Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1635: The perspective of the 3 realms

Hell never had such a beautiful night, every inch of the air seemed to be filled with the taste of strawberry yogurt, so dazzlingly intoxicating.

The great God of Giving Son spent the whole night, using three inches of tongues, grasping the key points, going deep into the center, and explaining the truth, finally taught Nebona how to be a person. Niebona also published her own experience, and her voice was as beautiful as a yellow warbler.

Breakfast is Xianxian boiled noodles.

Ning Tao, Nirvana, and Wu Yan eat noodles around the Xianshi pot. God of Ning Wu has run away in the Temple of Death.

After all, it is the son of the **** of giving birth, born to be the son of the god, and certainly not the same as ordinary children.

On the whole it's beautiful, but the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"Nebona, was it okay last night?" It happened, which pot of Wu Yan did not mention.

Nebona glanced at Ning Tao with the light in the corner of his eye, and nodded his head slightly: "Well."

Wu Yan looked at Ning Tao again, with a smile on his lips: "Ninglang, how were you last night?"

Ning Tao was embarrassed in her heart, but she didn't respond well. She also learned how Niebona looked, and nodded her head slightly: "Um."

"Well, what do you mean?" Wu Yan broke through the casserole and asked.

Ning Tao said silently: "Um, uh, what do you think it means?"

Nebona followed by saying, "The lord of the great Three Realms is the same as that of Xiaoxian."

Wu Yan laughed and said, "Look, I'll just say, God is not a **** of gift, you talked to him overnight after you talked to him."

Nebona lowered her head and didn't dare to talk back. Although she has established a good relationship with the great God, she is not drifting at all, and is afraid to make trouble in front of her boss.

The atmosphere was even more awkward.

Ning Tao shifted the topic: "I have to go back to the rune space after breakfast."

Nebona looked up at Ning Tao, her eyes full of resentment, but she did not dare to speak out.

Wu Zheng said, "Go, remember once a century later."

It really takes a hundred years?

Ning Tao glanced at Ning Wushen, a gecko climbing on the ground. If he comes back a hundred years later, the child will be a 100-year-old boy.

"It takes ... so long?" Nebona's mood was complicated.

Wu Yan said with a smile: "Relax, he will be here soon with you here. He is the commonwealth of the Three Realms. When will he come, can I manage it?"

There was an indescribable smile on the corner of Nebona's mouth. Death said that, she was relieved, because she was confident in some aspects.

Ning Tao got up to play with Ning Wushen.

"My son, do you want your dad to whiten your skin?" Ning Tao held Ning Wushen in his arms and talked to him.

He is not suspected of being martyred by Wu Xi, but as a **** from the Chinese nation, his yellow-skinned **** gave birth to a black-skinned son. This is a little uncomfortable after all.

With his boundless mana, it is a trivial matter to whiten this black child like briquettes.

"No." Ning Wushen refused.

"Why?" Ning Tao asked.

"I look better than you."

Ning Tao: "..."

However, he said that, even if Ning Wushen promised to change his skin color, he would not

Do it. After all, this child is a child of hell. If he doesn't look fierce, how can he inherit his mother's death in the future, and how can he deter those evil spirits?

This is hell, not a catwalk, no need for handsome guys.

Ning Tao and Ning Wushen played for a while, then the two women said goodbye, and then returned to the rune space.

The sky in Runespace was already bright, and the Dongshan tribe was bathed in a golden sun.

Dawns Here Are Quiet.

Ning Tao still did not return home, and went straight to the center point of the rune space.

The eyes of the sky did not appear, only the tiny runes of heaven, dense and dense, everywhere, even the air was made of them.

Ning Tao stood quietly for a while, then struck her body horizontally, and slowly approached the position where Tianyan was.

The force of nature oscillates, like a blower, blowing the dense runes of heaven.

The sky eye appeared.

Ning Tao's left eye caught in front of Tian's eye, and then overlapped with it.

Nothing happened.

But at the moment when his left eye and the sky eye completely overlapped, it seemed that something was activated and everything in front of him changed instantly.

He can no longer see the Dongshan Tribe, no more rolling hills, he can't even see himself.

However, he saw an extremely spectacular and magical sight.

It was stars, galaxies, nebulae. Countless stars flickered, disillusioned. Some planets are working, hunting, and living and working. On some planets, some animals are grazing and predating, and fish swim in the water. Cruel wars are going on on some planets, spaceships are flying around, energy weapons are bombing the earth, and the city is in ruins. This is the world, the shape of the ellipse, also in line with Hong Meng's characteristics, that is, the shape of a burst of vitality.

Above the mortal world is a huge floating continent, boundless seas, boundless forests, boundless plains and swamps, that is the world of immortals. The immortal people of the immortal land built cities with their own hands and built their own civilization. There are celestial beings, demons and spirit beasts, and they all have their own territories and civilizations. But no matter what civilization is, under the realm of the dynasty, the real nations come to the DPRK.

Above the immortal realm is an extremely towering golden mountain, which is the God Mountain. When Wu was still alive, the gods fell, and the mountain was deserted, not even a temple. At the end of the millennium, there are more than a hundred majestic and exaggerated temples on the top of the mountain. Although most of these temples are temples that send children to the family, it is undeniable that it is a thriving scene. In the years to come, there will be more gods crossing the mountain to seal the gods, building temples on the mountain, and the world of the gods will become more and more prosperous.

These are all seen with heavenly eyes.

Looking at this cosmic world with the eyes of the sky is far clearer and more real than the holographic map of the Three Realms. It is a completely different feeling. Ning Tao felt that he was beyond this cosmic world, standing on a high point leaving the cosmic world and overlooking the universe, so he had a panoramic view of the three realms at once.

This is the perspective of the real Three Realms.

"What are those women doing at home?" Ning Tao's mind suddenly came up with this idea. The perspective of the Three Realms suddenly changed, and the temple of the Sending Son, which was located in the void on the top of the mountain, suddenly zoomed in, and a large group of goddesses entered him Vision.

Qing Zhui was knitting a sweater, while talking to Bai Jing, who was wearing makeup next to him: "Ning Long's little grandson is bringing a child. He is now practicing in Jizo City, and he is bringing the Royal Forest Corps to send the dynasty. Sister, how do you think I knitted this sweater? "

"Oh, you send some divine spirits, magic instruments or whatever, what sweater?" Bai Jing said, disgusted.

Qing Zhuiqiao turned his lips a bit: "They don't lack these. I also knit a sweater with my own hands."

"It's so boring these days. I want to go to the west of the universe. Can you go?" Bai Jing said.

Qing Zhui eyes brightly said: "Go, why not go, last time we had a good time in the east, you wait for me to knit a sweater, we will leave."

"It's a word, but don't tell your husband." Bai Jing said.

Qing Zhui grinned: "Don't tell him."

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, and he became a husband and wife for thousands of years. The rest is this spiritual love, and the physical body has long been in shock. He is so, so are they.

Other goddesses, the undead fire phoenix is ​​combing her fire feathers, Bai Huxier is grinding her claws, Jiang Hao is reading a book written by herself, Lin Qingyu is tinkering with some elixir, wet wood and flowers and a wet wave While cooking and eating, Soft Tianyin is playing volleyball with his dozens of avatars ...

These goddesses used strength to explain a truth that the ultimate happiness is boring.

Ning Tao looked bored and didn't look. He just moved his mind, his perspective changed again, and the vision of the entire universe entered his vision again. His gaze moved to the bottom of the mortal world, and he saw a faint black area, which looked like a gyro. Then he saw the boxy box on the top of the mountain, and there was a thin line connecting them.

From the bottom of Hell, Nebona was ground into a rune of heaven, and from that line to the middle, came into this rune space.

If you don't add **** and rune space, this universe looks like a person with hands and feet who is wearing a bucket and holding his belly. Adding a boxy box and a gyro-shaped hell, when you come here, it looks like a little girl with a pigtail and a small skirt.

The cosmic world made up of several geometric figures is like imagination. It is also possible to imagine it as a maggot in the head.

"I don't know if I can see the outside of the universe world?" Ning Tao thought to himself.

With this thought ~ ~ the scene in front of me changed again, the perspective of the Three Realms dominated, and it was determined that a wider perspective.

The moment Ning Tao saw the scene, he was startled.

It was an endless dark void, with heads "蝌蚪" suspended in the void, each of which had the same structure, the mountain of gods, the immortal world, the world, the gyro-shaped **** and the four or four Fang Fang's rune space.

Those are all universes.

Every cosmic world is surrounded by a layer of rampant walls, and the runes of heaven are the ones that make up the walls.

Including the dark void, it is also a void composed of runes of 0 and 1 day.

At a glance, I can't tell how many cosmic worlds exist, and the dark void can't see the end, I don't know how big it is.

Suddenly, the Rune of Heaven returned to its original position, and Ning Tao's dominating perspective disappeared.

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