He can fulfill his destiny. "

Thinking about it that way, he calmly nodded, then went to the couch, sat cross-legged and sat down.

Taizhen went to the couch and sat on the opposite side of Ning Tao.

Daxian can't talk about rules, but she can't help talking about rules. This kneeling posture is also upright and satisfactory.

Sit on my knees, too, really picked up the jug of wine and poured wine for Ning Tao.

Ning Tao was a bit disgusted with the food on the table, and he took a trick, and the Xianshi pot flew out of the Japanese gourd, and then some of the spiritual materials, fruits, and spirits flew out of the Japanese gourd. Yes, I have a small half pot.

He looked so bright that he couldn't hide his excitement: "Daxian, what magic is this?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Oh, what a magical power is to see you sincerely and give you something to eat in the fairy world. These spiritual materials are not available in the world, and the spiritual energy is rich. Is of great benefit. "

After that, he struck a finger, and a mass of golden life flew from the bottom of the pot between his fingers, and then began to cook hot pot.

The seductive pose of Sending God is dazzling because the magical powers are too dazzling. She froze, hurriedly moved a position, and then leaned down to put her forehead on the couch: "Da Xian Sure enough, the magical powers are vast. Please give one or two to the immortal. Too true will use the magical powers imparted by the immortal to benefit the people. "

Ning Tao said, "Let ’s talk after you have a meal. Passing you will pass you, and it's not a big deal."

I was so touched that I cried, "It's my good fortune to meet Daxian."

Ning Tao just smiled, picked up a fruit from the pot and gave it to Zhenzhen: "I ate it."

Too real holding the fruit, covering her cherry mouth with one hand, eating with a small mouthful. She wanted to eat as elegantly as possible, but the fruit was so delicious, and the mouth melted, her body was warm and comfortable, so she could n’t control the rhythm without eating two mouthfuls. Three or two mouthfuls ate one big fist.

Ning Tao looked at her and said with a smile: "No hurry, there is still a lot in this pot."

Too really covering her mouth, she said shyly, "Daxian laughed."

"Drinking ~ ~ Ning Tao raised the bowl and took a sip.

The brewing technology is also very rough, not comparable to the wine of later generations, but the focus at this time is not on wine, people who drink.

She took a sip, and two glows appeared on her face. Under the light, the face was like the peach petals in March, and the white was red, delicate and extremely bursting. The light gauze was as thin as a cicada's wings, the light shone, the beautiful scenery, and the misty mountains and rivers came into view.

Look at the mountains and the water, and the clouds of ink and smoke.

No, just take a sip of **** wine, and the **** of delivery is even a little drunk.

Behind the bed was a window, and a sudden wind came from the window.

The breeze is naughty, and the yarn is chaotic for no reason.

Suddenly God felt that he should write a poem before it was worthy of the beautiful wine in front of him.

But he studied medicine, and he didn't come out.

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