Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1625: Horse story

The golden **** cloud flies and flies, how can it not fly to the end of the underworld.

Hell cannot be a planet, so it should be shaped like a fairyland, like a huge and incomparable world floating in the void. Perhaps it is a huge mountain like Shenshan Mountain. But Ning Tao flew all the way down the cloud. He estimated that it was the end of the fairyland, and he also flew, but he failed to fly to the end of the underworld.

Fly over this way, there are so many ghost towns, but the rolling mountains, the boundless sea of ​​blood, and the dense **** swamps have seen a lot.

"This underworld is so big. How can I manage such a vast territory?" Wu Yan sighed.

Ning Tao was puzzled and said, "Do you think there is something wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Wu Yan asked back.

In response to this, she obviously did not know.

Ning Tao said: "At my current speed, even one side of the fairyland has arrived. Can this **** be bigger than the fairyland?"

"This ... I didn't think about it." Wu Yan was also confused.

The golden **** cloud flew for another distance, and a ghost city appeared in front of it.

A familiar feeling came on his way, and Ning Tao stopped the golden **** cloud, fixed his eyes, and stopped for a moment.

After flying a large circle, he returned to the ghost town of the ghost city, the horse-faced ghost king.

Wu Yue said in surprise: "Ninglang, that city ... why did we fly back again?"

Ning Lang, this is a night in ancient New Delhi, a thousand years ago, she called Ning Tao, a thousand years later, she still calls it that. She is now fully qualified to be called Ning Taofu Jun, her husband or whatever, but she still likes this little fresh and artistic title.

Ning Tao also likes it, because too many people call him husband and husband, and they don't feel it when they listen.

But this is not the point, the point is that this long-haul flight came over and actually went around the Yindu City.

"Did you encounter the legendary road ghost?" Wu Yan added again.

Ning Tao shook his head: "Surely not, we are mistaken."

What road ghost is so awesome that even the Three Realms and the underworld dare to play around?

Wu Yan said curiously, "What did we get wrong?"

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "This underworld can't see anything on the Three Realms holographic map, which is very similar to the box space above the mountain. When I first went to that box space, it was in my eyes. It ’s also endless, but it ’s actually not that big. I ’m thinking that this **** corresponds to that box space, at the lowest extreme, but will it be the same as that box space, in fact not big? ”

Wu Yan said: "I haven't been to the box space you said, but I think it's very possible if you say so. But why are we seeing everything normally, and it just comes back again? I can't see it. It ’s a little incredible if you have a weak mana but you are the commonwealth of the Three Realms and you ca n’t see it. ”

Ning Tao thought for a moment and said, "When you cross the gods, you should get a seal of destiny, or spell, what is that? Show me."

Wu Yan followed her right palm, and a law mark slowly appeared in her palm.

That seal of seal is like a six-sided seal, and each rune forms the shape of a six-pointed star. As soon as it emerged, misery arose all around

There was a terrible overcast wind, and there was the sound of ghosts crying in the wind. As if, this seal is a seal that seals countless lonely ghosts.

"This is the seal of hell. I don't know what it is used for," Wu Min said.

Ning Tao said, "You try it."

Wu Zheng nodded his head, activated Hell Seal, and shot it out.

Hell Seal flew out of his hand, and the blood was shining all at once. The blood spread like a tide in all directions. Where the blood light passed, the fog of those blind eyes, the thick blood light, part of the ground collapsed, exposing a big hole.

Ning Tao's heart moved and she leapt to the sky.

The blood-colored sky seemed to have no end, but Ning Tao had seen it. At an altitude of several hundred thousand meters, he also saw the truth of the underworld.

This underworld is not a boundless world of space, it is actually very small, but it is not the boxy rune space above the mountain, but a spiral downward space. He flew in Shenyun just now, but he actually made a circle on the top of the spiral, so he returned to the starting point.

A stamp of **** from Wuyi opened the gates of hell, and those collapsed grounds were actually the gates of **** on the next level.

No wonder you just could n’t fly today. Today, how can you fly to the end? As soon as the gate of **** opened, layers of space appeared.

"Is there really eighteen floors in hell?" The sight before him reminded Ning Tao of the **** in the myth.

There are some myths that even if people don't believe it, there is a reason for it.

There is a living example in front of him. Ning Tao does not believe that there are eighteen floors in hell. A **** seal, which can be used as the new death of Wu Ke, a new official, opens a hell, and even the "rotating staircase" appears.

However, if it is understood according to the definition of a building, this is not a true eighteen storey hell, because it is a space structure that rotates downwards and turns, that is, a spiral.

A figure flashed, Wu Yan came to Ning Tao, overlooking the real hell. Although this **** was opened by her, it was the first time she saw it, and her heart was shocked.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It seems that this underworld is really your territory. As soon as you seal it, you open **** and let the real **** come out. You have supreme divine power in this underworld."

Wu Yan smiled: "That's not your **** yet. You let me kneel, which time did I not kneel down?"

Ning Tao was a little speechless. How could she remember so clearly a thousand years ago?

"Guess what I thought of?" Sending the **** of God changed the subject.

Wu Yan said with a smile: "What you think is what I think of, I think of eighteen layers of hell. Is this what you think of?"

"It seems that we are thinking of going together. Let's go down and see what a real **** looks like." Ning Tao said.

Wu Zheng nodded his head, and an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I also want to find a suitable place to build the temple. You help me build the temple, and I, the **** of death, is waiting for you."

Ning Tao's heart suddenly felt ripples. When he was with other goddess wives, he felt like he was pulling his right hand, he had no passion, even no response, and only the spiritual husband and wife relationship remained, but this The new death, but he has feelings and reactions.

For a thousand years, some feelings and reaction

It should be so precious.

Being a commonwealth of the three realms is actually not easy.

Ning Tao was bored for a thousand years and had obvious symptoms. No wonder he had no intention of destroying the Three Realms. When a **** is boring for hundreds of millions of years, when Shenzhou is billions of years, what's the point of living? I am afraid that only by destroying the large-scale stimulus of the Three Realms can he feel and react a little?

But before Ning Tao pressed down the golden **** cloud to fly to the first open **** gate, a figure flew up on a ghost stick.

The stick was covered with white paper, strands of wind, wafting in the wind, and black gas lingered during the flight, but the black gas was only a relatively low level of dark energy.

The person standing on the stick is not someone else, it is the ghost of the ghostly king.

The horse face finally saw who was the big **** standing on the golden **** cloud, and the chin on the long face smashed on the stick. He snored for a long time before returning to God, exclaiming: "Brother Ning! It's you!"

Ning Tao smiled.

Wu Yan looked at it suddenly, and scolded: "Bold darling, when I saw the Three Realms Lord and Death, they didn't kneel, and dare to call the Three Realms Lord's name taboo. Do you want to find death?"

"Ah?" The horse face shivered, and fell on his knees on the wand. He trembled and said, "Little Wang Ma face meets the Lord of the Three Realms, and meets the **** of death."

Ning Tao moved to the cloud, reached out and raised the horse's face: "You and I are old friends, don't be so polite."

The horse face couldn't help but glance at the death martial arts with Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes, fear in his heart, how dare to say another set of words, but just nodded timidly.

Ning Tao said, "How is your life this millennium?"

Ma Nian said: "Thanks to Ning ... the Great Three Realms of the Lord gave Xiaowang a Huangquan citrus tree that year. I kept guarding that Huangquan citrus tree every day and advanced his mana. Later, in a group of brothers, He killed the former ghost king of the capital of the underworld, and then became the ghost king. "

Ning Tao said with a smile: "That's not bad. We went to your house when we came. One of your little sisters came out and met us. How many rooms did you marry?"

Ma Nian wondered why Ning Tao asked this, but still honestly answered: "Little Wang has three wives and four concubines. The one at home is my concubine. She is a Korean actress. Later she killed. I Seeing her poor, she took her in. "

Ning Tao just chatted casually, he shifted the topic to the business: "Below this hell, have you been to it?"

The horse face shook his head: "The Lord of Hell can open the seal. UU reads The former Lord of Hell has disappeared, and no one has opened it."

"Ninglang, let's go and see." Wu Yan said, she could not wait any longer.

Ning Tao said, "Okay, I want to go and see."

Ma Nian followed and said, "Let Xiao Wang recite the way to the Great God. If there is any danger, Wang will go first."

Wu Yan, however, didn't appreciate it at all, and said lightly: "It's so dangerous that you can travel through a little ghost king. What kind of danger is it? You don't need to lead the way, you go to notify other ghost kings and tell them that I'm here and I will Take over the whole hell. If anyone disagrees, let him be ready to die. "

There was a fear on the horse's face, and he did not dare to neglect in the face, and respectfully replied, "Yes."

"Ninglang, let's go," Wu Yan said.

Ning Tao nodded his head, pushed down the golden **** cloud and flew towards the open spiral portal.

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