Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1623: Grim reaper with green hat

In this situation, anyone who saw it would think that this was the **** of giving the child most of the bribes, and opened the back door to let her die.

The problem is, he really doesn't.

Ning Tao stretched his arms around Wu Ji's waist, and the tentacles were cold, but the cold but very comfortable cool feeling was like drinking a glass of cold puree thick beer in the hot summer. After going through the scourge, her body has also changed, her skin is Q bomber, and her color is like ice jade, which is wonderful.

The long-lost feeling and reaction suddenly popped up, and Ning Tao's thousand-year-old heart also jumped up, feeling better and back to the impulse age of twenty.

"You ..." Wu Yan just caught what was caught, and there was a blush on his cheek.

However, instead of stepping back, she pressed forward a little.

Ning Tao was a little embarrassed: "Oh, sorry, I haven't responded for hundreds of years. This is also a greeting to you."

Wu Yan: "..."

For a thousand years, the face of the **** of delivery seems thicker.

Just then, a golden **** cloud suddenly came.

On the head of that cloud stood a tall, dark-skinned, hot-eyed **** with two eyes, carrying a stick, and in a blink of an eye, came to the side of Ning Tao and Wu Yan.

Wu Yan watched the **** with vigilance, but for nothing else, because the suffocation on the other side was very heavy, which made her feel a little uneasy.

Ning Tao glanced at the **** and said rudely, "Xingjun, are you okay with your stick? What about the **** on this mountain is either your aunt or your brother or sister or nephew, who do you scare? what?"

"Er." Ning Xingjun lowered the stick, bowed his head, and looked lethargic. "Baby meets the father."

He was the first child born of Ning Tao and Undead Fire Phoenix, and also the reincarnation of Sun Sun. He has retrieved the memory of the sun-ridden king. Now he is equal to the sun-ridden king and Ning Xingjun, so he can't change that ill-fated blame. But standing in front of him was the father of the Son of God, the lord of the three realms, who could play him at any time, and he didn't have any temper in front of this father.

What makes him even more depressed is that his father Wang is right. Most of his aunts, siblings and nieces and nieces on this mountain have no market. After a hard time came a new god, he rushed over, thinking that he could bully and play the mighty power of the gods, but did not expect that this new **** is a goddess, and he was very close to his father, the **** god . What's more, his dad, the King of God, still reacted, and the excitement was obvious.

I'm a puppet!

You old devil!

Of course, Ning Xingjun was definitely afraid to say this.

"This is your aunt Wuyi." Ning Tao said.

Ning Xingjun glanced up at Wu Yi, flashed fiercely, and then lowered his head again: "Aunt Wu Yi is good."

Wu Yan didn't dare to entrust him, and immediately left the arms of the **** of delivery, facing Ning Xingjun, his legs bent, his hands around his waist, and he performed a blessing: "Wu Wu great god."

Ning Tao said: "This is my son Ning Xingjun, inheriting his mother's hot temper."

Ning Xingjun's mother is an undead fire phoenix, and the flames in his eyes are also undead fire. After hours, the skin was white, but after crossing the sky and the sky, it turned into this color, but this also accords with the characteristics of his fierce **** . He is actually more powerful than the previous life, but it is still a hundred times more powerful. He is also a side dish in front of the father of the son of the child. It is not enough to drink two or two drinks, and he is abused every minute.

On this mountain of God, the undead fire phoenix can't control him, but the fierce **** in front of Ning Tao dare not make any mistakes, it can be regarded as one thing.

"Xingjun, you can go back. You have nothing to spend with your mother. Your sister Ning Huoer is also in the fairyland. If you are really bored, you can go to the fairyland to find your sister and give her pointers." Ning Tao said.

Ning Huo'er, the second child of Ning Tao's immortal phoenix, was born in 666, and Ning Huo'er is now more than 300 years old. But there is no object yet, she is an older woman. Undead Fire Phoenix always talked about this in front of Ning Tao, but Ning Tao couldn't control it. Her daughter's eyes are high, and there are so many immortals in the fairy world. No one can touch her heart. Can he be a father?

"Oh, then I'm going back. Are you going home for dinner?" Ning Xingjun asked.

Ning Tao said: "I won't go home for dinner. You see, I'm here for business."

"Oh." Ning Xingjun called out the golden **** cloud and drove away.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "This child, even a thousand years old, is uneasy."

Wu Yan said with a smile: "I heard a lot of your story in the fairyland for a thousand years in the fairyland, and the story of the **** of giving birth in the fairyland has fed a lot of storytellers, but everything is good. "

Ning Tao can stand the bragging: "Famous and tiring, if I am not the co-owner of these three realms, they will certainly not always say that I am good, they will definitely say something bad. I like to hear them say that I am bad, That means I'm fine and it's boring. "

Wu Yan smiled and said, "I still saw the first time someone disapproved of his reputation. Right, how many children do you have?"

Ning Tao froze slightly: "This ... what do you ask this for?"

The topic shifted bluntly, and the curvature was not large. As a result, Wu Yan easily pulled back: "You don't remember it yourself?"

Ning Tao was embarrassed, but still nodded.

Then he shifted the topic: "Well, you are a **** of fate, **** is where you go, do you go to **** or stay on the mountain?"

"It took me a thousand years to see you. Will you take me to the underworld?" Wu Yan said, with a little grudge in his eyes.

Ning Tao said, "I want to build a temple for you, otherwise, I will build one for you on the mountain, and I will build one for you in the underworld. I have n’t been to the underworld for a long time, so I will be How about you go to hell? "

"I ..." Wu Yan stopped talking.

"What do you want to say?"

Wu Zheng hesitated before he said, "I ... I actually want to tell you good news."

Ning Tao smiled and said, "What good news are you talking about, and is there good news?"

"I'm pregnant," Wu Yan said.

The smile on Ning Tao's face froze instantly.

He felt wrong.

When was he and she in the past time and space 1000 years ago, that night only, and then they were never together again. Today, 1000 years later, she suddenly told him she was pregnant ...

I don't know why, suddenly the goddess felt that the golden ring above his head was not so golden, and it was slightly greenish.

What good news is this?

This is a slap in the face.

Wu Zheng frowned. "What's your reaction?"

There was a reluctant smile out of the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "That, congratulations, who is the child's father?"

You say, you say it, I killed him!

Wu Yi staggered for a moment, then suddenly understood something, and then she smiled: "You thought ... hahaha ..."

Ning Tao said curiously: "What are you laughing at? I asked you, who is the child's father, and you laugh so happily?"

You said, you can tell it, even if I don't do it, that fool is dead.

Wu Yan said with a smile: "I say it, you are not allowed to go to his trouble."

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Rest assured, I am the Lord of the Three Realms. I will never go to trouble him. Who is the child's father?

Really a fool!

Wu Yan said, "The child's father is far in the sky, and it is in front of him."

"Huh?" Ning Tao froze for a moment.

He was really confused, but Wu Zhi said that he was far away in the sky, and the meaning of the sentence near him really understood. After all, he is the co-owner of the three realms who graduated from medical university.

Wu Ying said with a smile: "I told you that I was pregnant, and your face changed suddenly. You must think that the child in my stomach is another man?"

Ning Tao nodded.

Nima, you slept with me one night 1000 years ago, and after 1000 years you told me that you were pregnant. Whose child is this other man?

Brother Wu Yan laughed twice: "Look, your face has changed again. Okay, I'll tell you things clearly, lest you worry. You know I was just a female ghost 1000 years ago, Although the path is high, but it can only be regarded as a half ghost. After spending one night with you, I found that I had it. But the child I am pregnant is a ghost baby, unlike ordinary children, needs It takes only a thousand years to give birth, and once he is born, he is the ghost king. "

Ning Tao's face was a strange expression.

It turned out that he was that silly.

A few seconds later, the child-sending **** haha ​​laughed: "That's what happened, I said, how can you ..."

Suddenly feeling something wrong, he closed his mouth and looked at the female death with a smile on his face.

"How can I be nice to other men, aren't they?" Wu Yan said with a smile: "I just have that heart, and I can't find a man with that courage."

It's true. Looking at the Three Realms, who dares to give a green hat to the child-god god?

Ning Tao held Wu Yi in her arms, apologizingly said: "Sorry ... I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to have a child for 1,000 years, so ... this is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Wu Yan said in Ning Tao's arms: "You eat my vinegar, I'm happy, I'm not angry with you. But you have to build two temples for me, one sitting on this mountain, one kind of In the grave. "

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It is necessary, if you don't say, I will build two temples for you."

"The child in my stomach doesn't know when it will be born. You give the child a name." Wu Yan said ~ ~ Ning Tao said: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

Wu Yan said, "It's a boy."

Ning Tao thought for a moment and said, "Just call King Ning Wu."

Ghost King Ning Tao and Wu Yisheng, King Ning Wu.

"King Ningwu, uh, I like the name." Wu Yan's face showed a sweet and happy smile.

The temple was built as soon as it was built, and after half an hour a majestic dead temple was settled on top of the mountain. The idols dealt with in the temple are the death gods based on Wu Ji. Holding a judge pen in one hand and a life and death book in one hand.

The sickle with a sickle is the **** of death in western mythology and doesn't exist at all. The judge pen and the book of life and death are the standard artifacts of a **** of death.

After getting it done, Ning Tao personally drove the clouds over Wu Shen and walked a large circle on the mountain, and then made a seal of the Three Realms and took Wu Yuan to the underworld.

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