Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 922: War of 1 person

"Fu Jun, he is dark at night!" Kunlunyu reminded out loud.

Her voice just dropped, Ning Tao's hand waved, a black mang ripped open the void, flashed in the void and then stopped on the black forehead in the night.

The eclipse blade.

郊 In the suburbs of Chang'an, Ning Tao took the blade of the eclipse as a gift to Zhao Yebai, and he did not send it out. And here there is no opponent worthy of his shot, killing a local chicken tile dog such as Yelihe, his small scalpel is enough.

Until the blade of the eclipse stopped on the black forehead in the night, and just wondering how Ning Tao would react to such an insult, the people of the Zhaoye clan saw the black knife and were stunned.

The other person just spit on him, he didn't say anything, and directly killed the General of the Huangsha tribe!

Although a tribe named his cavalry commander as General Flying Rider suspected of putting gold on his face, but anyone else is also the No. 2 character of the Huangsha tribe, so killed?

The dark corpse fell from the horse's back in the night, and a drop of sand splashed on the ground.

The cavalrymen of the Huangsha clan behind him found out what was happening.

The Huangsha tribe general, a man with more than 10,000 people, was just spit on the ground and was killed?

Wu Ningtao walked towards the cavalry.

"Kill him!" Someone roared in the cavalry.

Hundreds of battle horses rushed to Ning Tao.

Su Ningtao suddenly speeded up and hedged up.

This is a person's charge.

When one person is about 100 rides, this picture gives a feeling of loneliness and tragedy.

"Fu Jun!" Kun Lunyu's heart almost jumped to his throat and rushed up.

However, before she rushed up and did not wait for the night to give the charge command to save people, Ning Tao had already run into a war horse.


The entire cavalry and the cavalry on the horse's back suddenly left the ground and flew backwards, hitting the warhorse behind it, and suddenly a man turned over.

Wu Ningtao's figure did not stop, and he continued to rush forward with his shoulders on his side.

Behind him, hundreds of men, women, and children of the night family all stretched their chins, and their eyes were full of horror and worship.

Wu Zhaoyebai did not order the charge.

Kun Kunlun also stopped.

Both father and daughter remembered what happened in Ganye Temple. That night Ning Tao just rescued them from the cellar and was blocked by Jin Wuwei. Ning Tao smashed a stone wall and opened them. road". That thick stone wall was unbeatable in front of Ning Tao, like cardboard. Not to mention these war horses?

Huh! Huh! Uh ...

With a blink of an eye, Ning Tao's assaulting cavalry formation was knocked out of a slot alive.

Heiyu Chong looked at his brother-in-law, and his eyes were full of worship. He shouted in a loud voice: "God of War! God of War! God of War!"

"God of War!"

"God of War! God of War!"

Zhao roar in the night clan.

Qi Zhixin's energy appeared, without Ning Tao being able to guide or "process" it, and it was pure as soon as it appeared.

But the Huangsha tribe is another situation. They came here desperately. They thought that they would kill the Zhaoyue tribe and easily destroy the Zhaoyue tribe, but they never thought that the other party was only one person. Challenged, but killed them all!

Fear and despair, as well as anger and unwillingness, these produce the most evil energy.

Wu Ningtao did not fight this battle in vain. The wicked energy generated by the soldiers of the Huangsha clan and the faithful energy generated by the clan members of the night clan were his "labor".


A war horse standing in front of him was knocked up, Ning Tao's legs were a little on the ground, his whole body stood up, and he rushed to a cavalry who had turned his horse's head and ran backwards.

That person is Balsa, the patriarch of the Huangsha tribe.

Yun Ningtao thought that Hei was the head of the Huangsha tribe at night, and Kun Lunyu said no, he locked this guy.

Just now, it was this guy who ordered the cavalry to charge, and his gorgeous clothes also showed his identity.

The Huangsha Infantry was very close, and a team of almost 1,000 people rolled up a thick dust.

Alas, no one knows what happened before.

"Save me-" Balsa shouted in horror.

He didn't wait for him to scream again. A cloud of shadow had covered him. He hurriedly looked up, and at that time a big hand was grabbed from above, grabbed his neck and lifted him off the horse.


Wu Ningtao threw Balsa on the ground and stomped his chest.


Balsa spit out blood, and his eyes were full of panic: "You ... who are you?"

Wu Ningtao said: "I am the man of Zhaoyue Kunlunyu, the guardian of Zhaoyue."

Balsa seemed to understand something.

He fought with Zhao Yebai all his life, but he did not expect to lose on the starting line, Zhao Yebai gave birth to a flower for Zhao Ye, and he did not.

Thousands of infantrymen of the Huangsha tribe and surviving cavalry surrounded it, and a circular encirclement was forming.

"Ready to fight!" Zhao Yebai raised his sword.

"Father-in-law!" Ning Tao shouted, "I'll be enough to stand still!"

Xi Zhaoye's sword held high in the air froze, unable to wave out. As far as his personal wishes are concerned, he is very eager to fight with Ning Tao. However, as the patriarch, he knew that if his sword went down, the members of the Zhaoye tribe would rush up and fight with the Huangsha tribe. How many people could return at that time?

The siege of the Huangsha tribe was closed.

Detective Wu Ningtao pulled out his machete from Balsa's waist, and in the sun, the knife shimmered.

"You can't kill me!" Balsa suddenly became tense. "I was in charge of the command line of Director Chen. It was he who wanted to destroy the night clan and also the night sky book. We ... we just want to light the night Clan territory. "

There was a sneer in the corner of Wu Ningtao's mouth: "You just want to look at the territory of the night clan ..."?

Machete is pressed down.

Suddenly Balsa shouted, "Send me to save me!"


A cracking voice came through the air.

Wu Ningtao drew back his hand and caught a sword in his hand.

The sword is not an ordinary sword, but a flying sword of a true person.

Xu's spiritual power fluctuated, and his sharp tenacity cut through Ning Tao's palm, and blood emerged from the fingers between his fingers holding the sword body and fell on the yellow sand.

的 The man who released the flying sword was a woman in a robe with silver hair. The moment Ning Tao grabbed her flying sword with her bare hands, her pupils widened suddenly to the limit.

Gangsters ...

Gangster grabs flying sword!

Wu Ningtao turned his head around, and instantly found his aunt who attacked him with a flash of black light in his eyes.

If there is any place where he has no control over this battle, it is only this aunt. He did not expect that there was such a helper from the cultivation world among the Huangsha people, and this was the first time he had encountered the Yin Market several times and encountered the most powerful cultivation person. Yang Yuhuan is also one, but she is too weak. And this Taoist aunt, her spiritual power is at least a little Nirvana.

Alas, Ning Tao quickly figured it out, not surprising. Chen Kang dared to deceive the monarch to **** Zhao Yetianshu. After all, he knew what he was, and he was probably a practitioner. He just returned to the Blackpool Desert, and the Huangsha people received orders to take military action the next day. At this time, there was no phone call. Except for sending a practitioner with a flying sword, how could Chen Kang ’s order be so fast Pass here?

In my opinion, I really have to go to Chang'an.

为了 Not only for Chen Kang's fate, he also wanted to figure out a person, that is Wu Mei Niang, is she Wu Wu?

"Let me save me!" Balsa mourned.

The aunt pinched a tactic and said something in his mouth.

The flying sword in Wu Ningtao's hand trembled, as if there was a grip on the hilt of the sword, and he stabbed hard at his back.

"You can't help it!" Ning Tao said.

The sound of the chanting fell, and he recited a spell, observing the seal.

Immortal Feijian's free branding suddenly appeared.

In the second sentence, the curse of curse came out of his mouth. Words like the hammer of the stove, the master's mark faded and dissipated quickly.

The aunt suddenly panicked at the scene.

The sword is still a flying sword, but it is no longer her flying sword, and it becomes an unowned flying sword in a blink of an eye!

Wu Ningtao turned back and looked at Balsa under his feet: "Nothing can save you, not even heaven!"

Raised his hand and fell.

Balsa's head rolled down from his neck.

"Kill him!" Someone shouted.


Arrowmen let down their arrows, and the arrows are raining!

Wu Ningtao opened his arms and stood motionless against the rain of arrows.

Huh! Huh! Uh ...

At the moment of turning, I don't know how many arrows were stuck on Ning Tao's body, but all of them fell to the ground, and some were even broken by the seismic force.

After a wave of arrow rain, the entire battlefield was dead silent.

To evil energy quickly climbed.

道 The first aunt came back to God ~ ~ turned and ran.

Wu Ningtao screamed, "Kneel down to avoid death!"

A timid child froze for a moment, his legs softly kneeling on the yellow sand.

Immediately, all the Huangsha people knelt down.

Wu Ningtao didn't go after the aunt, because he knew where she would go, and without her flying sword, he could let her run for two days. Now there is a more important thing waiting for him to do, which is to collect the most evil energy of the Huangsha people, and the faithful energy of the night people, which is more important than hunting down a dead aunt.

People from the Zizhao Night clan rushed up and took away the weapons laid down by the Huangsha clan. A considerable number of Zhaoye people shed tears in their eyes. They not only did not need to die, but also ended the tribal war that plagued the two communities for hundreds of years.

是 What does peace mean?

Only those who have experienced war can appreciate it.

"Brother-in-law, what's the deal with this guy?" Heiyu rushed over to Heitanshi, and his eyes were full of the light of worship.

Wu Ningtao looked at the black pool stone that the dead dog usually lay on the ground, but said nothing, but pierced the unowned flying sword in his hand.


There is a flying sword on the head of the black pool stone.

This is how your brother-in-law handles it.

Hei Yuchong's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say a word.

Ps: Two changes today, see you tomorrow.

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