Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 913: Mysterious symbols and patterns

That cliff is about two hundred meters high, and the cave is located one-third off the ground, about fifty or sixty meters high. This height, coupled with the steep rock wall, is not something anyone can climb up.

Ning Tao stood under the cliff, looking at the vertical steep cliff, and asked: "Mother, this cliff is so steep, the cave is so high, you were so small, what did you climb up to, and you are not afraid of falling?"

"I climbed up to play, because I was not afraid when I was young, but I dared not climb up when I grew up." Kunlunyu said.

This is how people are. When they are young, they are fearless.

"I'll go up and take a look first." Ning Tao left this sentence, leaned forward, pulled his body up to a height of more than ten meters. When the body was about to fall, he probed a little on the cliff, and his body went up again. He got up, stepped on the pedal a few times, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the entrance of the cave on the cliff.

"Brother-in-law!" Hei Yuchong's voice came from under the cliff. "You must teach me this light work!"

"Okay!" Ning Tao responded with a voice, entered the cave, and her eyes and nose also entered the state of sight and smell.

In terms of the location and height of this cave, the people who can engrav the patterns and symbols here cannot be ordinary people, not to mention the existence of aura here.

The entrance of the cave is a crack in a rock on the cliff, which is in the shape of a "herringbone". Entering the cave, the space inside was suddenly wide, but it was still a crack between rock plates, and a rock hung from the top, giving the feeling that it might fall at any time.

The cave extends forward, and the light goes darker as you go forward, but this has no effect on Ning Tao. He didn't go far before and saw the patterns and symbols mentioned by Hei Yuchong and Kunlun Jade.

When Kunlun Yu said that there were patterns and symbols in this cave, there was a natural conjecture in his mind, that is, it may be the runes and patterns of the Tianjia, or it may be left by the ancient **** who guarded the night clan. , Related to Zhao Yetianshu. However, what appeared to him were specious things, some like square characters, some like animals, and some simply meaningless lines.

After seeing more patterns and symbols, Ning Tao felt more and more like the "Hongyan Tianshu" of Guizhou Anshun. However, the patterns and symbols here are not red, but black, as if they were etched on the rock wall with thick ink.

These patterns and symbols are definitely not naturally formed, because the source of the aura that pervades the cave is these patterns and symbols.

"Is it inscribed here in the ancient times by ethnic minorities? They used spiritual pigments similar to those of Buddha's incense?" Ning Tao's mind burst into a guess. He reached out and touched the existence of a rune, following Its half-finger-deep lines move fingers.

Suddenly, something flashed through his mind.

At that moment it felt like some information was passed into his mind through this touch, such as a sound, an image, but when he wanted to see the impact clearly, listened to the sound, his mind Nothing in it.

Until he went through all the lines similar to that rune with his fingertips, the strange feeling just now didn't appear again.

He followed to another pattern that looked like a hippocampus, and swam the lines with his fingers. Soon, the feeling of flashing a sound or an image in his head appeared again, and it was fleeting, so fast that he couldn't catch it.

"This ..." Ning Tao was surprised and perplexed. This was the first time he had encountered such a strange thing. Sounds or images flashed through his mind, but he couldn't capture anything.

In fact, at the speed of his brain's current response, even if a hundred insects tweet, one of them calls a different voice, and he can recognize it instantly. Even if a bullet flew over his eyes, he could see it and remember the image. Incidentally, a sound and image that had entered his brain, he couldn't remember anything.

He touched the third rune-like symbol again, with the same result.

He frowned. Would you like the insect to come out?

"Fu Jun." Kun Lunyu's voice came from the mouth of the cave.

Ning Tao gathered his thoughts and looked around. Kunlun Jade and Heiyu Chong were coming from the entrance of the cave. Hei Yuchong also held a fire fold in his hand, illuminated by a small dark fire.

The siblings are also good at it, but they can't compare with him.

"Brother-in-law, this place is good, it's just for you to teach me the martial arts skills." Hei Yu Chong said cheerfully.

Ning Tao said, "Yes, but this place can't come again."

"Why?" Hei Yuchong said with a strange expression. "Is the old man really saying that this is an ominous place?"

Ning Tao said: "I do n’t let you come, not because this place is ominous, but these symbols and patterns are engraved by people. It ’s a bit wicked. You have limited ability. In case you touch something, or you are infected Nothing is good for you. "

Heiyu nodded and looked like a teacher.

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