Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 923: On Ancient Advancement

The vast majority of the Huangsha people were put back, the warhorses and weapons were seized, and some people with blood on their hands were detained. But Ning Tao doesn't care about the fate of these people. Everything here just exists because of his existence, but he only has a little more than two days.

But what about that?

For these Zhaoyue people, the few days that Ning Tao came to the Blackpool Desert are the most exultant and happiest days since their founding, what regrets do they have?

"Mother, this sword is for you." Ning Tao handed the flying sword he had seized and erased the owner's brand to Kunlunyu, and his eyes were full of petting.

Kunlun Yu took the Feijian and took a closer look. He also tapped the blade with his fingers, admiringly, "Good sword!"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "A good sword matches a beauty, this sword was born to you."

Kunlun Yu smiled embarrassedly: "I have only heard of swords with heroes, but I have never heard of swords with beauty, have you deliberately made me happy?"

"Are you happy then?" Ning Tao's eyes were gentle.

The squares of the tribe are full of people. Where is Kunlunyu's embarrassment with Ning Tao in the presence of so many ethnic groups, but she nodded, and it was difficult to hide her joy, and there was a hint of happiness in her mouth Smile.

Ning Tao took out Zhao Yetian's book again and handed it to Zhao Yebai: "Father-in-law, you take it away."

Zhao Yebai repeatedly waved his hands: "How do you do this, Xianye, shouldn't we say yes? Zhao Yetian should be kept by you. If you don't believe me, ask everyone, and ask them if they would like to give you Ye Yetian. To keep it. "


"God of War!"

"God of War! God of War!"

The voices of the Ye clan's shouts continued one after another.

"Father Jun, just accept it, otherwise my father will be sad." Kunlunyu said.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly: "Well then, I will keep it temporarily."

He knows that he can't take Zhaoye Tianshu, as soon as he leaves here, he can't take anything except those soul energy he collected, so it's no use keeping him in his body. However, Kunlun Yudu said so, and he would be a bit unreasonable to postpone it.

"Hyun-chan, isn't that right?" Zhao Yebai was happy now, and he held Ning Tao's shoulder and said with a smile: "As long as you are there, no one will dare to bully us. Night clan, the clan people have already regarded you as our patron saint of the night clan, so the night sky book naturally stays on you to be stable. "

Ning Tao nodded: "I listen to my father-in-law's arrangements."

"Tonight we have to celebrate well. By then, our two grandpas will drink a few bowls without getting drunk." Zhao Yebai said.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "OK, don't get drunk."

Kunlun Yu gave Zhao Yebai a dizzy eye: "Dad, just drink something, why not get drunk or not?"

Zhao Yebai was about to teach Kunlun Yu something, and Hei Yuchong standing next to him touched his waist with his elbow.

"Dad, do you still want to hug your grandson earlier?" Heiyu Chong muttered, "You're drunk with your brother-in-law, how can my sister give you grandson?"

Zhao Yebai suddenly realized that he slaps his hands on his forehead, and laughed, "Yes, yes, just drink, just say nothing if you don't get drunk, and get drunk and hurt your body."

Ning Tao was embarrassed.

Kunlunyu blushed alone.

What can she do when she meets her brother and father with such strength?

In the evening, several bonfires were lit in the tribe's square. According to the night clan people singing and dancing around the campfire, drinking and eating meat, the scene was lively and lively.

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