Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1631: Live from death

This time Ning Tao finally caught it, right beside him, at that point. His eyes locked on that center point at that moment, and he was very nervous.

This is not only related to the life and death of Nebona, but also the opportunity to get out of this box. What is outside the box? This question has troubled Ning Tao for a thousand years. He wants to solve this mystery more than anyone else.

Suddenly, the runes of the sky overflowed from the center point, and the scene was like a silent spring eye suddenly activated, and then the spring water surged.

Suddenly, Ning Tao realized something. With a divine thought, he gathered all the runes of heaven that emerged from the center point, and none of them let them go.

The entire gusting time stopped in two or three seconds, and the center point was still.

However, there are still no cracks in this space.

Ning Tao sighed, the crack was really hard to find. Or, there is no such thing as a crack that does not exist at all, otherwise, in hundreds of millions of hours, it was found long ago, how could it never be found.

Now is also not the time to think about this issue. Ning Tao has a seal of the Creator on the spot, and then uses the runic energy to restore those heavenly runes.

Originally, it was just a pile of invisible sky runes, but in a blink of an eye there was blond hair, blue eyes, small lips, and a slender neck ...

In a blink of an eye, a blond beauty was born again, and she was Nebona coming from the bottom of the hell.

That guess is right, the pole over death is life, and the pole over life is death. The highest rune space above the mountain represents the life of this universe. The **** at the bottom of the Three Realms represents death. All living beings are ground there, polished into the runes of the sky and returned here. Cycle can also be said to be reincarnation.

This speculation was confirmed, but the thing Ning Tao wanted to figure out was still a cloud of fog, clueless. That's the millennial energy wave, and the space cracks that have never been discovered.

"Hoo!" Nebona breathed out her mouth, then opened her eyes.

Ning Tao put away her thoughts and said, "How are you doing?"

"I ..." Nebona looked a little hesitant. "Where is this place?"

Ning Tao said, "Here is the rune space that I told you. After you entered that vortex, what did you see and experience?"

"I ..." Nebona said what she wanted to say, but she didn't know what to say, she was still confused.

Ning Tao said warmly, "Don't worry, think slowly."

"Um." Niebona relaxed a bit, she struggled to get up, but her body was suspended in the void by Ning Tao, and she had nowhere to borrow, so when she exerted force, her body lost balance, hands and feet Jogging randomly, that action is like a drowning person.

Ning Tao reached out and supported her waist, holding her up.

Nebona wanted to kneel, but there was nothing under her feet, and she wandered there for a moment, wondering what was good. From her rebirth to the present, the child-sending **** hasn't made a armor or something for her. She stood in front of the child-sending **** so naturally, which made her a little embarrassed. But no matter what emotions she was trying to control, she didn't dare to show up in front of the **** of giving the child.

Ning Tao glanced at the central point without any movement. He was a little uncomfortable, but could not imagine it. After thinking about it, he made a decision: "I'll take you to the High Heaven Temple. This may be the only time you come to this place in this life, it is good to go and see, maybe it will be inspiration to you and help you to become God. "

"Going to be a **** in the future?" Nebona's expression suddenly became excited.

"You have to be confident that you can be a goddess. I will personally preside over the god-giving ceremony at that time." Ning Tao summoned the golden **** cloud and flew to the High-Temple Temple with Nebona.

Entering the temple, Nebona was shocked. The Temple of Death in Hell is the first temple she has ever seen. She thinks that it is the most towering temple. Compared with the highest temple in front of her, that is simply a comparison of residential houses and the palace. This time Ning Tao brought her here, it was an eye-opener for her.

Ning Tao took out some spirits from the Japanese gourd, created a blanket, and put it on Niebona's shoulder.

"Thank you." Nebona was a bit shy, leaning on the blanket.

She wasn't cold at all, but the blanket made her feel a bit more natural.

"Did you remember?" Ning Tao wanted to know the answer.

Nebona was silent for a moment before she said, "When I entered, my eyes were dark, and then I saw a golden light ... and then I knew nothing."

Such an answer obviously does not satisfy Ning Tao, but he also knows how detailed and complicated Niebona cannot be. After she entered, she was decomposed. When she came out, there were a bunch of heavenly runes, where could there be any detailed and complicated experiences and feelings. What she said was just the experience and feeling before she was decomposed after entering.

"I ... I'm incompetent." Niebona was ashamed, and her legs were kneeling in front of Ning Tao.

"Oh, why are you kneeling again, get up, get up." Ning Tao reached out to help her.

Nebona stood up, but just as she stood up, the blanket over her shoulders slipped without warning.

When I did n’t have a blanket before, I did n’t feel so awkward or unnatural, but I fell and fell down again, and it felt so intense, it was so awkward and nervous, and there was something unclear about the road.

Ning Tao also stayed.

Obviously it is the same scenery, and then it was revealed by the cover. The visual impact made him feel so strong that his head seemed to have penetrated into a bee and was buzzing.

You look at me, I look at you.

The guide of the undead did not move, nor did the great God of Sons.

But each other's eyes seemed to be transmitting some signals, and they seemed to be tempting each other.

After at least ten seconds, Ning Tao broke the awkward silence: "Well, your blanket has dropped."

This was slow enough. The blankets had fallen off. It was a while before he could react.

Niebona didn't mean to pick up the blanket. She still stood in front of Ning Tao, her eyes flashed with impulse, but she seemed to lack such courage.

Ning Tao said, "I'll show you around."

A glimmer of disappointment flashed through Nebona's eyes, her lips moved, but she still couldn't say what she wanted to say, but nodded silently.

Ning Tao picked up the blanket and draped it over Nebona again.

I almost took that step just now. Fortunately, I finally took control and did not let it happen.

Feelings and feelings are two different things. He has never been the kind of person who just doesn't want feelings. He is the God of Destiny, and he has his principles.

Ning Tao led Niebona to the end of the temple.

Nebona saw the idols far away, and the tens of thousands of meters high made her stunned.

Ning Tao said: "That is the statue of the former **** Wang Wu. He also has a name called Bai Xuzi. He is dead. I have kept this temple and it is a memorial."

Nebona knelt down against the idol.

Ning Tao didn't say anything, let alone stop her. She didn't know that Wu was the one who killed him, not to mention the things Wu didn't do, so she bowed out in awe of the former **** king.

Nebona whispered something, then bowed her head.

With this gimmick, Ning Tao's perspective changed passively, her eyes didn't know where to put it, and some impulse that had been suppressed before began to stir again.

Nebona froze for three heads, then stood up from the ground: "The great lord of the three realms, send me in again, maybe I can find something this time."

Ning Tao said, "That's tantamount to letting you die again, aren't you afraid?"

Nebona's eyes were tenacious: "Great Lord of the Three Realms, I am willing to give everything for you, even if I die, I have no fear."

Ning Tao was so touched, he smiled: "It's enough to try once, there is no need to try it again, and the result will not change."


"No need to try again, I will send you to hell." Ning Tao said.

Such words are not good words to others, but to Nebona, it is equivalent to "I will take you home". She was originally the guide of the soul, and **** was her work unit.

"I want to stay and help you solve the problem." Niebona looked at Ning Tao with anticipation.

Ning Tao had originally planned to open the Three Realms Seal and opened the door. Seeing her full of anticipation, he felt a little unbearable in his heart. People just died once for him in the special passage from Hell to Rune Space ~ ~ It would be a bit unfriendly to let people go to **** now.

"Well, you stay in this temple for a while, I'll go to that point to see it again." Ning Tao said.

Nebona nodded his head: "Well, let's think again if there is anything missing."

Ning Tao left the temple and came to that center point again. Both Hemia and Dongshan Polly are in the Dongshan tribe, but he didn't want to go to them, he wanted to be alone and think about it.

The so-called center point is invisible to the naked eye, it is no different from other places, it is just a mass of air. Moreover, even if the dust-like runes of heaven are flowing in the air, the runes of heaven at this center point are not different from other places.

Ning Tao's mind was thinking hard: "It doesn't say that there will be an energy fluctuation once in a thousand years, he must have his basis, and he must have found that I do n’t know how many times. But Nebna entered the vortex, and then When I came here, there was that kind of energy fluctuation in this space again. What was the reason? "

It's hard to understand.

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