Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 949: Great Pluto

Thunderstorms in the clear sky, this is a sign of sky anger, and even a bad sign.

People in Chang'an City looked up at the sky one after another, hoping to see from the strange astronomical signs what disasters came, accompanied by various discussions.

"Thunder on a sunny day, but no rain, but this is a bad omen!"

"Who actually rebelled?"

"My son is still out of town. Don't get into trouble ..."

There was also a voice in Ning Tao's ear: "Ning Lang, will it be Lin Qinghua?"

Ning Tao whispered, "It's probably that guy. As soon as he shows up, you will come to my mouth."

"Well." Nanmen Xunxian answered.

Jin Wuwei, who was holding Ning Tao, slapped him on the back of his head, and said fiercely, "What are you guys mumbling about?"

Ning Tao was not angry and did not respond.

Now he is angry with a common man and it does n’t make any sense, let alone he has n’t had any medicinal effects yet, and he is in a state where he wants to go to the Pacific Ocean to build a dam at any time.

The cloud of black clouds hangs over Chang'an City all the time. It has not been pressed down, nor has it turned into a shady prison that covers the wild.

Ning Tao and Ma Mian were pressed against the walls of Chengde Gate.

Chengde Gate is the main gate of Chang'an City. The street of Zhuque Street is Chengde Gate, and the end of the street is Daming Palace.

Tang Xuanzong stood on the central axis of Chengde Gate and Daming Palace, with his hands on his backs and looking straight ahead.

Outside Chang'an, an army is marching slowly.

At the forefront is a cavalry square. The lineup is at least ten miles wide, including the Crusaders carrying huge crosses, the Mongolian cavalry with bows and machetes, and heavy Gothic cavalry. The mighty march, at least 200,000 people.

Behind the cavalry is the infantry square. The infantry square behind is as wide as the cavalry square, but it cannot be seen at a glance, at least 700,000 people!

Those infantry soldiers were soldiers of the Qing, Daming, and even Daqin, as well as the Crusaders, the Persian Undead, and Nazi and Allied soldiers during World War II. Various skin colors, various weapons and equipment are also immense, and the end is not visible at a glance.

This is a mixed army of millions.

One million people marched in a uniform pace, even if there was a sound at the feet of one person and one horse, that sound would make the eardrums buzz, and the ground would tremble and the walls tremble!

The flags in the million-strong army are emptied, and each banner is embroidered with the black "Lin" character.

In fact, without having to see the word "Lin" on the banner, Ning Tao also knew that Lin Qinghua was acting in a new demon. In this world, only Lin Qinghua can form such an army, for nothing else, only because he is the back coffin of the ghost coffin and the spokesman of that stele.

Suddenly, a huge banner was erected behind the army and rolled in the wind. A stone stele was embroidered on the flag, and a few words were embroidered on the stele: the Great Pluto Dynasty.

Great Pluto?

The first thing Ning Tao thought of was the "Dynasty Dynasty", but this is the next thing to fly, not to mention that the real Ming Dynasty will take hundreds of years to be born, how could it force the Tang Dynasty?

That banner is embroidered with the wordless stele, and the stele comes from the god's fair. Is this "Great Pluto" falling from the sky a kingdom in the god's fair? Like the Tang Dynasty in the Yin Ruins, are all the dynasties that annihilated in the long river of history?

If it is, then this "Great Pluto" will not be a mortal dynasty, it should be a civilization of the immortal world.

Ning Tao analyzed this in his heart. He didn't see Lin Qinghua, but he could feel Lin Qinghua's existence.

There was a tense and desperate atmosphere on the walls.

At the height of the Tang Dynasty, there were also millions of troops, which could be distributed in different places. This city of Chang'an also has the scale of 200,000 troops. Suddenly a million troops were killed, could the emperor and the soldiers guarding the city not be nervous and afraid?

If this city breaks, Datang will be over.

"General! These two men saw that Tianzi was not kneeling, and his subordinates suspected that the enemy was a masterpiece. Please send off the army!" Jin Wuwei confessed to a general.

The general retracted his gaze, looked back at Ning Tao and Ma Mian, and asked sharply, "What dynasty is the Great Pluto Dynasty, and who is your monarch?"

Ning Tao said: "This general, we are not a little detail, then the Great Pluto Dynasty should be a kingdom of another world, do you believe it?"

"Nonsense!" The general was immediately angry, "Cut the flag!"

Two Jin Wuwei pushed Ning Tao and Ma Nian to the battlement entrance. The Ning Tao's Jin Wuwei kicked Ning Tao's leg and tried to kneel Ning Tao, but Ning Tao's legs even No trembling.

"Damn! I'm still dying until I die!" The Jin Wuwei cursed, pulled out the ring knife, and slashed it to Ning Tao's neck.

Ning Tao not only did not hide, but also extended his neck to facilitate the opponent's chopping.

The horse smiled bitterly: "Brother, why is this?"

In his opinion, as long as Ning Tao was willing, a spell could destroy these people, but he stood on the wall and stretched his neck to take a knife.

Is it so fun?


The ring knife slashed on Ning Tao's neck, then it bounced, and the blade rolled, but Ning Tao's neck left no trace of being cut, let alone a wound.

The slashing Jin Wuwei was suddenly stunned, holding the ring-nose knife of Juankou, looking at Ning Tao with horror.

Tang Jun, who was surrounded by them, stepped back, one by one, as if they met a ghost.

Ning Tao said: "I am the Sunless King in the sky. I am the patron saint of Chang'an City. If you want to live, you must listen to me."

哐 Dang!

The beveled blade of the beheaded Jin Wuwei fell to the ground. The next second, his legs softened, and he fell to his knees on the ground: "Immortal!


Ning Tao's body released the black-and-white gold flames of heavenly fire, like the light of a god.

As soon as the sky flames came out, the Tang Dynasty soldier on the city wall immediately fell to his knees. Those Tang soldiers bowed their heads and did not dare to look at Ning Tao. The ordered general was even more sincere and terrified, kneeling on the ground to admit his mistake: "Xing Jun Rao Ming, Xing Jun Rao Ming ..."

The situation here spread to the Chengde Gate's tower, more people moved over and saw Ning Tao, who was on fire, kneel down.

The horse face whispered, "Brother, what kind of drama are you singing?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "Idle is also idle."

Horse face: "..."

This is not to be bored, of course, although he and Lin Qinghua had a battle, but such a big scene is also a good opportunity to earn soul energy. He can harvest the heavenly amount of faithful energy from the soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty and the people of Chang'an City. He can also harvest the heavenly amount of evil energy from the million troops of the Great Pluto Dynasty.

This battlefield is a huge treasure for him. How can he just miss it and kill Lin Qinghua?

This is like writing a book. In the beginning, the protagonist appears, and then the villain of the villain appears. When the two meet, they leave without saying anything. The protagonist stabs the villain of the villain ...

What money does this book maker make?

Money is in the process, in the folds of the plot.

Therefore, the soul energy is in these ordinary soldiers and ordinary people, and pretending to be a ghost is a necessary option.

However, this situation is not good to explain to the horse noodles here.

The news that the imperial star came to Chang'an City soon passed to the ears of Tang Xuanzong and a group of ministers on the Chengdemen City Tower.

Li Sanlang did not dare to entrust him, and quickly led a large group of ministers and Yang Yuhuan to the wall.

Yang Yuhuan stared straight at Ning Tao, his eyes shocked.

Ning Tao also looked at Yang Yuhuan. Yang Yuhuan was only an entry-level cultivator during this period, and his spiritual strength was weak to an almost negligible level. And even the real Yang Yuhuan lying in that shipwreck, her spiritual power is very low. In her life, she was destined to be a soy sauce practitioner.

Tang Xuanzong quickly figured out the situation, but did not worship it.

He is the Son of Heaven, the Lord of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and only worships Ziwei Xingjun and the greater god. A little-known little god, the Sun Xingjun, does not seem worthy of his kneeling. However, he also showed enough courtesy. He stunned Ning Tao deeply: "He is the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, thank Daxian for help. If Daxian can help me through this disaster, He must build a temple for Daxian, forever. Enjoy the incense of the Tang Dynasty people. "

These words are not humble or overbearing.

Everyone wants to be an emperor, but the emperor is not everyone.

Ning Tao did not speak to Tang Xuanzong. With a wave of his right hand, a group of ink guns burst into air, and the gun came out in the flesh. The next second, he threw out his flesh-shot and jumped on his gun, flying slowly along the wall. Wherever he went, Datang's soldiers and the people scrambled to kneel, and a large amount of faithful energy emerged for him to collect.

Although Tang Xuanzong is a super big man, he has no value here. An emperor who could not contribute to the energy of the faith, he had no interest in talking to him. On the contrary, ordinary soldiers and ordinary people are valuable existence to him.

Under the city walls, the cavalry formation stopped.

Behind, the infantry square is still marching, and the scene is like a tide. ~ ~ Ning Tao flew around the city wall to collect a large amount of Zhixin energy, and then returned to the city wall below Chengde Gate. on.

Yang Yuhuan's eyes stared at Ning Tao brightly, and now there was more worship in her eyes.

Tang Xuanzong was a bit embarrassed. Ning Tao just flew away with a gun he rescued just now.

Ning Tao then said a word to Tang Xuanzong, "Chang'an City will be fine with the presence of the immortal."

Tang Xuanzong was deeply stunned again, with a respectful tone: "Thank you for your help, dare to ask Daxian, whose army is under the city and from where?"

Ning Tao moved her eyes to the sky.

At this instant, a strange wave of energy appeared, and the source was in the dark cloud.

Suddenly, the dark clouds split ...

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