Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1612: To visit relatives in the world

A month later.

Mortal earth.

A military off-road vehicle came deep into the mountains of your province.

Ning Tao was driving and Zhao Wushuang was driving. After giving birth, she did not pull down the practice. She has a group of fairies around her, all of whom are masters. In addition, the spiritual materials left by Ning Tao are all from the mountains and fairy realms, so she has made great progress It is now time for Yuanying to come out.

In fact, her cultivation, those elixir and spirits that she ate were not as good as what Ning Tao had given her.

Heaven and earth have the essence, and Ning Tao is the co-owner of heaven and earth, she can imagine the benefits.

It is more convenient to drive here, but driving is also fun. Driving the cloud every day, you are tired of flying for a long time, and occasionally experience the joy of driving.

"Husband, why are we here?" Zhao Wushuang asked in the car.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Go and see an old friend."

"See who?" Zhao Wushuang said curiously: "I know Jiang Xiaodong and You Xiangjiu are here, but aren't they both on Mars?"

Jiang Xiaodong and You Xiangjiu got married, and the lover eventually became a dependent.

Including Yin Molan, Yang Sheng and other demons, they followed Ning Tao, this is the greatest creation of their lives. It is believed that it won't take long. After hundreds of years, or thousands of years, most of them will survive the calamity of God and become a new generation of gods.

The universe has survived the disaster and is currently in the recovery phase. In the future, there will be plenty of auras and tens of thousands of people, and more people will cross over to the immortal realm, and then go to the mountain to become a new generation of gods. In the future, God Mountain will reappear the pantheon worshiping the heaven and earth, and the great God of the Son.

This day may appear ten thousand years later, or it may be more than a hundred thousand years or more, but this time is actually not so long for the vast universe and boring gods.

Ning Tao reached out and grabbed Zhao Wushuang's hand, and said with a smile: "I want to see Wu Ji, I don't know if you remember this person."

"Wu Yi?" Zhao Wushuang thought for a moment, and then said, "I heard Yin Molan's predecessor say, but I haven't seen this person, and I have no impression."

Ning Tao said: "She is a poor woman. She is dead."

"Ah? She's dead, so how can you see her, husband, are you taking me to the underworld?" Zhao Wushuang looked a little nervous.

Ning Tao said, "It's not hell, it's past time and space. I'll see her. Just wait for me outside."

Zhao Wushuang glanced at Ning Tao, suspecting that he had a leg with that Wuyi, but he didn't say this. Ning Tao is now the co-owner of the heavens and the earth. Marrying thousands of wives is the right thing to do, not to mention that she knew early on that he had a lot of wives in the fairyland.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It's not what you think. She and I are ... nothing, just an ordinary friend. She said she wants to realize her dream. I promised she would visit her."

"That's the case, then I won't be a light bulb." Zhao Wushuang said with a smile.

Ning Tao reached out and twisted slightly on her face.

Zhao Wushuang said eloquently, "You bully me again."

The road ahead suddenly broke.

A woman picking bamboo shoots looks at this side with a curious look on her back, and that look seems to be saying, why is this car coming here?

Ning Tao glanced at the woman, a smile appeared on her face, a finger popped out, a line of golden light flashed, the bamboo shoots in the woman's back broke down instantly, and then her

There was a heavy piece of dog head gold in his back.

See God happy.

The woman noticed that the woman with a piggyback on her back became heavy, and hurriedly looked back. She saw a large piece of dog's head gold lying on the bottom of the piggyback at a glance. She was stunned, and she came back to her a few seconds later, panicked Look around.

There were no off-road vehicles on the broken road.

The woman knelt down and muttered, "I must have seen God. Thank you for the blessing of the gods. The child's tuition fees for college have fallen ..."

In the sky, a military off-road vehicle slowly drove towards a mountain stream. There is no road under the wheel, there is only a cloud, the cloud is flying, and the wheel is driving on the cloud.

"Husband, I have never seen you drive like this, you cheat." Zhao Wushuang said with a smile.

This is indeed cheating.

But who cares?

If the child **** likes it, he can now drive this military off-road vehicle to take Zhao Wushuang to the sun, and use the sun's flame to cook a barbecue.

The military off-road vehicle reached the mountain pass, then fell from the sky and stopped at a cave entrance.

This cave used to be a long-lived cave house, with a stone in it and a crack in the stone. At that time, Wuzhen entered the past time and space from the crack of the stone.

In the real world, she will never have a chance to realize his dream, so she went to time and space to pursue her dream.

Don't know if she realized her dream?

But whether it was realized or not, she must have had a good time there. To say what is most precious in this world is to be happy. Even if you are penniless, as long as you are happy, you will be happier than an unhappy billionaire.

Ning Tao opened the car door and came out of the cab, glanced at the cave, and said, "Wushuang, this is it. If you don't want to wait for me here, I can send you back to Mars now."

Zhao Wushuang also got out of the co-pilot, she said, "I'll stay here and wait for you. How long will you stay in there?"

Ning Tao thought for a moment before saying, "I don't know what's going on. I want to stay in it for two or three days, can I?"

Zhao Wushuang said with a smile: "How long do you stay in it, how long will I wait here."

You would never let me wait here for ten and a half months. If you are willing, then I would say nothing.

This is probably the mind of a big star, but she certainly wouldn't say that.

But standing opposite him is the Lord of the heavens and earth, what careful thoughts in this world can hide his eyes.

Ning Tao reached out and pulled Zhao Wushuang into his arms.

This gentle and cute star wife has an opinion in his heart, he has to fill her heart so that she can't hold anything else.

I do n’t know what happened to the goddess who gave the child. When Zhao Wushuang reacted, he found that he was not in the arms of his husband, but in the arms of a hungry wolf.

The hungry wolf howled.

Hungry wolf eats meat.

Breeze in the mountain stream, beautiful sounds coming from the wind, rustle of leaves, the sound of running water, the calls of birds and insects, and some unknown sounds.

It took half an hour to stop, the sounds were still there, but the sound of soul was missing.

"You see, I'm so messed up ..." Zhao Wushuang was as sweet as he drank honey, but he couldn't help but want to say a word.

This is probably a married woman.

Common problems, no matter if you are happy or unhappy, you always like to say something about your man.

Ning Tao struck a finger, and suddenly there was a rippling pool of ponds in the mountain stream. The pool was aura and a bit of Yaochi's sense of sight.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Zhao Wushuang couldn't help but stand up from Ning Tao's arms and walked towards that pond.

Breeze habitually, with grass moving.

Ning Tao struck another finger, and a seal of chaos quietly opened, covering the entire mountain stream.


Zhao Wushuang jumped into the pond and slapped his hands in the water, stirring up the blossoms, playing like a child.

"Her husband, come here to play too." Zhao Wuliang Ning Tao beckoned.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "I won't be here. There is plenty of aura here. You can cultivate here in two or three days. I'll go in to see that friend and come back to you."

Zhao Wushuang said, "Okay, husband, take care."

Ning Tao smiled: "I will."

Such an exhortation is actually not necessary. Who else can hurt the **** of delivery in this world? But beloved wife told, that must be a response.

Ning Tao entered the cave and walked in through the crack in the stone.

The stone is called a corpse stone, and the gap and the stone are secret passages to the past.

In a month of rune space, he has learned from Hemia that he can use past spells without any props. Now he wants to go back to the past time and space where the wooden fish **** Alice and Xuanwu Lingzi were. He doesn't need any instruments and props at all, only the seal and spells.

But this time it was different. What he was going to see was Wu Ji. Entering here was the fastest and most accurate shortcut.

The road ahead was gloomy and dark.

Ning Tao walked a few steps in the gap between the stones, and suddenly cast a light in front of him, the blurred scene quickly and clearly. It was mountains, forests, and ancient cities on plains.

Wu Zheng intervened in the space of Datang, at that time Yang Yuhuan was still there. She also assured Ning Tao that even if it was to unify the world, it would be the last time to attack Datang.

Looking up, the city on the plain was intact, and there was no sign of war.

Did she go anywhere else?

Ning Tao thought in this way ~ ~, called out the golden **** cloud, drove the cloud to the city.

When he came out, he was on a hillside. From a distance, the city was not large, but after flying close, he found that it was a huge city and gave him a familiar feeling.

He suddenly remembered, wasn't that Changan City?

However, the flag flying on the city wall is not the flag of Datang, but a black flag never seen before. The banner was embroidered with a "Wu" character in white thread, and the white character on a black background must have a cold and solemn momentum.

Seeing that banner, Ning Tao stayed for a while. This is Chang'an City, the capital of Datang, but the Wuzi flag is hung. Is Wuyi a unified world?

Wu Yan once promised him that no matter what the situation, she would finally attack Datang. Now that Chang'an City has the Wuzi flag, she may have unified the world.

"Well, although it ’s past time and space, the unified world may be considered incredible. I'll meet you as the female ball king." Ning Tao accepted Shenyun, and made a stealth operation, and came silently. In the city of Chang'an.

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