Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 980: Indigenous people

Ning Tao figured it out. The magic circle portrayed by Zuo Beiela was like a coordinate with a summoning attribute. After the mantra was activated, the gravel came and opened the passage to the god's market.

This detail may not seem important, but it is important to think carefully.

Because, this shows that the town **** monument and the good and evil tripod are quite a fanatic existence, both have the ability to travel through time and space and space.

"The fanfare is pretty good. When you have a hard time with each other, it will be when I recover my freedom and become a fairy." Ning Tao thought to himself.

When the thought flashed through my mind, the **** light in front of me quickly faded away, and scenes appeared, blurred and clear.

At this moment, Ning Tao was shocked by the sight in front of her, and her eyes couldn't move, and her mouth opened and closed.

He and Zuo Beila intervened in a city square, surrounded by skyscrapers, metal frames, blue glass walls refracting the light of stars, and their eyes were full of magical brilliance. Viaducts extend from building to building, some circle from the ground in circles, and some waves undulate across the sky. Countless vehicles run on the roads and bridges without tires. They are all suspended in the void and are extremely fast. In the sky, large and small spaceships shuttle around, a busy scene.

Is this the future world?

But he did n’t wait for him to make an accurate judgment. An old man walked by flying with his sword across the side and whispered while flying: "Freshly baked washing pulp is cut through Danana. Do n’t miss it when passing by! Freshly washed Meditation Dana ... "

Ning Tao's gaze fell on the back of the old man with a flying sword. He suddenly felt a mess in the wind. A few seconds ago, he was still thinking that this is probably an alien city in the future. The residents of this city should also be aliens different from human beings, but in a blink of an eye, a passerby who sells elixir.

What is this world and what time and space?

"Huh! Soil buns!" Zuo Beila said sarcastically.

Ning Tao raised his hand subconsciously.

"Dare you!" Although Zuo Beiela was tough, Ren quickly escaped.

Ning Tao didn't bother to care about her, and looked around.

He saw more people, there were practitioners, there were ordinary people. There are also races that are obviously not human. They are almost a third taller than humans, with blue skin, pointed ears and blond hair, and a long tail behind the butt. The most striking thing is not their tails, but their long legs. Both men and women wear short skirts. The exposed legs have extremely developed muscle groups. Naturally, the strength of their legs must also be quite scary.

"Isn't it ... Avatar, right?" Those blue-skinned races reminded Ning Tao of Cameron's "Avatar", but those with blue-skinned people did not have a zebra pattern. Under the star's illumination, their blue The skin is slightly transparent. So, this is just his wishful thinking.

"Earth!" Zuo Beiela cursed again. "That's the heavenly man, the aboriginal people of the fairyland."


Aboriginals of fairyland?

Ning Tao heard for the first time, but he had his own understanding.

The following people are fighting with the earth and fighting with heaven. Only after a lifetime of nine deaths can they cross into the immortal world and come to the immortal world, while others are born in the immortal world. What you want hard to get, people are born with it. That's it.

"You curse again, I tear you both mouths." Ning Tao said, to a woman like Zuo Beila, he does not care about his image, the more hooligan the better.

"Asshole! How dare you mad with me when you get here?" Zuo Bela suddenly opened her throat and shouted, "Brother--"

Boom! Boom!

In the sound of the marching army, densely packed soldiers surrounded from the square. Those soldiers were all so-called celestial beings, and they were all holding firearms and weapons that appeared on the earth.

Ning Tao's gaze fell on a banner.

He saw the blue-gilt gold emblem on the flag in the dark ruins. At that time, Lin Qinghua led the million-strong army to fight the most. This flag was accompanied by the man "Great Pluto", and here appeared On the banner is a text similar to the Rune of Heaven. Although you do n’t know it, it is not difficult to read it. It should also be written in the “Great Pluto”.

He can easily learn this kind of writing, because his accomplishments in Tianjia runes are extremely high, and the two have many similarities.

But this is not necessary.

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