Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1627: The last floor of hell

Layer by layer, there are really eighteen layers in the end.

More precisely, it is the eighteen grinding disc city gates that grind sentient beings. Because the number of layers is far more than eighteen layers, rotating down one circle at a time, at least dozens of layers. This **** is like a drill bit that has been erected, rotating down one circle at a time, and finally a small drill bit is left.

This "drill bit" is actually an inky black hole in a small space. If this space is likened to the front part of a drill bit, then it is the sharpest point above the drill bit.

There is no spinning road in this space, and no lone wild ghost walking on the road. It is just an empty conical space, walking down the slope, that is the bottom of hell, the dark swirl of black ink.

"This **** really has eighteen floors. It seems that folk myths are telling the right story." Wu Yan said with some sighs.

Ning Tao said: "Most stories have a true version of the reference, even if they are not all right, but you can't deny it entirely. If you hear the story of the **** of giving the child later, do n’t believe it easily, but do n’t deny it . "

Wu Yan smiled: "I heard a lot of stories about you, the goddess of giving birth in fairyland, most of them related to fairies and goddesses. Do you want to hear?"

Here, she hastily built the temple. Anyway, the child-giving **** is her male god, and it is possible to build a temple any time.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Forget it, the story told from your mouth is definitely not good, let's go and study that hole."

Wu Yan sighed: "The great God of the Son of God has studied the most and most carefully in his life is the cave."

Ning Tao's face suddenly showed an embarrassing expression, but he just said something dead. The story about the God of Sending a Child cannot be totally negated, and the truth told by others. There are too many grottoes studied in the life of Sendzi, and he doesn't remember how many on the earth, in the immortal world, or on the mountain. Therefore, he could not refute it, but he felt that he had not deliberately studied it. Didn't he only study it when he encountered it?

For example this one.

Which one, the new goddess of death added a sentence: "I'm not talking about the hole in front of me."

Ning Tao wondered: "What cave are you talking about?"

A narrow smile appeared on the corner of Wu Yan's mouth: "You know it yourself."

Ning Tao: "..."

It's so speculative.

Sending God ignored her, pressing the golden **** cloud against a rock wall and flying down.

The rock wall at the bottom of Hell also seems to be a piece of burning peat, flames can be seen everywhere, and slowly flowing suspicious blood and magma flow in the cracks.

Suddenly, Ning Tao saw a glittering thing in a crack in the rock. He was a little curious, flying the golden **** cloud. Fly to the thing, but still can't see what it is, only to be sure that it is a golden piece.

Wu Yan also saw it, wondering, "What is this?"

Ning Tao reached out and buckled the golden shard, injecting a trace of the force of creation, and analyzing the seal of creation.

"It's a fragment of a **** armor." Ning Tao said.

"A fragment of the armor, how could it be here?" Wu Yan said curiously.

Ning Tao shook his head: "I don't know, hey, there's a piece everywhere, let's go and see."

The golden **** cloud flew again, and Ning Tao buckled down a golden shard again.

"There is one more there!" Wu Yan said pointing in one direction, looking very excited.

The golden **** cloud flew again.

More and more debris was found. It was only at the end that Ning Tao discovered that the debris here could not be excavated at all. The rock wall of this conical space is full of such debris, some buried deep in the rock wall. You need to break the rock to dig it out. After digging more than a dozen pieces, Ning Tao also lost his interest in digging.

Nima, the lord of the Three Realms, am I here to accompany you to dig the pieces?

Looking closely at the dozen or so shards dug out, Ning Tao found that not all of them were fragments of **** armor, and some were artifact fragments.

Wu Yan is also digging, she also dug several pieces, holding it in her palm, looking happy, like a child picking up stained glass marbles.

"If you like, I will give it to you." Ning Tao said. After he determined that these fragments were fragments of sacred armor and artifacts, he did not want to take them away. This was, after all, a hell.

But there is one thing in the underworld that he doesn't dislike, and he has a strong interest in research, which is death.

Sleeping with death, and studying the power of death with death, I am afraid that the whole universe will only have the **** of giving birth.

"Ninglang, what do you think this is?" Wu Yue suddenly passed a piece of gold to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao brought the piece over, and the piece has been polished quite smooth and smooth by the years, like the beads that have been in the hands of cultural and amateur lovers for decades, and they are all wrapped with pulp. At first glance, he felt that it was part of a certain artifact, and then felt that it was part of a certain artifact, but after a trace of the force of creation was injected, after the analysis of the seal of creation, he suddenly caught on the spot.

This is a piece of bone.

This bone fragment also contains a trace of divine energy, but it is not the kind of divine energy contained in the fragments of artifacts and artifacts. It has the nature of soul!

"Ninglang, what is this?" Wu Yan asked again.

Ning Tao said, "This is the **** bone."

"Ah?" Wu Zheng said in surprise, "how could the bones of God be here?"

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "I do n’t know. What I know is that there is a tomb on the mountain of God. I once went in. I saw the bodies of the gods, and their artifacts and armors. But there are more than 9,000 corpses and more than 9,000 Artifact artifacts. My first temple on the mountain used a lot of Artifacts and Artifacts, but was destroyed. Later, the gods were resurrected, Become a **** of gods, and I also fought a battle with them in the fairyland, and finally introduced them into the gap in the space, using the real sand to destroy them ... "

In the process of telling, a lot of past events came to mind, and Ning Tao always felt that he had missed something that was very important. However, he could not tell what the forgotten thing was.

"Ninglang, what's the matter with you?" Wu Ye saw Ning Tao's psychological changes, and his tone was concerned.

After all, it ’s her male god. Put aside the ghost's womb born in the stomach, as far as she is now a destiny of death, heaven and earth, within the Three Realms, I am afraid that Ning Tao does not dislike her identity. , Willing to be with her.

Ning Tao stayed for a few more seconds before putting away his thoughts: "I was just thinking about a question."

"what is the problem?"

Ning Tao said: "I just remember now that the tomb on the mountain of God is actually made by one hand, which means that the tomb of the **** should not exist at all. The gods in that tomb should also be Do n’t **** it. And here, we find a lot of **** armors and artifacts and **** bones. I wonder if the last layer of this **** is the real tomb of God? ”

Talking and analyzing, the results come here, but he is not sure whether such analysis is correct or wrong.

Wu Yan laughed: "Ninglang, I can agree with you on other points, but I can't agree with this point. What you are talking about is God, how can he be buried in **** after God's death?"

Ning Tao asked in return: "How do you explain these fragments of **** armor, artifact and **** bones?"

"This ..." Wu Ji thought about it, but still couldn't explain it.

Yeah, according to common sense, it is impossible for God's bones to come here for burial, but there are a lot of fragments of **** bones, armors and artifacts. How to explain it?

Couldn't explain it, but Wu Yan didn't want to be idle. She flew out of the golden **** cloud again, reached out and pulled out a piece of suspected **** bone, and then returned to the golden **** cloud. This time she did not give it to Ning Tao to analyze, but to see it for herself, play with it, and do her own research.

Ning Tao said: "Look, I just thought about it a bit, see if this is possible."

"What's possible?" Wu Yan asked.

Ning Tao said: "The **** bones here are all sin gods, which are not acknowledged by God, or gods who violated the rule of heaven, were sent here for burial. Of course, they are not gods we are familiar with. In the early days of the ancient spirit, or even older gods. "

Wu Yue rang for a while, but only shrugged his shoulders: "You are the co-owner of these three realms. I do n’t know anything more about you than you know. Besides, it ’s not just some bones and fragments of the artifact What use do we study them for? "

Ning Tao said, "No, I seem to have thought of it just now. It was something I missed. It's important, but I can't remember what it is ... let's go and see first, maybe there will be new discoveries. . "

"Um." Wu Yan responded softly.

Death is well-behaved in the presence of the Son of God.

The golden **** cloud continued to fly down against the rock wall ~ ~ I saw more golden fragments along the way, some were sacred armor fragments, some were artifact fragments, and some were **** bone fragments. However, along the way, Ning Tao and Wu Yan did not pick up fragments.

Soon, the golden **** cloud came to the bottom of hell.

When the rock wall collapses, what is left is not a point, but an oval, dark, ink-like cave.

Oncoming breath Ning Tao is very familiar with, that is, the dark energy that is not used to destroy the Three Realms.

In the dark cave, a trace of dark energy diffused out, mixed with the inherent breath of death in hell, diluted, and it is difficult to find its existence.

"Where is this cave?" Wu Min asked.

Ning Tao shook his head: "I don't know, but there seems to be a possibility ..."


"Death world." Ning Tao said.

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