Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1613: Martial arts stand-alone game

The moment she appeared, the elemental armor of Ning Tao also changed. From the armor to a blue schoolboy robe, with a black hat on her head, she walked on Suzaku Avenue and some of her Scholars and scholars are no different. However, the unique temperament of the God of Sending Sons, even if he was buried in the mound, he would also emit light.

"Get out of here, get out of here!" Several fast horses rushed over, waving the whip in their hands for the first knight in armor, screaming ferociously.

Pedestrians on the street gave in.

Ning Tao also left the street and stood on the side of the street.

He just came to see Wu Ji, not to manage the traffic order. No matter who is king in this past time and space, it has nothing to do with him.

Of course, no matter what the king of the planet is, he is just a scum in front of his heaven and earth lord.

The knights were followed by a carriage, which was gorgeous and looked like a royal thing.

Ning Tao's heart moved, and she looked at it, and her eyes instantly penetrated the carriage and curtain of the carriage, and she saw the person sitting in the carriage.

There was a woman in the carriage. Ning Tao recognized her when she saw her face familiar. He felt somewhat surprised that it turned out to be Yang Yuhuan.

In history, Yang Yuhuan did not die in Ma Xiupo, but died in a shipwreck in the southern waters, and that position was not far from Zhenlongzu. Moreover, she is also a practitioner.

But here is the past time and space, Wu Ji intervened in this time and space, holding the ambition to conquer the world, then the history of this world is not his familiar history. For such a long time, this person and event in the past time and space do not know what it has become.

Perhaps, Yang Yuhuan in this past time and space did not know him at all and would not even die in that shipwreck.

Just when he felt something in his heart, someone was talking about him.

"The King of War is really kind-hearted, treats Tang well, does not attack a city, does not kill a person, even the king's throne has been retained, as long as she bows his head to court." A middle-aged man said His eyes were full of reverence.

Another youth said: "Well, King Wu conquered all kingdoms in the world. The whole world is her territory. She is the king of kings."

An old man said, "My son is on a business trip in the palace. I heard that King Wu will come tomorrow. I am afraid these people will meet at the post."

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "Old man, are you joking? King Wu is coming, what a major event, I am afraid that people in the entire palace will come out to meet, just these people, can this be the specification to meet King Wu ? "

The old man's old face was slightly red: "Well, I just said casually, you don't have to take it seriously. How can we, ordinary people, know about the affairs in this palace?"

The conversation between these Datang men gave Ning Tao a message that Wu Xi had unified the world and became the king of kings. However, she was kind to Datang. As long as she bowed her head, she would not attack a city or kill one person. Looking at the scene in Chang'an City, Datang must have bowed his head.

Ning Tao said secretly: "Yes, a woman broke in and unified the world, and became the king of kings. This is also a dream."

But he was also curious, how did she do it?

Although she is a spiritual practitioner, she did not even reach the robbery period when she committed suicide. Even in the past time and space, there must be her powerful characters. She will be the king of kings, and someone will definitely stop her. He was a little curious in his heart. As a woman, or a female ghost, why did she realize her great dream?

The carriage passed by Ning Tao. Yang Yuhuan on the car seemed to sense something. Suddenly, he opened the curtains and looked at it. A pair of beautiful eyes fell on the scholar Ning Tao. She nodded slightly and suddenly called out, "Stop!"

The driver in the car yelled and pulled the reins.

The carriage stopped.

Ning Tao said secretly: "It should have been discovered by her. After all, she is a spiritual practitioner. The breath on me is too strong. I should have shielded it before I knew it."

It's too late to screen again at this time, and there are suspicions of covering up the ears and stealing the bell.

The carriage stopped, and Yang Yuhuan walked out of the car with his curtain.

A large crowd of people fell to their knees on the street.

Only Ning Tao stood still and just looked at Yang Yuhuan calmly.

"Bold madman, I haven't kneel yet when I see the maiden! Seek death!" A knight whipped over.

Ning Tao didn't even move and did nothing. When the horse whip approached him, he suddenly broke up and then turned into flying ash in the air.

The knight immediately panicked.

Yang Yuhuan scolded: "Excessive, don't kneel to Daxian yet!"

Several knights rolled over and knelt down, kneeling on the ground, especially the knight who whipped Ning Tao to the ground and shivered.

Yang Yuhuan got down from the carriage and gave Ning Tao a blessing. He respectfully said, "Thank you very much for seeing Daxian."

She is still too shallow, and she regards the super **** as an immortal. In her eyes, I'm afraid Daxian is already out of reach, right?

Ning Tao didn't care, just smiled, "Do you know me?"

Yang Yuhuan shook his head and then said, "Dare to ask Daxianxian?"

This answer gave Ning Tao a slight hesitation, but he understood it in a flash. The Yang Yuhuan he blew up in time and space is not the one in front of him. This Yang Yuhuan didn't stop the carriage because he recognized him, but felt the powerful air machine on him, thinking that he was a great immortal. That's why people stopped the carriage to see him.

"Well, this road number is not real." Ning Tao said, this road number has been useless for a long time, and now speaking out, it feels a bit missed.

Life was a fulfilling life at that time. It was like nothing to hang around now.

"Daxian, please take a step to speak," Yang Yuhuan said.

Ning Tao said, "What do you want to tell me?"

"Please ask Daxian to get on the bus and talk about it. This matter is a matter of life, and it matters a lot." Yang Yuhuan said, his beautiful eyes were full of longing light.

Ning Tao thought about it for a moment, and felt Wu Wu hadn't come yet. Anyway, it was okay, and he was idle, so he nodded and stepped onto the carriage.

Yang Yuhuan also got on the car, let the husband drive, and then got into the car, and then covered the car curtain.

Several knights turned on their horses and walked forward again, guarding the carriage and heading out of the city gate.

In the car, Ning Tao looked at Yang Yuhuan with interest, and secretly said, "Although I am a child-sending god, I am really not a casual person. You must use the guise of saving people to reach you. the goal of."

Yang Yuhuan suddenly knelt down and cried, "Please, Daxian, save Tang."

Ning Tao felt that he was thinking too much, and said something in his mouth: "What's wrong with Tang? I don't see it well. People on the street are dressed well, and the shops are full of goods, without disaster. What do you want me to save? "

Yang Yuhuan bit her lip slightly, and hesitated before she said, "The martial arts conquered the Quartet and the creatures were covered with charcoal. All the kingdoms on this earth were conquered by her. She forced my king to submit. If she did not surrender her, she ... "

"What about her?"

"Her messenger said, if my king does not drop, and she does not hang her Wuwang flag on the city, she will slaughter the city!"

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth.

Martial arts Martial arts, you really haven't changed, in order to achieve your goals, you still have no choice.

But this is you.

He did understand Wuzheng, when Genghis Khan's conquest of Europe that year also occupied a place and slaughtered a place. In this era, if a person wants to conquer a kingdom, it must be blood and rivers, and bones and mountains. What's more, Wu Yan is just a woman. If she wants to conquer the world, it will definitely require thunder.

Seeing Ning Tao's silence, Yang Yuhuan said again: "My king took the army out of the city, and only waited for that Wuxi to come down and besieged by the army, then killed in one fell swoop! That Wuxi was originally a female ghost. There are a group of vicious generals, and they also ask Daxian to help and save all people in the fire and water! "

Ning Tao: "..."

He had only come to see Wu Ji, but had a wish, but did not expect to meet Yang Yuhuan halfway, and also pulled him to join Wu Ji. With his current mana, Wu Ying can be destroyed with one finger, but the problem is that he is unwilling. If this is the real world, he certainly does not allow Wu Wu to chaos, but this is the past time and space. People originally came to play stand-alone games. Can he not let others play stand-alone games?


Yang Yuhuan knelt before Ning Tao: "Daxian asks you to help us."

Ning Tao said lightly: "If I don't want to get involved?"

Yang Yuhuan said, "I can't kneel."

Ning Tao: "..."

Reject her?

It seems a bit cruel, after all, it is one of the four big beauties.

Promise her?

That's impossible, he won't kill Wu Yan, he won't even think about it.

so what should I do now?

Ning Tao said for a moment in silence: "I understand things first and then say, yes, when will Wu Ye come here to be surrendered?"

"Noon tomorrow," Yang Yuhuan said.

As the old man said.

Ning Tao said: "Let ’s do this. Tomorrow Wu Wu will come. I will meet her and persuade her to let her give up Changan City. I promise she won't hurt anyone. Can you do that?

"Daxian ~ ~ she is a female ghost who endangers the world, don't you want to accept her?" Yang Yuhuan was not satisfied with Ning Tao's reply.

Ning Tao said, "I have just come from the fairyland first. What is not clear is all you said. I have to know clearly before I can make the next decision?"

I met Wu Yan, chatted and sat, then left. This time and space is Wu Xi's stand-alone game. It has nothing to do with him, and it will not affect him if he leaves.

Where did Yang Yuhuan know what Daxian was thinking, she said: "Yuhuan said everything is true, Daxian, you live in the palace tonight, and I will tell Daxian about the evil behavior of Wuxi."

Ning Tao originally wanted to get out of the car and go directly to Wu Ji. After listening to her, I thought it was good to listen to her story about Wu Ji, so she nodded her head: "Then there is a working girl."

"Daxian is polite. It is an honor for Yuhuan to serve Daxian." Yang Yuhuan said with a smile on his lips.

How Ning Tao heard this was a bit wrong.

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