British BBC: The Huaxia Dream of Huaguo landed safely on the lunar base, and the captain Meng Bo, who was regarded as a hero, showed twelve northern ducks before the end ...

Lighthouse n: Hua Guo ’s aerospace plane has safely landed on the lunar base. It is said that the plane carried a large amount of scientific research equipment and infrastructure equipment. Infrastructure madness has built the Great Wall on the moon, but our president is still angry at building a wall ...

Deutsche News: Huaxia's China Dream landed on the moon, carrying tons of supplies. This means that the human journey to space has officially begun. It is the sea of ​​stars and the vast unknown universe. We call on China to open the moon base and share resources ...

Australasia: China ’s aerospace plane safely landed on the lunar base, carrying military weapons in its materials, which seriously violated the rules of space peace and seriously threatened space security. We urge the Chinese side to give a reasonable explanation and make a security commitment ...

Batman: The Huaxia landed safely on the moon, carrying materials including military supplies, which meant that the lunar base would evolve into a military base. The moon is the common property of all mankind. They arbitrarily developed the moon and built military bases. Did they seek our consent ...

A few hours after Meng Bo drove the space plane to the moon, the global media scrambled to report that there were good things, but more of them were questions and accusations. If the resentment and acid energy on the earth can be converted, then it must be It will converge into a horrible storm and knock down the land of the East to destroy everything.

You are the one who makes shoes and socks for a living ...

How dare you build a permanent base and runway on the moon!

Your sky plane dare to land on the moon, we can't do good cutting yet!

How dare you walk in front of us?

How brave you are!

I spray you!

I frighten you!

I block you!

This is probably the mentality.

Just as hundreds of millions of people were receiving the information and opinions inculcated from different authorities, the man who created this miracle in one hand was lying on the bed of Tianci born.

"Am I too depraved? I even ..."

He was surrounded by fairies, and all the big fairies that could harm a dynasty in ancient times.

"How can I be with them ... my life is really too chaotic. How can I go on like this? No, I want to cheer up ..."

However, he did not cheer up.

Last night he drew his pens for poetry and painting, and the ink was gone. His legs were still soft and his hands were not free. He had just moved a little, the goblin sleeping on his arm wrapped around him, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

"I'm going to get up and practice." He said.

No one ignored him.

"I want to get up easily," he said.

Still no one left him.

But with a flick of a fairy, an avatar appeared out of thin air, picked up a wine bottle from the ground, and brought it together.

What day is it

Isn't Shang Wang so degenerate?

Moreover, the model is wrong!

How is a wine bottle?

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