Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 914: Yuanyingxiahetan

A row of willows grew luxuriantly by the black pool. The breeze blew, and each willow branch shook. Under the sun, the crescent-shaped pond reflects the sky, but under the blue sky and white clouds is a bottomless darkness.

Ning Tao stood by the pond, and a tribal woman washing clothes on the other side waved at him, and someone smiled at him. He also waved his hand politely, and then awakened the eye-watching state. However, he found nothing special. There was a hint of aura in this black pool, but it was a normal category.

He had discovered this when he came to diagnose Blackpool Stone with Wangshu when he came. At that time, he felt that it was normal for a little aura to exist in places like this. After all, oasis in the desert will almost always have a little aura, otherwise oasis is unlikely to exist.

He stopped looking, sat down on a piece, and closed his eyes.

Yuan Ying speaks out.

The lake made an unusual ripple.

Yuanying dives into the water, dives quickly in the water, and has a sense of damping, but it is not obvious. It is not as strong as diving in the water or the soil.

As early as in the Little Nirvana Realm, his Yuan Ying had a linear movement range of six kilometers. Now he has entered the Big Nirvana Realm, which is a standard semi-immortal. Together, the intensity is greatly improved, and even a 20-pound object can be picked up. Now how far his Yuan Ying can move is difficult to guess, because he has not yet conducted a targeted test, this time just test it.


He didn't believe that the black pool was really bottomless, because everything has a limit, and the earth has a thickness that can be measured, let alone a pool of water?

The deeper the dive, the weaker the light, the weaker the light at the bottom of the pond, the same as the night, but the eye of Yuan Ying is the sky eye, and Ning Tao's sight is not affected at all.

When he dived to a depth of about 300 meters, he saw the bottom of the pond. He estimated that the bottom of the pond was still 200 meters away. The depth of the entire Blackpool is more than 500 meters. At such a depth, ordinary submarines can't come down, let alone the white night.

Seeing the bottom of the pond, Ning Tao stopped diving, Yuan Ying hovered in the water and stood high, and the entire bottom of the black pool entered his eyes.

It was a huge black rock covering almost the entire bottom of the pond.

Its shape is also similar to that of Tanchi, which is a crescent-like shape.

"Wait!" Ning Tao froze suddenly as she looked down, a look of horror.

The shape of the rocks at the bottom of this pond ...

It looks like a footprint!

It has heels, arches, and toes!

He suddenly thought of a horrible existence, that is, the horrible existence that stepped on the Shattered Moon Temple. If the footprint was left by the giant god, it would not be a strange thing to step on the shattered moon temple.

But the question is, are they the same?

If the same exists, what is it doing here?


Ning Tao gathered his thoughts and continued to dive down to the bottom of the pond. In the process, he became more and more certain that this was a footprint, because he saw the rock formations around the bottom of the pond with obvious compression and fracture.

The characteristics of the rocks at the bottom of the pond are very similar to those of meteorites. He even made him suspect that it was a giant meteorite flying from the sky, but after careful inspection, I found that the black color was actually a feature burned out by flames, not really Meteorite.

He was shocked.

He could not help but emerge from the sky above him, stepping on the ground, and the mountains trembled at its feet. Its body was burning with raging flames, burned by the forest where it stepped on, and the rocks were blown!

What a terrible existence it is!

He walked around the edge of the footprint, stopped short before walking, and his gaze moved to a rock wall, unable to move away.

There are some symbols and patterns engraved on the rock wall, which are similar to but different from those in the Shishan cave.

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