Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1621: After 0 years

A thousand years is undoubtedly a long concept for the life on earth, and no one would expect to live a thousand years.

Most of Ning Tao's time in this millennium was spent in boredom, sowing civilizations around the universe, and then going home to accompany his wife and children. However, several major events also occurred, which were caused by ripples in his boring divine life.

In the 51st year of the Sendi-God Era (the first year from the day he killed Wuwu), the lighthouse collapsed, fell into civil war, and disintegrated into more than a dozen independent governments. Without this tumor of civilization, human civilization on the planet is the leader of oriental civilization, and has flourished. The assimilation ability of the oriental civilization played a huge role. In the year 265, the human civilization on Earth established the first global federal government, taking Mars as a base, and marching toward the vast universe. The earth is no longer the only home for human beings, and the seeds of human civilization blossom everywhere.

In the year 288, Zhao Wushuang crossed the calamity and had to rise to the immortal realm.

In the year 322 of the Sending God of God, the wet wood Runhua survived the calamity and had to rise to the mountain to become the **** flower, the destiny flower god.

In the year 387, the undead fire phoenix survived the calamity and had to rise to the mountain to become the **** phoenix.

In the age of 389, Xi'er passed God's calamity, and she had to rise to the mountain to become a **** tiger, and the goddess was too white.

In the age of 390, Tang Zixian survived the calamity and had to rise to the mountain and become a goddess, destiny of the gods.

In the year 399, Qingzhui and Bai Jing passed through the calamity together, and they had to ascend the mountain to become a dragon. Tianming Qing chased the East Sea Dragon King, and Tian Jing Bai Jing the West Sea Dragon King. There is no sea in Shenshan. To this end, the **** of sending sons deliberately created two seas on Shenshan, one East Sea and one West Sea.

In the year 410 of the Sending God of God, Nanmen Xunxian went through the scourge of God, and he had to ascend to the mountain and destiny.

In the year 420 of the Sending God of God, the fox-hide survived the calamity and had to ascend to the mountain and become a demon god.

In the age of 666, Jiang Hao survived the calamity and had to ascend to the mountain, the goddess of liberty. The Lord of the Three Realms sent Zishen to personally create an idol for her, holding a torch in her hand, and becoming an iconic lighthouse on the mountain.

In the age of 669, Lin Qingyu passed through the calamity and had to rise to the mountain, the goddess of destiny ...

The sons and daughters of the God of Sending God also have their own good fortunes. Over the centuries, they have been able to master a lot of magic, unified the fairyland, and established a big send dynasty in the fairyland. Then these sons and daughters opened up again and again, so that for thousands of years, Ning Tao couldn't remember how many grandchildren he had, how many grandchildren, and grandchildren.

As he expected at the beginning, after thousands of years of petting his wife, no matter how sweet he is, he is like a left hand and a right hand, without any passion. And his children, no matter how cute they were, they are a thousand years old and there are hundreds of children and grandchildren under their knees. He ca n’t hold the child for fun, right?

So he returned to the boxy box space above the mountain.

He called this box the box of the world.

What puzzled him was that after the destruction of the Dongshan tribe was returned by the World Extermination Law Array, a thousand years passed, and the Dongshan tribe added a new child, his child, Ning Tianshen.

In other cases, whenever the Dongshan tribe adds a child, an old man is bound to die, maintaining a confusing balance.

But this is also inevitable, this box space is actually

It's so big. If Dongshan people can multiply like humans, it will be crowded here.

For a thousand years, Ning Tao has not forgotten the agreement between him and Wu, and has been waiting for that energy fluctuation and crack to appear.

But know that now, the energy fluctuations that have not been mentioned have not appeared, let alone any space cracks.

When people are bored, they will think wildly, and God is no exception.

"Would that guy just fool me before dying, just like he lied to me to destroy the annihilation law, there would not be any energy fluctuations here, let alone any space cracks. Ning Tao sat alone on a hill and said to himself.

Footsteps came from behind.

Ning Tao didn't look back, but he also knew who came.

"Dad, my mother asked me to call you home for dinner." It was Ning Tao and Dongshan Polisson's son, Ning Tianshen.

Ning Tao stood up and turned around. Standing in front of him was a handsome young man, but this young man was almost a thousand years old. Moreover, he was born to be a god, and he didn't need to cross it.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Well, let's go back then, by the way, what meal did your mother make?"

Ning Tianshen had a strange expression on his face: "Steamed fish, braised fish, grilled fish and salted fish."

Ning Tao: "..."

The expressions on the faces of the grandpa are strikingly similar.

Back to the Dongshan tribe, the Dongshan people in the tribe warmly greeted Ning Tao and Ning Tianshen. Ning Tao did not let them kneel, but also set rules, otherwise he would kneel a lot.

What the Dongshan tribe looked like a thousand years ago and what it looks like today has not changed much. The tribal civilization of the Dongshan people can never evolve to such a high level. They have the rune energy of the Rune of Heaven, and they can be regarded as the indigenous people in this highest level of space world. They have the highest level of energy at their disposal. Where else can they evolve?

Heaven is fair. Humans on the earth have a short life span and weak physical strength, but they have a strong ability to reproduce. Therefore, human civilization can bloom everywhere in the lower universe. Dongshan was born as a god. It is considered a protoss. God has given Dongshan people a long life and powerful abilities, but it has limited the reproduction of Dongshan people. It also has the ability to survive in this small box world and cannot go out.

Therefore, don't envy others, everything has a destiny, let it be, and live your own life.

Back home, she really saw the table of fish and vegetables made by Dongshan Polly.

Ning Tao couldn't help but want to ask her if she had a grudge against the fish, but after all, she didn't say it.

In fact, there was also a woman who partnered to kill and cook fish, the goddess of wisdom, Hemia, and she also came, as well as a follower, her youngest daughter, Ning Huishen.

This is the third child born by Heminga Ning Tao. The earth is only six years old.

In fact, after this millennium, most of the women in the family gave birth to two, three, and some gave birth to four. Ning Tao has no idea how many children he has.

This also reflects the life state of the child-giving **** for thousands of years.

As soon as Ning Tao entered the door, Ning Huishen rushed up: "Dad!"

"Oh, Dad's good daughter, Dad hugs." Ning Tao bent over and hugged Ning Zhihui, and Ning Zhihui's little tail shook,

It looks like a cute panda with a fluffy flesh.

As for why he was so fat, Ning Tao didn't know, only her mother, Hemia, knew.

The two women came out of the kitchen. It was Hemiah and Higashiyama that killed the fish at this table. Each of the two wives had a dish of fish in their hands. One was a fish head with green peppers. One is spicy fish head.

Dongshan Polly said with a smile: "My husband is back. Sit down and eat."

Ning Tao's face was disgusting: "Why so many fish?"

Dongshan Polly pouted and laughed: "You created so many fish that year, this fish flooded, and it will destroy the ecological balance if you do n’t eat it. Not only will you eat fish today, but you will eat fish every day in the future. Catch the fish and eat. "

Ning Tao: "..."

The cause must have consequences. If it had not been for the many fish he had created in the past, how could it be flooded today?

Hemia put the spicy fish head in his hand on the dining table and asked, "Father, I guess it's a thousand years, and what movement did you find?"

Ning Tao shook his head: "I watched outside every day during this time, but I found nothing."

Hemia sighed: "Perhaps, it's nothing without flickering on you. I know him. If there is any crack to go out, he won't tell you."

Ning Tao shrugged his shoulders: "I have nothing to do anyway, it's boring. It doesn't matter if I observe it again."

It took hundreds of millions of years to characterize an extermination law formation. In this rune space, hundreds of millions of years have also been studied. Compared to his leisure and perseverance, he just wastes a little here. Time is nothing.

"That is, stay a little longer. One thousand years is not enough, then another thousand years." Dongshan Polly said.

She hoped that Ning Tao would stay here all the time. She couldn't go out, and Ning Tao didn't come back often. She was the rarest of Ning Tao's wives. Every time Ning Tao came, she felt like she won't win a wedding.

Ning Tao isn't it, only Dongshan Polly can give him a little freshness.

"Dad, do you drink? If you want to drink, I'll get it for you." Ning Tianshen said.

Ning Tao said, "No need, just sit and eat."

Ning Huishen said, "I want to eat fish on my father's shoulder."

Hemia glanced at Ning Huishen, pretending to be fierce: "Fuck, your father is the lord of the three realms, the supreme **** king, how can you sit on your father's shoulders to eat."

Ning Huishen's small mouth fluttered ~ ~ Side his head aside: "Huh!"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Ah, there are no outsiders here, they are all family members. Why would Huier sit on my shoulder to eat?"

Ning Huishen giggled, and kissed Ning Tao's head.

Hemia sighed: "Well, you spoiled your children."

The family of five had dinner around a table and the atmosphere was lively.

Although Ning Tao does not like to eat fish and is not hungry, considering that the two wives have worked hard in cooking, they also ate some.

Hemia kept feeding Ning Huishen and sometimes fed her personally.

Why did Ning Huishen grow so fat, Ning Tao suddenly felt that he had found the reason.

When Ning Tao wanted to say something about Hemia, a strange energy fluctuation suddenly appeared outside. He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly dropped Ning Huishen and rushed out.

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