Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1626: Grinder and beans

The black gas surged and the flames burned. The space below was like a stove, and the earth was like the peat in the stove, and it was burned red. Black gas lingered and shrouded the wild, one by one, the ghosts came out of the black gas, came out of the red peat land, gathered on a large road, and then slowly moved forward.

It feels like there is a ghost king in front, or some powerful character is calling where these ghosts go.

The golden **** cloud flew forward, the terrain slowly rotated, and the road between the black gas and the peatland also slowly rotated. Countless injustices and ghosts are screaming sternly. They squeeze together and move down, and the scene is like many people walking down a spiral staircase.

Ning Tao's scalp was numb with this sight. On the upper level, there are only a few ghost towns. There is not much difference between those ghost kings and ghost soldiers. The ghosts in the city are also fried in a pan, fried, and then fried. After all, ghosts are so little, really want to get those ghosts out of their minds, and those ghost soldiers will be unemployed if they are not equal to the ghosts?

But on the next level, there are too many ghosts, densely packed, crowded, and a bit like the Spring Festival.

"Why do these ghosts go down?" Ning Tao broke the silence between him and Wu Yan.

"I don't know." Wu Yan's face was also full of confused expression.

"You are a destiny, you don't even know about this hell?" Ning Tao couldn't believe it.

Wu Yan smiled bitterly: "Ninglang, I still died because of you, aren't you still the Three Kingdoms Lord, you should know everything in these three circles."

"Forget it, let's go down." Ning Tao said that his three-communist lord didn't care much. If it wasn't for Wu Zhi becoming a **** of death, he would come to Hades to build a temple for her. It's impossible to come to Hades.

The golden **** cloud instantly reached the entrance of the third floor. The entrance also collapsed downwards, but some fragments of buildings were faintly visible on the surrounding ground, some were tiles, some were bricks, and some were fragments of steles. It seems that the fragments are like fragments left after the collapse of a gate or archway.

The ghosts on the road walked down the line holding the line. If any ghost stopped, he would be overthrown by the ghosts behind him, and then be trampled down. One by one, the ghosts entered the cave on the next floor, the third floor, and disappeared into the darkness. No sound came from below. Only a gust of wind blew from the cave, shaking the shabby clothes of those ghosts.

The directors of major disaster films would probably save huge sums of money if they came here for the shooting.

Ning Tao didn't rush to fly to the next floor. He looked at the pile of building fragments, and his heart moved, and then the pieces of suspension floated up, and then began to piece together. Pieces of small pieces make up large pieces, pieces of large pieces piece together to form a complete shape. Even the fragments flew out of the cave leading to the next floor to participate in the "assembly of blocks."

In an instant, a gate tower stood at the end of the road.

That cave is the gate of the gate.

Beside the gate tower stands a stone monument with runes engraved on it.

Ning Tao easily resolved it.

The rune engraved on this stele is a magic circle, and the original name cannot be verified, but Ning Tao felt that he could use the word "grinding" to name it. Because the legal array on this stele, as well as the gate tower and the rotating road, are actually the function of a grinding disc-specifically used to grind ghosts.

But now, the gate tower and stele are not working.

One by one, the ghosts lined up to enter the city gate, that is, the dark cave.

Look at those ghosts, not all of them are human, and the clothes on them are not the same. Some are ancient armors, some are modern casual clothes, and some are strange clothes of alien races. The appearance of these ghosts is also strange, some are like humanoid lizards, some are fat and become a ball, others have smooth heads, not even a hair. In short, at a glance, thousands of races, all kinds of ghosts.

"Ninglang, it's weird." Wu Yan also discovered these situations, and her face was full of curiosity. "The top layer of this **** is a human being we know, all staying in ghost towns, not going Go down. But the ghosts on the second floor walk into this door without punishment. I don't believe there is no sin in the ghosts here. "

Ning Tao said: "The shape of this hell, and the legal array of this gatehouse, looks like a grinding disc. I think they are far worse than the ordinary ghosts on the first floor."

"why would you say so?"

"I understand it this way. The first layer is a low-level ghost, and the energy of the soul is not strong enough. The ghost here is obviously much stronger, it is a higher-level ghost. The lower layer, if expected, will be a stronger ghost "Ning Tao said," They are being ground in this millstone. This magic circle will obliterate their memory, soul, and restore them to the original energy form, which is ... "

"What is it?" Wu Yan asked.

Ning Tao didn't say it, but she reached out a hand, a movement of divine thought, and the runes of heaven came out from his palm, as fine as dust and glittering.

The martial arts **** who had boarded the **** of the mountain today saw the Rune of Heaven in the highest space. For a while, she was stunned and shocked, and forgot to ask what it was.

Ning Tao then said: "This is the Rune of Heaven, an energy that cannot be found in the Three Realms. At first, I do n’t think it is the energy of this universe. When the rune space above the mountain is corresponding to this hell, , I think my judgment is wrong. The rune energy of the Rune of the Day is also the highest energy in these three realms, but it is not used to cast or attack. It is only the basic energy of everything. "

Wu Min's expression was confused, she felt that she understood something, but when she thought about it, she was at a loss, unable to tell what she understood.

In fact, Ning Tao was only analyzing and guessing. The speech at this moment seemed very certain, but he couldn't hold back any incredible sight, and then overthrew it.

"This city gate tower ... you said it was a magic circle and a millstone, why didn't it move?" Wu Yan said.

Ning Tao said: "You are the **** of death, the master of hell. Your **** seal can open **** and naturally activate the gate of the city. You can try and see what happens after the mill is activated."

Wu Zheng nodded her head. She flew up from the golden **** cloud and walked to the gate building. She probed a **** stamp on the gate tower, and then activated the **** stamp.

A **** glow surged through the entire city gate, and blood seemed to flow through the cracks of each city brick.

The ghosts who had walked into the door suddenly made a scream, and when they entered the **** city gate, they were ground into powder and disappeared.

Although she could not see what the ghosts had been ground into, Ning Tao could see clearly. As he guessed, these ghosts were ground into a rune of heaven, and then entered the gate.

Although the ghosts in front of them died one after another, the troops in the back continued to march toward the gate. If a ghost stops, it will be instantly overturned by the ghosts behind it, and then step on the soul.

"Really ... the disc?" Wu Yan was surprised. "So, the ordinary ghosts above are considered good. After the atonement, at least there is a chance of reincarnation, and the ghosts here have even chances. No."

Those who are not eligible for reincarnation and rebirth have no chance of being tortured, and they are directly ground into powder. The laws of **** are really different from those in mythology.

"Let's go and take a look at the next floor." Ning Tao said.

Wu Yan glanced at the blood-stained city gate, a little afraid.

The Golden God Cloud has already flown to the gate, and Ning Tao said with a smile: "What kind of death are you, even the gate gate you activated are afraid to go in?"

Wu Yan tilted his lips: "I'm not even afraid of you, am I still afraid of this gate? Go and go!"

Ning Tao: "..."

How can we compare the gates of Hell with the Three Realms?

Besides, the **** of delivery is not a millstone, he is just a bean.

Wu Yan jumped on the golden **** cloud, and Ning Tao drove the cloud directly into the gate tower.

The little mana in this gatehouse was not qualified to tickle Zishen, let alone grind him into something. Wu Yan's body didn't have any reaction either, she was Lord of Hell after all, and the gate was activated by herself.

Go through the city gate tower and reach the next floor.

In the same scene, countless ghosts came out of the burning earth and dark mist, gathered on a large road, and then walked forward.

The ghosts on this level are more advanced and powerful. Among them are dinosaurs, diplodocus, tens of meters high, tyrannosaurus with strong limbs, and pterosaurs flying in the sky.

Of course these dinosaurs cannot be dinosaurs on earth, but dinosaurs on earth-like planets. In the past thousand years, Ning Tao has seeded all over the universe, and he saw dinosaurs on several planets of the country ~ ~ The evolution of life only turned to the page of dinosaurs. The size of this universe is far from what humans can imagine. Only if he exists, can he wander in the universe and sow seeds everywhere.

In addition to dinosaurs, there are other races in this hell, all of which are far more powerful than human races. Ning Tao even saw some flower vines and water men, and whether they were flower vines or water men, they were far more powerful races than humans.

The golden **** cloud circled along the road, going round and round, and finally reached a cave. There were also some building debris in front of the cave. Ning Tao restored it again and restored it to a gate building.

Ning Tao said: "These gate buildings may have collapsed with the death of the last god. You are now Lord of the Underworld. Activate it. You have to make the Underworld work normally."

Wu Zheng nodded his head and flew up to the gate building, where he activated the gate building with the mark of hell.

In the same situation, as soon as the gate of the city gate was activated, thousands of blood shot out in the dark caves of the gate, and those ghosts who had been quiet in the entrance also screamed screaming, one by one in the light of blood The ash fly out.

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