Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1630: 1 never return

In the mythology, the son-in-law created a person, squeezed it with mud, and then breathed at the clay figure, and the clay figure was alive.

Such stories still have markets in ancient times, but even modern children can't lie to them.

It is very difficult to make a real person. Even a master of the Three Realms like Ning Tao, it is impossible to make a living person with a soul. However, Nebona has a soul, so this is easy, he just needs to create a body for her.

A creator Fayin slowly invaded Nebona's soul. After activation, the pile of divine spirits began to decompose, and the five elements of energy gathered from all sides to join in the process of creation.

Pills of life are incorporated into Nebona's soul body. Her soul body was originally thin and transparent, but it gradually became real along with the process of creation, and she had a real sense when she looked at it with the naked eye. Then there is real flesh.

First got the head, then the neck and chest.

Ning Tao originally created a C, but after thinking about it, he felt dissatisfied, and then added a bit to turn C into D +.

Wu Yan pouted beside him.

Ning Tao didn't see it, all his thoughts were on human creation.

In a blink of an eye, the lower abdomen also came out, flat and smooth, and no obvious muscles were seen, but it gave a very clear feeling of strength. At the beginning, Nibona's waist A4 paper was a bit wider, but Ning Tao felt a bit thick, and cut two points of flesh down to form a standard A4 waist. The vest line was just as good.

Then create down.

The buttocks are very important. After all, they are used to sit. So the **** of delivery created the buttocks to be full, but the muscles were tilted backwards and the two sides were closed together.

Continue to create.

There must be everything, and it must be refined and perfect. Especially for a pair of long legs, Ning Tao's ingenuity created a pair of uniformly long compass legs, occupying two-thirds of the body. Taken together, that's the perfect nine-headed figure.

After some operations, Ning Tao did not even drip a sweat. Compared to creating stars, creating a natural environment that nurtured life, it is too trivial to create a woman's body.

"I don't know if I should speak properly or not." Wu Yan said, looking at Nebona suspended in the void.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "What else is difficult to say between you and me, what do you want to say?"

Wu Yan said: "I see the whole process of your creation. There is a place where you adjusted three times, once smaller than once. I don't know why, so I want to ask."

"Uh, where are you talking?"

"You know it."

Ning Tao froze for a moment, then said with a smile: "Oh, you say ears, it must be smaller, ears are too big to look good."

Wu Yan tilted his lips: "When I said nothing, wake her up."

When Ning Tao probed his hand, a seal of true life appeared in the palm of his hand, and then slowly pressed the seal of true life into Nebona's brows. Finally, he moved a finger to Nebona's heart and forced a drop of golden blood. The drop of god's blood fell on Nebona's heart, then slowly integrated into it, first flesh, then the heart.

The moment that blood dripped into the heart, Nebona's chest violently fluctuated a few times, her eyes opened, and her eyes were as blue as gems and beautiful.

"Huh ..." Nebona gasped.

Ning Tao's hand waved slightly and placed Nebona on the ground. He created Nebona to be as tall as him, and also one and eighty-five, with a seductive figure.

This becomes alive.

Nebona knelt down, tears of excitement burst out: "The great Three Realms, you have given me a new life, and I am willing to give everything to you."

This sentence sounded familiar to me somehow.

Ning Tao said: "There is just one thing for you to do, but there is a certain degree of danger. Would you like it?"

Nebona said without hesitation: "I am willing to die for you."

Ning Tao said: "I want you to enter the vortex at the bottom of **** to see what's behind that."

Nebona froze a little, but then nodded: "Keep your deeds."

Ning Tao said, "But you do n’t have to worry. Since I can raise you once, I can raise you a second time. I have planted the seal of true life on your body, and it can help you exist in the rune space. .I suspect that the vortex directly reaches the center of the rune space. When you go in, if you ca n’t come out, I will go to the rune space and wait for you. Even if you become a rune of heaven, I can restore you.

"Well, I see." Nebona was already worried, and she was relieved to hear Ning Tao's words.

The words of the Three Realms are very well understood. You rush forward boldly, and I'll just restore you back when I die. What else is she afraid of? Moreover, the grace of resurrection was so great that she couldn't wait to repay it.

A golden **** cloud flew out of the Temple of Death and flew towards the second level of **** gate. Along the way, the ghost kings are leading ghost soldiers to the temple of death. Seeing the golden **** cloud flying over his head, all troops and horses all knelt down on the ground.

Ning Tao didn't even stop for a while, went directly to the gate of hell, and then flew down layer by layer.

In the blink of an eye, the eighteenth **** gate was left behind, and the golden **** cloud hovered again on the vortex at the bottom of hell.

"I am here, Lord of the Three Realms, Lord Grim Reaper." Niebona said on her knees to Ning Tao and Wu Yi.

Ning Tao stretched out his hand to help Niebona, and in the process, he injected a rune energy into Niebona's body.

"This is ..." Nebona felt something penetrate her body, but she didn't know what it was.

Ning Tao smiled lightly: "This is the energy from the rune space, it can protect you, go."

Nebona nodded her head and gave a deep look at Ning Tao, then turned around, leaped forward, and put a pen on the head and feet in a slow, dark, ink-like shape. Among the whirlpools.

At the moment of entering, the vortex had a very obvious wave, but soon it returned to calm and normal operation. However, Nie Tao is no longer visible to either Wu Shi, the death god, or Ning Tao, the communist leader of the Three Realms.

One minute passed, Nebona did not return, and the vortex was still slowly spinning.

"Will she come back?" Wu Yan broke the silence between the two.

Ning Tao was also a little nervous: "I don't know. Just wait a few minutes. If she can't come back, I'll go back to Rune Space to find her."

"Can't I really go?" Wu Minming knew the definite answer, but she couldn't help curiosity and thought of the supreme space to see.

Ning Tao said: "You really can't go to that space, you are a **** of death, **** needs you, and you have to think about the child in your stomach, in case there is something wrong with the child, then you can't regret it."

Wu Yan sighed: "Well, I listen to you."

Ning Tao reached out and grabbed Wu Xi's incense shoulder, and said with a smile: "I know you can't bear me to go, but I just go back and take a look, and then I have to bring Nibona back, she is yours, after all , Our days are long, and there will be a lot of time in the future. "

A smile emerged from the corner of Wu Yan's mouth: "This is what you said, my requirements are not high, and one day in 100 years belongs to me, I am satisfied."

"Only one day in a hundred years?" Ning Tao was a little hesitant.

Wu Yan said with a smile: "Yeah, one hundred years a day, I don't want to be tired with you every day. In that case, you won't be tired of me long. In one hundred years, you will think of me instead. . "

Ning Tao smiled bitterly. Although she felt a little regretful, she also felt that she was justified. Being together every day, no time after a long time, it will become left and right.

This god, long life is also a trouble.

After talking these few words, a few minutes passed. The vortex at the bottom of **** is still slowly rotating, transforming the conversion, taking away, and Nebona never comes out of the vortex.

At first Ning Tao was still breathless, and after a few minutes of silence, he was a little breathless.

"No, I have to go to rune space to see." Ning Tao said.

"Go, your business is more important." Wu Yan said.

Ning Tao hugged her, then opened a seal of the Three Realms on the spot, and returned directly to the temple of Sending Son in the sky above the mountain.

Standing on the platform in front of the temple and looking down, there are hundreds of temples on the top of the mountain, all of which are temples of their family, don't have a sense of corruption.

Ning Tao just glanced at it and flew into the air, then opened the passage to the rune space with the door seal, and then entered the rune space.

At this time, the rune space was at night, and the small Dongshan tribe was immersed in tranquility.

Ning Tao headed straight for the center of the rune space.

The point where the four corners intersect is the center point of this space, and it's here in a blink of an eye, but there is nothing but nothing. If anything has to be said, it's just the tiny dusty runes that make up the air.

Ning Tao's mind was confused and began to worry.

Nebona neither came out of the vortex nor into the rune space, which meant that his judgment was wrong.

To him it was just a misjudgment, but to Nebona it was a matter of life. He vowed to tell others that you can go to ~ Even if you die, I can restore you. They went, but they disappeared. How could he restore them?

"If you just disappeared like this, how can I ... let you live again?" Ning Tao's head is a little big, even if the three realms of the commonwealth, there are such headaches.

But at this time, there was another wave of energy in this space.

Ning Tao sensed it, but was too late to capture it, meaning that the energy fluctuations disappeared again.

This was the same situation as when he left.

"Doesn't it say that it will only happen once in 1,000 years?" Ning Tao was surprised and confused. "The energy fluctuations only appeared yesterday. Why did they appear today?"

It is not said that when such energy fluctuations occur, space cracks will appear in this space, but this time Ning Tao still did not find any space cracks.

Suddenly, there was another wave of energy in the rune space.

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