Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1628: Forgotten Old Fairy

Wu Yan was suddenly present on the spot, and he didn't say anything at all.

There is no door at the end of hell, there is only a dark whirlpool, and it is still. However, Ning Tao still wanted Wu Ye to try it out.

"Ama, try activating it with your Hell Seal and see what happens?" Ning Tao said.

Wu Zheng said with some worries: "It's weird here. Will it endanger the existence of **** after activation?"

She only became a **** of death today. If **** is ruined in this way, it will not be fun.

Ning Tao smiled: "I am still here, what are you worried about? If it really destroys **** after activating it, I must have a way to stop it. I can save even the Three Realms, what is it?"

Sometimes it is necessary to pretend not to feel insecure.

Although Wu Yi was still a little unreliable, but Ning Tao said so, it would not be interesting if she didn't do it. Moreover, she really wanted to know if this vortex could be activated and what would happen after activation.

After a brief preparation, Wu Ji poked out a hand, and a **** mark appeared in her hand. Later, she rolled her hands and pressed, and the seal of **** flowed to the vortex at the bottom of hell.

A piece of **** light shot suddenly, and the scene was like a red gold ingot plunged into a pot of asphalt. At a moment, black juice surged, and black smoke rose up, all together, as The serpent generally rushed to Ning Tao and Wu Yan.

However, before waiting to pounce on Wu Ji, those black smoke seemed to recognize the "master" and wanted Ning Tao to pounce.

"Huh!" Ning Tao snorted coldly, and his body shot a lot of golden light.

The black smoke was instantly dispelled by Jin Guang, and the whining voice echoed strangely in the air, as if there were tens of millions of undead ghosts crying and howling.

Just then, the dark vortex spun slowly.

The conical **** at the bottom of the **** holy, golden pieces, and the grinded ghost energy slowly entered the whirlpool.

Even more amazing is that at the moment when the vortex began to turn, the energy field on Wu Ji's body also changed into blood, and an extra dark cloak of energy was added. The cloak was automatic without wind, the corners were incomplete, and the flame was burning, so cool.

Obviously, until this step, the death **** Wu Wu was considered to activate the whole hell, and it wasn't until then that she really took over the hell. That's why her energy field has changed like this.

"Is this ... the cape of death?" Ning Tao was also surprised.

Wu Yan couldn't hide his excitement: "I don't know what it is, I don't even know why my energy field has changed like this. It's like you are a child-god, you can always please women. "

Ning Tao: "..."

How did it get to the God of the Son of God?

This is really inappropriate.

Wu Yan smiled again and said, "However, if you say it is the cape of death, then it is the cape of death."

Ning Tao looked at her with a smile on her lips, but secretly said, "I'll pack you up later."

He shifted his gaze to the vortex at the bottom of hell, and thoughtfully, it became more and more obvious that he had previously discovered what he didn't know.

Wu Yan said: "You are right. This is not the existence of **** destruction. It should be the core of hell. Activate it. This **** is considered to be working normally. Let ’s go and go to the first floor and help me there Build a majestic temple. "

The entire hell, the eighteenth floor, is exactly eighteen Daoguan, and only the first-floor plane space is suitable for the construction of the temple, and other places are not suitable.

"Wait." Ning Tao said.

"You ... haven't studied it thoroughly yet?" Wu Yue tried tentatively.

Ning Tao said, "You say, what's under hell?"

Wu Zheng thought for a moment before saying, "I think it should be ... the world of death?"

Ning Tao said, "Death world, have you been to the death world?"

Wu Yan shook his head: "Who would want to go to such a place?"

Ning Tao said: "You haven't been, I haven't been, so ..."

"So what?"

"It doesn't exist." Ning Tao said.

Wu Yi stumbled for a moment: "During my travels in the fairy realm, I heard a lot of people tell your stories about saving the Three Realms. In those stories, none of them opened the way to the world of death, citing the sand of death to destroy the Three Realms, it is you You saved the Three Realms with the real sand. It is a fact that you saved the Three Realms. The real sand also exists, and the sand of death also exists. Then why do you deny the existence of the dead world? "

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "The truth is that the World Extermination Array was launched in the Supreme Temple of Heaven. He launched the plan to destroy the Three Realms in his temple. I thought that the world of death existed. But I have been wandering all over the universe for thousands of years, and I have never found traces of the world of death. You see, the ghosts of **** are ground into dust-like energy, and then spin down and enter this vortex, it Is it leading to the world of death. I don't think it should lead to ... "

He didn't go on, but the feeling of what had been discovered before became clearer, and he almost had to speak out.

"Where should it lead?" Wu Yan was uncomfortable with his appetite.

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "I think it should lead to the rune space I told you."

"How is this possible?" Wu Yan couldn't believe what Ning Tao said, and his face was full of surprise.

Ning Tao said: "Everything has its own reincarnation, human life is old and sick, and the vegetation is withered. A stone, first there is sediment, then there are stones, and then the stones are weathered into sediment. This is all reincarnation, which can also be understood as a cycle. This **** is the world of death, everything here is made up of the energy of death, material, ghosts, etc. It is at the bottom of the Three Realms, and the rune space is at the top of the Three Realms, one to the lowest and one to the highest . But the pole of everything is the opposite, this **** is the world of death, then this vortex is its pole, it should lead to the rune space. "

"What about the extremes of rune space? You said it was a boxy box space." Wu Yan said, she always felt that Ning Tao said that it was too mysterious and too esoteric, and she couldn't understand it.

Ning Tao smiled lightly: "Just before I came here, I didn't know where the poles of the rune space were, but now I think I know where its poles are."


Ning Tao waved at will, and suddenly a boxy box composed of the forces of creation appeared in the void in front of him. He reached out his finger and drew a diagonal line at one corner of the box to the diagonal, and then drew the same diagonal line at the other corner.

The two diagonal lines intersect in the middle of the boxy box, and a junction appears.

Ning Tao pointed to the joint point and said, "This point is its extreme point. The eighteen grinding discs of the underworld grind sentient beings, and then enter the box space from this vortex. The rune space represents creation, which can be understood as life. This Hell represents death, of course, death. Without death, where is life born. Without life, where is death? "

"You mean, **** is what you call the reincarnation of rune space?"

"To be precise, rune space is the birth of this universe, and this **** is the death of this universe. Both constitute the cycle of this universe." Ning Tao said.

Speaking of this sentence, he felt like the fog covering his vision was scattered by the sun, and he felt a lot easier.

Wu Yan smiled bitterly. Ning Tao had already spoken thoroughly and clearly, but she still didn't quite understand. However, she also figured out that what Ning Tao was concerned about was not something she could understand at this level.

But she couldn't help but ask a curiosity: "You said that vortex leads to the point of the center of the rune space. What if we go now?"

Ning Tao said, "You will die."

"Uh ..." Wu Yan immediately lost interest.

Ning Tao said, "Of course, everything I said is just a guess, and you need a piece of evidence to prove it. You are not a rune body, if you go to that rune space, you are dead."

Before waiting for him to finish, Wu Ji held his hand: "You are not allowed to go, although you are the Three Kingdoms lord, this thing is too ridiculous. If the vortex is really the death world, you again It ’s not death. The whole world suppresses you. How can you resist? The child in my stomach has not been born yet. You say that I am selfish or nonsense, anyway, I am not letting you go. "

Ning Tao not only didn't think she was arrogant, but felt that she was intimate and had a warm feeling in her heart.

Being cared for by a woman is this feeling, very comfortable, and then want to do something to sublimate this comfortable feeling.

"Well, I won't go." Ning Tao compromised.

For the goddess of death, for the little ghost king who has not been born in her stomach, you must compromise.

Wu Yan said: "I'll catch a little ghost and let him try it. If not, I'll catch a ghost king and let the ghost king go. Those who come from **** will not be any good people.

Ning Tao said: "The average little ghost can't even reach this level, let alone go through this extreme vortex, and the ghost king can't do it."

"What then?"

Ning Tao thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of a character, he said, "I think of someone, she may."


"Her name is Nebona ~ ~ Ning Tao said.

He almost forgot the old fairy, and kept throwing dust in the corner of the Japanese gourd. This time it wasn't necessary to be alone to cross the vortex at the bottom of the hell, I'm afraid he still couldn't remember her.

Throwing people in the gourd for more than a thousand years is indeed a bit unsuccessful.

"Is this a woman by the name?" Wu Yan stared at Ning Tao with a strange look. She knew all the women in Ning Tao, but never heard the name Nebona. She suddenly felt that he was still too young. How many women were there to send the gods to God? Can she only figure it out?

Ning Tao smiled: "What is your expression?"

Wu Yan gave Ning Tao a dizzy eye: "I didn't eat your vinegar, I was a **** of death."

Death is not jealous.

Ning Tao smiled, smiled, and moved his heart. A torch flew out of the Japanese gourd and fell into his hands.

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