Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1624: True hell

In the myth, **** has eighteen floors, and each floor has a palace king.

Actually not, it is on the first floor, it is a very special space world among the Three Realms, and it is the destination of most souls. After all, there are very few souls who can pass through the layers of test to enter the hall of the spirits of the gods.

It is at the bottom of the Three Realms hologram, but it is not displayed on the map. It is on the three-horizon holographic map with the boxy box space above Shenshan, which is almost a relationship between the North Pole and the South Pole, one on the top and one on the bottom. It is also an extreme relationship, one to high and one to low. But whether it is the highest level of rune space or the lowest level of hell, it is invisible. If it is not after death, it can only be entered through special channels.

Before, Ning Tao had been on the horse once. At that time, he was not even an immortal.

More than a thousand years have passed. I wonder if the horse is still there?

I don't know if the goods will continue to be a ghost or reborn.

Perhaps because of this thought, Ning Tao used the Three Realms Seal to open the passage to the underworld, and the intervention point was exactly where Ma's home was located.

Coming out of the energy channel, there was a **** sea on the face, as if waves of blood converged and then waved to the shore, the air was dazzling. This look gave Ning Tao a sense that seemed familiar. He turned to look at it, and a huge citrus tree came into his sight again. There is a yard behind the citrus tree, with blue bricks and yellow tiles, which looks quite particular.

That citrus tree is Huangquan citrus.

That yard is the home of Ma Nian. It used to be thatched or stone huts. Ning Tao can't remember. For a thousand years, it was normal for Ma Nian to renovate the house.

"That's ... Huangquan Citrus?" Wu Yan also saw.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "Yes, that's the Huangquan citrus tree. I still plant that tree."

"Did you plant it?" Wu Yan was not surprised to see such a large Huangquan citrus tree, but she was surprised to hear Ning Tao saying that it was planted by him.

Ning Tao said, "I gave it to Ma Nian a thousand years ago, and I don't know he now ..."

He didn't finish talking. A woman came out of the blue brick and yellow tile courtyard, wearing a white hip skirt, red high heels, and a tight black T-shirt. It's just that the face is obviously cosmetic, not to mention the existence of Ning Tao's level, even ordinary people can see it.

In the eyes of Zhaizi Shen, the facelift is even more beautiful, it is just a vulgar powder, and it is not in his eyes.

"Who are you and what do you want to do? I warn you, if you dare to take the idea of ​​Huangquan oranges, you will be dead, Smecta." The female ghost spoke, saying it was actually Korea.

Wu Yan frowned, and then reached out to pat.

She is now a fate of death, and she slaps her back, not to mention this little female ghost, even if it is a ghost king, it will have to be taken away.

Ning Tao grabbed her hand: "The horse face helped me, this female ghost may be his daughter-in-law, spare her life."

Wu Yan said: "In your favor, I will spare her once, but you are my lord god, and I am the father **** of the child. The underworld I dominate must not have any disrespect for you. "

This statement is overbearing, but she is definitely qualified to say that, because she is indeed the **** of death, that is, the master of the underworld, the ghost king will kneel when she sees her.

Even if the Korean female ghost can't see the aperture on the two gods, she can't feel the divine power or something, but she can understand the dialogue between the two gods. As a result, Wu Yan said that she was shocked first, and then fell on her knees.

"Both are ... is God?" The voice of the Korean ghost trembled terribly.

Ning Tao said: "I am the Lord of the Three Realms. The one standing next to me is the God of Destiny. I have a little friendship with Ma Ma. Where is he now?"

The Korean female ghost trembled and said, "I, I, I am the caretaker of the horse-faced ghost king, he is the ghost king of the yin capital ... Go west, and Barry has arrived."

After this sentence, she was wet on the ground kneeling, and was actually scared.

"Let's go, this female ghost is almost ... it smells bad." Wu Yan looked disgusted.

If the horse noodles were at home, Ning Tao would stay and talk a few words, recount the old, and give the horse noodles a good thing. However, I did not expect that this time, Ma Mian was not the little ghost of that year, and he had become the ghost king.

The child-giving **** has been sitting on the throne of the Supreme God for a thousand years, and it has been boring for a thousand years. Can a little ghost in his family not become a ghost king through his own efforts and hard work? Perhaps, the Huangquan citrus that Ning Tao gave to Ma Mian played a vital role that year.

A golden **** cloud appeared at the feet of Ning Tao and Wu Yan, and then carried the two great gods to the west.

Hundreds of miles away, it passed in an instant.

That yin was a boxy city, and crimson blood was flowing in the moat around it, and it smelled bad. There are not many buildings in the city, and the existence of a temple that looks like a temple is dealt with in the center of the city. Presumably it is the Yin Palace of the horse face. The Korean female ghost who guards the hometown of his hometown should be his blessed person, otherwise he would not guard the important Huangquan citrus tree.

Except for the buildings in the middle of the city, there are no buildings elsewhere in the city. Some of them are deep pits, oil pools, iron cages, gallows and the like. Hundreds of thousands of wooden stakes stood on the square walls, and people were nailed to them. Some ghosts are peeling, others are digging their eyes, others are sawing their legs, and some are floating in the oil ...

On a large road, a long line was heading towards Yindu City. The ghost on the way was riding an old cow, and his own head was also a bull's head, and his head had two curved horns. However, instead of holding a ghost deterrent weapon in his hand, he was holding a music player with a pair of headphones in his ears.

That should be the Tau Tau, who indirectly comes to the ghost and is sent to the yin for trial. It's just that the player in his hand and the earphones on the ear destroy the harmony of the picture, but it reminds people that this is the modern underworld, not the underworld in those mythological stories.

Ning Tao originally wanted to see the horse, but he saw the ghost being tortured in the city of Yin, and he didn't want to go.

"Why, don't you want to go in and see?" Wu Yan said. Her reaction was normal. She was a decisive woman. She had fought the world in the past, and the **** experience she experienced was probably more terrifying than this hell, so she didn't react at all.

Ning Tao said: "I thought about it, or I wouldn't go. Those ghosts who are being tortured are all sinners. They did bad things when they were alive, and they should have suffered in the grave after death. My Three Realms The Lord has gone, and it would not be appropriate if he did not pardon, so he would not go, lest those sinful ghosts be pardoned. "

Wu Yan smiled: "You think so thoughtfully, where are we going next?"

Ning Tao thought for a moment and said, "I've been to Hades once, but I just stayed in front of Ma's house for a while, and didn't go far. This ghost town was the first time I saw it. I don't know how big this Hades is, let's go How about shopping? "

"Okay, I'm a **** of death, and I want to know how big my territory is," Wu said.

The golden **** cloud carried the two great gods and continued to fly westward.

There was a **** of death in the underworld, and Ning Tao faintly remembered what his name was Huangquan and so on. He couldn't remember clearly. The **** of death is also on the prehistoric mountain, which is a plot of Wuhe and Hemia. Now, the old days die and the new ones stand. Ning Tao became the co-owner of the Three Realms. When he sits in Shenshan, he will continue to have gods on the hill to become new gods, and he will also get the destiny of God. Wu Yan is an example. The former **** of death died, and she is here now.

When the golden **** cloud flew over the Yindu city, the ghosts and soldiers in the city sent a roar of excitement, and that voice overcame the scream of the whole city.

"Fuck, what's the matter?" Ma Nian ran out of a room in the Ghost Palace. He had only a pair of shorts on his face and lipstick marks on his face and body. He didn't know what he had just experienced.

When he ran out of the door, he just saw the golden **** cloud passing through the city, his jaw almost fell to the ground, but his response was not slow, he just knelt down and shouted. Road: "Yindu ghost king Ma Ma meets the great god, and asks the great **** to come down and tell."

At this point, Ning Tao heard it, and he replied: "Ma Ma, do you remember me? I still have something to do now. Come back and see me."

The sound sounded like the bell of the gods.

The city's ghosts and ghosts, ghosts and ghosts were deterred. Even those tortured and screaming ghosts just opened their mouths and made no sound.

"This voice ... is so familiar, but why don't I remember what great **** I know?" Horse face said to himself, confused.

He certainly remembers Ning Tao ~ ~ Every time I eat Huangquan oranges, I have to miss the Ning Brothers once, but he never dreamed that Ning Tao became a fairy and a god, and finally he became the commonwealth master . Therefore, he could not guess who the great **** standing on the golden **** cloud was.

The Golden God Cloud went westward all the way, and saw thousands of ghost cities along the way.

There is a ghost town that is mostly white. The ghost soldiers and ghosts in the city are both white and the whites are tortured. There are a few black brothers who are soaked in the pan and it is not easy to see people. .

It is also strange. The weapons that the white ghost soldiers and ghosts in that white ghost town are actually modern weapons, spears, cannons, tanks, etc., give Ning Tao the feeling that it is like a military base in the lighthouse country thousands of years ago.

Of course that ghost town cannot be the military base of the Beacon State, which has been dead for a thousand years.

In fact, whether it ’s holding swords, shields, or spears to open tanks, those things are burned down in the sun. To fight in this underworld, you have to fight the magic weapon, nuclear bombs are not working. Besides, I am afraid that no relatives of the deceased burned nuclear bombs to their loved ones.

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