Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 947: Humanoid elixir

The top of Qin Ling.

Dark, boundless darkness.

Coming out of the valley, standing on top of the mountain and looking at it was a boundless darkness, no stars, no moon, no matter how far or close, there was darkness that could not be seen with five fingers.

But this darkness did not exist for Ning Tao at all, and his consciousness spread out, extending like a tree root in all directions. The rocks of the mountain, the insects lurking in the grass and the animals in the forest, the trees on the hillside, and the wind flowing in the air, all were under his control.

His consciousness not only senses the existence of everything in the world, but also analyzes and interacts.

His consciousness touched the rock, and the structure of the rock clearly appeared in his mind. He even knew how this rock was formed. In the end, he could even know the minerals that this rock can contain. And energy, what can be used for.

His consciousness touched the insects in the grass. Even the ant's male and female knew him well. He even knew that a ladybug was looking for a mate, a rabbit was about to be killed by a snake, etc ...

I am me, I am all things, everything is me.

Everything created me, and I can create everything.

This is the ultimate mystery of that great fortune.

However, the door to this new world was only opened for him. His current situation can only be regarded as standing at the door and glancing at it. It is impossible to create everything.

But even if it's just a feeling, that's pretty good!

In the future, if I master the power of creation, what can I do?

To build a dam on the Pacific Ocean, U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups have to pay tolls to get through!

Or freckle the sun and enhance the sun power?

Opening up territory for the motherland on Mars, and making the ring volcano the largest pit hotel in the solar system?

Or, play a bigger one and simply create a beautiful new world. There is no war, no pitfalls, and even the tigers in the forest graze ...

Ning Tao's heart is full of imagination, and he feels very happy. He even feels that he can break the world with a stick! Even meteors can be caught, rubbing on the ground and rubbing sparks!

This is human desire.

Once released, are you afraid?

Who on earth can give me the desire to pry the earth without giving me a fulcrum?

So there is a barrier on this day.

Everything has limitations.

If there is no barrier on this day, and all things have no limitations of their own, everyone on this earth may want to be the universe's emperor.


There was a sound of thunder suddenly in the dark sky.

A thick-armed lightning struck down, and the vast void was brightly illuminated!

Ma Mian and Nanmen Xunxian raised their heads in unison, looking at the deep sky.

"This ..." Nanmen Xunxian suddenly said with excitement: "Fu Jun, this is the anger of heaven, have you touched the last barrier?"

The last barrier, that's God of Hell!

Ning Tao was taken aback by the words and hurriedly cut off the telepathy.

Lin Qinghua has not yet been killed, and the imprint of the spirit of good and evil on his body has not yet been eliminated. Now, in the face of Tianzhuang or even crossing the robbery, all his previous plans must be sapped, and he may even die under the Tianzhao !!

Although he had gotten that great fortune, but he had just peeped into the doorway, how could he ascend to heaven in one step.

Cut off the consciousness and shield the breath of the body, Ning Tao shrank his head into the shell of the turtle like a turtle and hid.

The energy gathered in the depths of the sky disappeared, and thunder and lightning ceased.

Horse face punched Ning Tao with a thumbs up, hehe smiled: "Xian brother is terrific, you and your sister set a shot in the fool's little temple, and even the heavens are agitated. This is a shocking cry of ghosts and gods. what!"

Ning Tao: "..."

Even if the cultivation of Nanmen Xunxian is as good as possible, such swear words fall into her ears, which is too embarrassing to be unnecessary, and her ears are red.

The horse face seemed a bit rude, and then added a sentence: "Brothers and sisters, don't get me wrong. I didn't say you were doing that. I was talking about playing mahjong, immortal firing guns, brothers and sisters ... Hu is chicken."

It ’s okay not to explain, the more embarrassing it becomes.

Ning Tao coughed aloud, "Brother Ma, is this the necropolis space we left before?"

Obviously, the dark air that covered the sky came from Lin Qinghua's handwriting. In addition to confirming it, he also wanted to give a direction and reverse the car that was going to the battlefield from the road to Yihongyuan.

Ma Nian said, "You can rest assured, Brother Xian, you cannot be wrong."

Ning Tao said, "That's good."

The horse face looked at Chang'an: "The horse face frowned:" Lin Qinghua is really crazy and dare to do things in the shadows. Does he really think he can do whatever he wants here? My old horse is going to teach him to be a man today! "

Ning Tao reached out and grabbed Nanmen Xunxian's hand: "Mother, do you have any questions, can you fight?"

He was very worried about her. Although she also got the good fortune, after all, she had just "returned", how could her strength be completely restored?

Nanmen Xunxian said, "I'm fine, but ..."

"But what?" Ning Tao asked.

Nanmen Xunxian's face was a bit awkward: "I'm not really good at fighting. I like studying elixir and alchemy. The best thing is alchemy."

Ning Tao froze for a moment, a little unbelievable reaction, but soon calmed down. She has always been Danxian, and spent most of her life studying Xundan. How could she have time to study other things? Moreover, she returned but did not immediately go to the fairyland, which shows that she has not fully recovered. In this regard, she is even weaker than Tang Zixian and Fox Ji.

Ma Nian looked at Ning Tao: "Brother Xian, shall we go to Chang'an?"

He had the suspicion of pretending to be so pretentious just now. Hearing Nanmen Xunxian would not fight, and his anger was not enough. Now as long as Xiandi can't say no, he's afraid to slap on his **** and leave.

Ning Tao hesitated.

He wanted to kill Ning Tsinghua very much, but if it was possible to hurt Nanmen Xunxian, he would rather give up.

But just when he was hesitant, Nanmen Xunxian reached up to his ear and said, "Ninglang, the body is not fighting and it is not fully recovered, but I am your medicine. You take me I won't fight in Changan, but I can make you stronger. "

Ning Tao froze for a moment, confused in a stomach: "Mother, what do you mean by that?"

"The body is a dish, you are the seed, you put the seed in the dish, and you pour some water, the seed buds will grow faster, your original brand will appear faster, and your strength will be stronger ."she says.

Ning Tao: "..."

What else is so amazing?

When he first heard this, he was unbelievable, but after seeing Nanmen Xunxian's confident and expectant eyes, he actually believed such an absurd thing.

Moreover, he knew what "pouring water" meant in her mouth.

Not only did he believe it, he even wanted to try it.

Watering it can make it stronger and make the seeds take root faster. Why not water it? Not to mention, the process was so interesting.

"Otherwise ..." Ma Nian said, "Xiandi Yinxian go to the woods to rub a handful of mahjong. I'll be here to show you people."

The fighting cart drove back to heaven.

"Ninglang, why don't you try it?" Nanmen Xunxian tone with a hint of teasing and expectations.

"This ..." Ning Tao was embarrassingly dying. If there was no light bulb on the horse's face here, he really said that he didn't necessarily want to water her and verify the efficacy of the humanoid elixir. However, in the presence of a horse, a traditional man like him must not be able to do it.

"My elixir is also elixir, don't believe you try it."

"What elixir?" Ning Tao's gaze was subconsciously staring at a place below her waist, and a wave of unpredictable speculation sprang up.

Nanmen Xunxian stretched out his hand and nipped Ning Tao's waist and said, "Where did you want to go?"

Ning Tao froze slightly, do I want to crook?

Nanmen Xunxian blushed and said, "Open your mouth."

"What?" Ning Tao opened his mouth.

"Brother Fool, go for a quick solution. You better hurry up." Where can the horse noodles still be able to stay?

Can ghosts pee?

He's a liar.

But without waiting for him to take a few more steps, Nanmen Xunxian suddenly reached out and hugged Ning Tao's neck, nodding his head, and a hot clove was sent to Ning Tao's mouth.

What a dog and a man!

There was a curse in Ma Nian's heart. He thought of his woman Ma Rong, the woman who likes to ride horses and still rides well.

Stop tasting.

Nanmen Xunxian and Ning Tao separated, and a silk thread was drawn between the two.


Ning Tao seems to have opened the door to the new world again. Every cell in his body is full of strength. The spiritual force mustang runs through the body, breaking through the day and breaking the ground!

He also wanted to go to the Pacific to build a dam and charge a toll on the American carrier.


The black and white gold-encrusted spirit fire shot out from the body, and the darkness around them suddenly receded. The forest shrouded in darkness and the mountain peaks were also revealed.

Comes with mana effect!

Mana is boundless!

Ning Tao looked at Lingyan Taotao's own, and couldn't believe her eyes. She was shocked for a long time before she came up with a sentence: "Mother, you ... what is going on?"

Nanmen Xunxian smiled and said, "Did I just tell you? I am your medicine. The mystery of Xunzu Dan is the elixir made from Yuan Ying's soul as the main material. I am a humanoid elixir. My ultimate good fortune is the **** of good fortune. You often come to water, which is good for you and good for me. "

Ning Tao opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

The fairy standing in front of her is really a humanoid elixir.

No wonder she had to ask him to bring an elixir-like Xundan to awaken her, and to open her door to meet her.

To be precise, she is a fairy, but she is also an elixir.

Sure enough, Nanmen Xunxian went on to say, "Ninglang, let's go to Chang'an. If you hold me in your mouth, I can make you stronger."

"In the mouth ..." Ning Tao suspected that he had heard it wrong.

With a flash of light, Nanmen Xunxian's body instantly compressed into a ball, the size of a thumb, the whole body was crystal clear, the fat girl was squeezed into a ball, the head, chest and **** were clearly visible, obviously still a person, but also like a Elixir in human shape.

"Open your mouth, I'll come in." Nanmen Xunxian said ~ ~ Ning Tao returned to God, worried and said: "No, no, what if I swallow you in my stomach?"

Nanmen Xunxian smiled sweetly: "It doesn't matter, I crawl out myself, you have more than one hole."

Ning Tao: "Uh?"


With a flash of light, the humanoid elixir penetrated into Ning Tao's mouth.


Ning Tao's eyes also shot two blazes of flames, he shouted: "Old horse, go, let's go to the Pacific Ocean to build a dam!"

Horse face: "?"

PS: It's finally home. I spent a night on the plane and went home to sleep for three hours. Just two chapters today, normal updates will resume tomorrow, the day after tomorrow burst!

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