Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 945: Great fortune

How did all this stand still?

Ning Tao didn't know it at all, his consciousness was once twisted, in that dark and terrible vortex.

where is this place?

Ning Tao didn't know it at all. It was dark and there was no temperature. He couldn't see anything. The space seemed to be nothing but himself.

He is the only one.

"Is this the end of the universe?" Ning Tao's consciousness flashed through the thought.

He thought of nothing again, the existence of heaven. But Wu didn't even know what it was like.

Suddenly, a tiny glowing spot appeared in the dark void.

what is that?

He wanted to check it out, but he couldn't move at all.



The light spot suddenly exploded, the ancient and mysterious energy rushed on, and instantly punctured him. His body and his soul were penetrated and then destroyed. Strangely, his consciousness has not been destroyed, he can feel the existence of himself, and he can think and imagine.

"This ... Is the universe erupting again? Why can I still think and feel my existence?" Ning Tao thought and felt.

Without knowing it too long, the darkness receded, and a physical reaction that he could not understand occurred in the collision of energy and energy. When something appeared, he felt it was rock powder, water molecules, and biological cells. He is one of them, both a powder of rock, a molecule of water, and a cell of a living being.

For a time, he began to divide, divided into two, divided into three, and divided into everything.

Life is two, life is two, life is three.

This is Taoist philosophy. I never expected him to experience it firsthand.

He turned into rocks, different rocks, infinite changes.

He turned into water, different waters, infinite changes.

He turned into a creature, and different creatures are infinitely variable.

This world is no longer dark, with stars all over the sky and all kinds of life. Everything is born with one point, and each has its own good fortune.

This is a wonderful feeling beyond words, a fantasy journey that cannot be explained by science-I am one of all things, everything is myself, and I have a blood and flesh connection with everything.

At the moment when this feeling appeared, the stars in the sky disappeared, all kinds of life also disappeared, the vast starry sky also disappeared, and darkness returned, and he was once again in the absolutely dark space where nothing could be seen.

Everything is silent.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared in the depths of this weird dark space, sucking him into the vortex.

Nothing, this is another "none" state.

Is this a reincarnation?

The thought flashed like lightning.

A bright light appeared in the dark space.

Is it another starting point for reincarnation?

Is this endless?

Ning Tao suspected that he was in a situation of endless reincarnation, and he even suspected that he was ... dead!

But it seemed to come from this thought that the light was slowly drifting towards him, getting closer and bigger.

This one……

Not the same as just now!

Finally, he could see clearly, but was also stunned.

There were two entangled little men in the group of lights, one was himself, and the other was his daughter-in-law Nanmen Xunxian.

"I ... the soul is out?" He felt terrified.

Soul-excitation is no better than Yuanying-exposure. Yuan-in-exporation is a practice of cultivation, but soul-exclamation is dead.

His worries are not unreasonable. He is a medical doctor who has graduated from a medical university. He knows the dangers of elixir allergy. In the past, he would have a terrible allergic reaction to elixir when he licked a little to find Zudan, but this time he ate a whole one!

What would happen if a man ate a whole box of Viagra?

Can eat dead people!

Qipin Xunzudan is equivalent to a full version of Viagra, and he swallowed it in one go, so the golden scale dragon and the strange illusion of encountering a fierce fight. Now he not only suspected that he had a mirage, but also overdose and died.

However, Nanmen Xunxian didn't move, and he kept the nosebleeding posture with him. Did she also die?

Say what I am an antidote ...

You are also poison!

However, when such a feeling came out in Ning Tao's consciousness, a strange force suddenly restrained him, rotated, squeezed, and pushed him to the place where he and Nanmen Xunxian were.

This place is so weird that Einstein can't explain it.

He was imprisoned in this space.

What's even more weird is that he seems to be copied, and there are thousands of himself around him!

Do not!

Hundreds of millions of Sunstars!

what's going on?

He was stunned, and his head buzzed.

Are these numbers of Sunstar Jun army ready to conquer the universe?

Suddenly, the space trembled, and the boundary walls of the space surged forward, and the thrust produced made him irresistible. He sprinted forward among hundreds of millions of troops, and his fellow robes marched forward unwillingly.

What a chaotic and horrifying picture?

Countless robes smashed to pieces on the walls of the space, and countless robes were trampled and squeezed to death!

In an instant, an exit appeared in front.

The blood-stained light diffused from the other side of the exit, hazy, giving a dream-like feeling.

Where is that

Ning Tao didn't know it at all, but he had sensed the extremely powerful breath of life and a mysterious energy there!

"I still have hope! I can save myself!" Ning Tao had such a thought in her heart, so the desire to survive was born, extremely strong. Under this will to survive, he pushed forward desperately, without knowing how many of his robes had been trampled to death, and how many of his robes had broken on the walls of this strange space.

at last……

He squeezed through the exit and entered that wonderful space.

To him, it seems like the underwater world. He was immersed in the warm water, and the bottom was covered with fibrous bottoms. The plants swayed in the sea, squirming, as if arms were pushing him forward.

What is this place?

what happened?

He didn't know anything.

Suddenly, a huge monster appeared in front of him. It was thousands of times larger than him, and its body was covered with furry seaweed. It crouched on the bottom of the sea and couldn't see its mouth and eyes. He felt it was like a giant sea urchin, just very soft.

Getting closer, getting closer ...

Suddenly, the big monster opened his mouth and swallowed it.

The **** soft light tide generally came over, drowning him, and engulfing his consciousness.

I don't know how long it took before Ning Tao opened her eyes.

Where is this weird space, there are no big monsters, and there are not hundreds of millions of identical robes. He was still in the small broken temple on Ma Meen, and Nanmen Xunxian was also here, without any distance from him.

The sensory ability returned quickly, so clear that he couldn't make himself.

All this is like an absurd and weird dream, but Qipin Xunzudan brought him into that dream, and now he is back.

With four eyes facing each other, he and she did not speak, but the eyes of the two seemed to exchange a thousand sentences.

"This ..." After a short silence and thought, Ning Tao smiled. "It turns out that the great fortune you said is this."

Nanmen Xunxian smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's the good fortune."

Such an explanation gives people a feeling of false big empty, how to understand can not get a definite answer.

However, Ning Tao fully understood that he also got the answer he needed.

She said he was the seed of heaven, and she waited for him for thousands of years.

And he, he is indeed the seed, and if he takes the medicine to open the door, he can get that great fortune.

This creation, in fact, we all have, it is the process of birth of life and materials, the connection between life and all things, and the cycle of birth between destruction!

Who was not a puppet at first?

Where does He come from?

Everything is of course. Our father breathed air, ate all kinds of food, and was eventually conceived. Food is synthesized from different substances, and each substance has its own evolutionary system. So, to some extent, that's what I mean-I am one of all things, and everything is me.

However, this kind of understanding and feeling is only his seed of heaven, others do not.

Otherwise, who can turn himself back into a loquat, and then from a loquat to a certain egg, a certain cabbage, or even a mouthful of water that my father drinks? And even if a brilliant genius does this, can he restore a certain egg to a certain chicken, and then restore the feed or bug from that chicken?

Is it a chicken or an egg?

This is a philosophical and purification puzzle that has plagued humankind to this day.

How can ordinary mortals compare with the seeds of heaven?

Not only can Ning Tao restore which cricket he is, he can also restore which egg he is, which cabbage, or even the sip of water that Dad drank, and then push and push. One pushed to the beginning of the universe.

What he has just experienced is this process of reduction, the core meaning of reincarnation.

This is the great fortune.

He got it.

"Ninglang, you have already got that seed, and it has sprouted in your body." Nanmen's expression of looking for immortal was excited, and Haomu was full of affection.

Ning Tao said, "You created this for me."

Nanmen Xunxian smiled and said, "I said, you are the one I have waited for thousands of years. You have seeds, I have dishes, you are my seeds, I am your soil, and we can let the seeds germinate when we combine them. ~ ~ This universe is actually a positive and negative universe. To put it plainly, it is a yin and yang universe. There is yin and yang, and there is yin and yin. The end of darkness is dawn, and the end of dawn is night. The end of life is death, and the end of death is return, which is another form.

Ning Tao felt extremely joyful at the moment, and his sense of power was too powerful to add.

At this moment, he had sensed the changes in the body of Nanmen Xunxian.

"Ninglang, it's time for you to see the real me." Nanmen Xunxian said.

Ning Tao smiled heartily: "Whatever you do, I will continue."

The Nanmen Xunxian jade fainted and sighed gently: "Ninglang, do you have to be lighter than me at such a sacred moment?"

Ning Tao: "..."

It ’s all like this, thin?

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