Fu Jun, what did you find? Hemia asked, the same creator, but her level was far worse than that of Ning Tao, and she couldn't even detect the energy fluctuations captured by Ning Tao.

This is a normal situation. In this rune space, she cannot see the four walls, she sees deserts, oceans, mountains, etc. It is normal to not capture the energy fluctuations in this space.

Where did Ning Tao get in touch with Hemia, rushed out of the door, and leaped forward, the whole person shot shells at the highest heaven temple in the sky.

That energy fluctuation came from above the High Heaven Temple.

Ning Tao stepped over the roof of the temple in an instant, but at this moment, the wave of energy suddenly disappeared, and the entire sky was dead, only the stars composed of the runes of heaven were shining.

Ning Tao frowned, feeling very depressed.

If this is the energy fluctuation without saying, it would be too fast, right? For just a few seconds, he disappeared when he arrived at the scene. How can he capture and parse this short time?

But the fact is in front of him, so cold and cruel.

Imagine if this energy fluctuation is easy to capture and easy to analyze. Without hundreds of millions of years here, he has long studied thoroughly, and has long gone out. Can he wait for the Son of God to solve the problem?

A golden **** cloud came, with Hemia and Ning Tian **** standing on the cloud head.

Hemia opened the door and said, "Father, did you capture anything?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "When I was eating, I did catch a strange wave of energy and locked it in, but when I arrived here, it disappeared."

A strange expression appeared on Hemia's face: "How do you capture it?"

Ning Tao said: "There is still a last chance. Without a hint of energy fluctuations, a crack will appear in this space. At that time, it was the only opportunity to go out."

Hemya ​​froze a little before he said, "You ... Are you going out?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "I want to go out and see, I promised nothing, what is outside this box, after I saw it, I stepped into the past space-time point where I fought against him and told the truth I saw it."

Hemia said anxiously, "But what's going on outside? I don't know what's going on outside, just in case you go out ..."

She didn't want to say the unlucky words.

She and Ning Tao have been married for a thousand years. Although it feels like they are holding their hands together, it takes a lot of knowledge to make them feel a little bit. But for thousands of years, the relationship between her and Ning Tao is true. Worried in my heart.

Ning Tao smiled: "Beloved wife, who am I? I am the commonwealth of the three realms. Of these three realms, I am the biggest. Who can threaten me?"

Hemiah said: "Fu Jun, you are indeed the most powerful being in these three realms, but after you go out, you are not the three realms. The world is outside and we do n’t know. The **** of wisdom is still so small, she is the one who entangles you most . "

This statement is implicit, and does not sweep away the face of the child god, but reminds the existence of the risk of the child **** and the worry of relatives.

Ke Ningtao didn't care. He felt that he really couldn't come back, and Ning Huishen would have a good growth environment. Not to mention that he was born to be the daughter of the Protoss. Even if he was a dog raised by Ning ’s family, he could walk side by side in the Three Realms. Who dare to kill the dog? You have to know how many children and grandchildren will be sent to the gods in this millennium.

How powerful it is! And everywhere in the universe, there are believers and people who give away God! This lineup asks if you are afraid?

What's outside this box has been bothering Ning Tao for a thousand years. He really wants to go out and see.

But even if he is the co-owner of the three realms, he does not have the magic power to achieve what he wants.

However, Ning Tao still replied: "Well, I will be careful, there will be no danger. Besides, don't I still have the Seal of the Three Realms? I can come back at any time."

"But you are not in the Three Realms anymore. Your three seals may not be useful," said Hemia.

Ning Tao: "..."

You mother-in-law has no end. It ’s enough to pour cold water and pour two scoops. If your water pipe is poured, it ’s a little too much.

At this embarrassing moment, Ning Tao's waist shook a bit. He reached into his arms and took out something.

It was a scroll.

Become the Lord of the Three Realms and restore the order of heaven and earth. If the immortal crosses the scourge of God and goes to the Mountain of God, then he, the **** king, will start the ritual of sealing God, and this scroll is the Seal of God.

In the past thousand years, since the order of heaven and earth was restored, there have been dozens of gods on the mountain. However, when opening the Fengshen list, most of them appear to be the wife and children of the gods. It seems a bit crony and suspicion of corruption and bribery, but it's really not the case. The wives who give the gods are so powerful one by one, and the children born are the protoss, and it becomes normal for them to occupy the gods list.

"This deity who has survived the siege of God to seal the mountain, will not be my son or grandson again?" Ning Tao muttered.

Hemia said with a smile: "I think it's probably one of your sons or grandchildren. Who made you so born?"

Ning Tao was a little speechless and ignored her and opened the Fengshen list.

There are already dozens of gods on Jin Cancan's scroll, but his wife and children occupy a percentage of that. He is a little embarrassed to see it by himself.

A new name emerged from the Fengshen list: Wu Yan.

Ning Tao saw Wu Yi's name for a moment, then smiled, "Haha, not my son and grandson, Wu Wu."

A thousand years ago, Wu Yi crossed the sky to go to the immortal world, and told him before crossing the sky. Don't go to her. She wants to cultivate herself to be a ghost and god, and she wants to become the king of the underworld. He didn't go to her, nor did he deliberately inquire about her, let her grow up in the wild, but did not expect to see her name again this time, it was actually on the gods list.

Wu Yan, you are such an amazing woman.

Hemia thought back, then asked: "Wu Ai, this name is so strange, what's the origin?"

Ning Tao was happy and said with a smile, "She was a friend of mine in the world, and later died, and became a female ghost. I helped her to cross over to the immortal world a thousand years ago. Cultivate herself in the immortal world, you see, it's only been a thousand years, she has survived the siege of the gods and sealed the gods. "

"Fu Jun, there is a saying that the officials don't know whether to speak or not." Hemia said.

Ning Tao looked at her: "When did you become so polite? You and my thousand-year-old wife and wife, what can't you say?"

"Then I said."

"You say it."

"Have you ever slept with her?" Hemia said.

Ning Tao: "..."

However, he nodded.

The Three Kingdoms Co-owner, nothing he did not dare admit.

Hemia was not jealous and said with a smile, "Is this right? That Wuzheng has slept with you, is also your woman, went to the mountain, isn't she going to belong to us?"

"Uh ..." Ning Tao was just glad that he was not his son and grandson uphill, but when he said so, he didn't know what to say.

Hemia said, "Father, do you continue to wait here, or go to the mountain to preside over the god-giving ceremony?"

Ning Tao sighed: "Go back to Shenshan. This is not to say that accomplishments can be achieved, but the ceremony of closing the gods is very important to Wu Yi. I have to preside over it myself."

"You go back first, I'll guard for you. If I find something, I'll tell you again when you come back." Hemia said.

Ning Tao hugged Himia, and kissed her again.

Still the same feeling, hand in hand, hand in hand, like face.

"Well, you haven't responded." Hemia sighed.

Ning Tao gave her a grimace: "Wife, you seem to have a reaction."

"Hahaha ..." Hemia smiled.

Ning Tao stopped flirting with her, opened a door seal and went out.

On the mountain.

The thunderstorm disappeared, Wu Zhen collapsed to the ground, Shenshan's vestment was torn and his body was torn, and he could die at any time.

"Is this Mount Shenshan? It looks strange ..."

"Don't you say that you will seal God after going through the calamity? I'm already on the Mountain of God. Why didn't anyone come to seal God for me?"

"A Tao, I'm here, I said I did it, but you don't know how much suffering I have experienced in this millennium. I can come to see you right now ..."

Wu Yan said to himself, tears rolled down from his eyes.

Her tears were green, like the purest emerald particles.

After lying down for a moment, Wu Yan finally recovered a little strength. She got up from the ground. There were golden rocks in her field of vision, and some strange-looking mountain forests. She was wondering, this is Shenshan, it feels strange.

Just at this moment, the sky was suddenly filled with golden light.

A **** card landed from the golden light and flew straight in front of Wu Yan.

Wu Yan knelt down hastily, raised his hands to catch the **** card, and was immediately shocked at the sight.

The word "Death" is written on the **** bit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Death, isn't that the king in charge of the underworld?

A golden temple suddenly appeared in the golden light. A **** came out of that temple, and before the **** arrived, the familiar voice came down: "Congratulations, Wuyi, you Now he is destiny, the king of hell. "

Wu Yan raised his head in a hurry, and the voice turned into gray and she recognized it, and that was Ning Tao's voice. She stood up excitedly and shouted, "Atao!"

Suddenly, she felt that it was inappropriate, and then she knelt down again, respectfully and authentically said: "The great God of the Son, the Lord of the Three Realms, Wu Xi thank Tianen."

With that said, she hoeed.

A slender figure appeared in front of her and reached out to help her: "Oh, you gave me a hoe, get up and get up."

Wu Yan stood up, couldn't help thinking and excited in his heart, and plunged into Ning Tao's arms.

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