Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 946: Heaven returns

He is the seed of heaven, and now this seed has germinated, but his own perception has not found any germination on his own body, but there is a place where the stone is even more beautiful, and the feeling of collecting it makes him uncomfortable very.

A sentence called an arrow had to be sent on the string.

But when he wanted to shoot an arrow, he suddenly found that all his arrows had been shot, and there was no arrow in the quiver.

This is awkward.

When Ning Tao was embarrassed and wanted to find an excuse to hide, the fairy fairy suddenly looked dignified and chanted the secret curse. Each rune shot from her little mouth, each syllable with a mysterious mana effect.

Ning Tao was surprised. He wanted to know what spell Nanmen Xunxian was reading and what she wanted to cast, but her rune was probably an ancient rune in the Linggu era. He had never heard of it. I don't know what scripture she is reading and how she is doing it.

He wanted to ask, but was afraid to disturb her. Moreover, he was a man she had waited for thousands of years, and her performance along the way was so amazing and strong. At this time, he asked how he felt a bit of a loss of face, so he still couldn't open the mouth after thinking about it.

Suddenly, a cold energy appeared in the body of Nanmen Xunxian, and the cold air spread out from her body at that moment.

The first was Ning Tao. When the cold hadn't spread out of his body, he got the shot.

Kaka ...

The sound of the cave lolly sounded in the space of the small ruined temple, very slight and secret, but it is too close here, there is no ghost, the only ghost is still guarding outside, so even the slightest sound It also looks very clear.

"Mother-in-law ..." Ning Tao suddenly became tense, and could no longer afford to take refuge.

But he couldn't move.

He was horrified.

Without waiting for him to move again, or to say anything, the quick freezing cold released from the body of Nanmen Xunxian had enveloped him. His body was frozen in an instant, and turned into an ice sculpture with a strange posture.

In fact, if he wanted to get up and leave, he could do it a little bit rudely.

But he couldn't do it.

He was worried that Nanmen Xunxian was at a very critical moment. If he forcibly left, he might hurt her and even ruin her creation.

So he held back, motionless.

Just like a sniper on the battlefield, in camouflage, holding a sniper rifle, motionless, waiting only for the emergence of the core target.



He had never heard of it, and the energy he had never seen before was passed from Nanmen Xunxian's body to him.

Energy transmission generally goes through pipes.

Each of these pipes exists.

As soon as that energy entered his body, he instantly felt that he had reached the pinnacle of life!

No, it's cosmic!

He has his perception and understanding. The energy is extremely ancient, just like the original energy at the beginning of the universe.

He felt it for the first time, but it gave him a sense of familiarity. Yes, this energy has every life, even every inanimate material, because ... it is the energy to create all things, the power of creation!

Everyone is created by the universe, and every object is created by the force of creation. Therefore, in every life, every object has traces left by the force of creation. It can also be said to be a brand. But, for all sentient beings, billions of endless objects, who can sense its existence, or even understand its mystery?

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