Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 948: Dark Cloud Covers Chang'an

Chang'an City.

The sunset is oblique, and the ancient city is bathed in golden sunlight, revealing the vicissitudes of history in the spectacular.

Previously Lin Tsinghua used the spell to turn Chang'an City into a death row, and the boundless black curtain shrouded the wild. Now, the city looks calm and calm, as if nothing happened. Datang soldiers patrolled the city walls. The armor was sharp and the steps were neat, giving the impression of an elite division.

The gates have not been closed. Some traffickers walk in and out, some are busy entering the city to do business, and some are busy leaving the city to go home. All this seems normal.

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "Ma Da Cao, you are bound to ..."

This sounds wrong.

Of course not.

He talked with this mouth, and his tongue was bound to move. The fairy lying on his tongue was suddenly thrown up, then fell on his tongue, rolled over twice, and then grasped his tongue with his hand to fix it.

"Ninglang, don't talk. Your tongue is moving around. I'm not stable. I'm afraid I'll hit your teeth." Nanmen's voice of seeking immortals has a feeling of rock sugar lotus root. The thread is connected to the thread.

That wasn't really a floss, it was saliva.

Then Ning Tao remembered what kind of situation he and she were in.

Although he didn't have eyes in his mouth, how powerful he is now. Even if he didn't have to look with his eyes, he knew she was leaning on her fat buttocks, her belly rolling on his tongue. There were also a pair of big white rabbits, who also pressed tightly against his tongue, and his saliva ...

What does it look like to be wet with saliva?

He couldn't see it, but his tongue felt. Didn't the tongue always play an indispensable and important role in the world of men and women? Moreover, there was a sense of taste on the tongue. She lay on his tongue and soaked in his saliva. What kind of smell she was, he was always tasting.

It tastes a little sweet.

It tastes a little salty.

But he certainly wouldn't be outsider.

The horse looked over and stared at Ning Tao's mouth.

Ning Tao hurriedly closed her mouth. Some scenery he could see, others couldn't.

The horse's face was unwilling, and muttered, "What's so secretive? Fool brother just wants to see what your brother and sister are doing in your mouth."

"Ji Lu woo ......" Ning Tao himself did not know what he was talking about.

However, as soon as he finished "Jairu", he felt a pair of small hands on his tongue.

If you said you wouldn't let you talk, you would want to talk, don't pinch your tongue, who's tongue?

The horse face laughed and said, "Brother and sister, my Ning brother's tongue is honest and not honest? If his tongue is not honest, you tell the foolish brother, the foolish brother will give you the shot."

Nanmen Xunxian will certainly not respond.

Ning Tao was embarrassed to die. He didn't want to talk with the horse, raised his finger and pointed at the gate, then walked towards the gate.

The horse caught up with Ning Tao's footsteps and glanced somewhere on his body. An exaggerated expression suddenly appeared on his face: "I rely, brother, you brought two guns, this time Lin Qinghua is dead Now. If you pull out the gun when you pull it, don't pull it wrong. "

Ning Tao: "..."

Dan Xian lay on his tongue and kept in contact with him at all times. He wasn't even stranger if he didn't stone. But this is not to blame him. I have read "Your Sutra" several times during this journey. After suppressing his brother every time, it takes less than a minute for his brother to stand up again and again, with a brave attitude. The fat girl Niu Xian lies on his tongue, on his tongue, on his tongue!

The important thing is said three times.

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