Chapter 2751 Completion of Dimensional Star City Project

As soon as this remark came out, all the ethnic groups in the Carbon Alliance fell silent. As Jiang Nan said, this is indeed an excellent solution!

But it's also a matter of trust!

The core main star is the most important existence for each race, and it is the birthplace of civilization, which has extremely important meaning in everyone's heart!

Just like the meaning of Blue Star to human beings!

Putting the core main star in the gap between dimensions, and not putting eggs in the same basket, can indeed be sheltered!

No matter how fierce the fight in the starry sky is, it will not reach the gap between dimensions!

But this also means that the core lifeline of the race has been completely handed over to others!

Although the Carbon Alliance is now united and united, what about the future?

Who can guarantee that human beings will not use this to threaten themselves in the future?

No matter how happy the cooperation is, it is not a family after all!

Even if they are brothers, there is even the possibility of turning against each other!

They don't have an unbreakable relationship like Jiangnan has with Black God. For them, the risk of this decision is really too great!

Take Jiangnan as an example. If Jiangnan himself was the one who faced this choice, would he easily hand over Blue Star's fate to others in exchange for stability?

Most likely not...

But in fact, Jiangnan still did this, placing Blue Star on the territory of the Black God...

Think about it in another place and you will know!

So Jiangnan is not forcing, but just a suggestion!

As for whether the members of the Carbon Alliance implement it or not, it depends on how much they believe in themselves!

Whispering voices inevitably sounded in the entire venue!

Jiang Nan just watched quietly, waiting for everyone's decision!

The Heishen on the side stopped playing with the hand rope, and just looked at everyone expectantly!


If the Dimensional Star City is really built, how wonderful will it become in the cracks of the dimension? Will you never be afraid of being bored again?

It has to be my brother! If there is a promise, will he really fulfill it for you?

After a long silence, Noah finally spoke:

(??v_v?) "It's not that I can't believe your question, it's just that anyone who puts this kind of thing needs to think about it..."

"Besides, the small clan may not have preserved their own strength in the great war, and our big clan has somewhat!"

"Now that the war has not started, the core main star is put into the gap between dimensions. This is really..."

Jiang Nan looked at Noah faintly:

(¬_¬) "Can the big clan... really survive? What if Xun Zu really took that step? Who in the starry sky can stop Xun Zu's fixed-point attack?"

"Isn't it enough to watch Zhong Xingwu? During the battle of Boji, everyone has seen Xunzu's methods!"

"If it goes a step further, even the silicon base will have to face the threat. Once the main terminal is exposed, it will be broken by Xunzu, so they can only hide!"

"And do you think the silicon base can stop it?"

A family as powerful as Si Ji has no chance, so what can they do to stop them?

If that day does come, it is hard to imagine how difficult it will be!

Now, Noah Manti and the others were all holding back, and they couldn't help rubbing their foreheads with their hands!


yes? how to stop...

Do you really want to take a gamble and put the core main star into the gap between dimensions?

Chong Qianjin's expression froze:

(?????) "Jiangnan...Since the establishment of the carbon alliance, we have seen how much you protect the calf in Jiangnan!"

"I just want to ask you...if! If our carbon alliance really survived to the end and survived this endless chaos, would you...would you kill the donkey?"

At that time, if Jiangnan wants to, it's very simple!

The core stars of these two thousand races will all become threatening chips in the hands of Jiangnan...

Jiang Nan took a deep breath, took out a bottle of big green stick, raised his head, and went on doing it!

Then he wiped his mouth: "Until you don't harm the interests of human beings, and don't charge your blade at me! No!"

"If the Carbon Alliance really makes it to the end! I feel that the gap between the dimensions is good! You can stay and continue to develop! Of course, you can also leave. I, Jiangnan, will never interfere!"

"If the world does not fail me! I will never fail the world!"

With all that said, Jiangnan has nothing to say, even if they don't move, they have nothing to lose!

Today's Lost Kingdom is already prosperous enough as a star station!

The original intention of this proposal is nothing more than to let the members of the Carbon Alliance keep the fire, and to make the cracks in the dimension more prosperous!

Seeing the big green stick Jiangnan drank, everyone swallowed. Obviously, Jiangnan has shown his sincerity!

Noah smiled wryly, but the guarantee he patted his chest was not credible, but Jiangnan's guarantee was true enough!

Under the premise of not taking action against humans, will you never make trouble with the core main star?

That's enough...

Taking a step back, even if you believe in the wrong person, the core main star is really smashed in the gap between dimensions!

There are also external foundations, and eggs are put in two baskets!

Chong Qianjin's expression became ruthless, as if some important decision had been made!

(??~??) "The Zerg will start to move the capital later. It's a bit big and will take up a lot of space, so I'm going to worry about it here!"

Hei Shen was immediately happy when he heard it:

(??????)? "Hahahaha! Just come, I don't have anything in my territory, it's just a big place! I promise to save it for you!"

"Should I say it or not, you little bugger has eyesight!"

Noah made a decision:

(︶优︶?) "The Dark Cosmic Body will also move the main star here, so I will trouble Lord Heishan to help protect it during this time!"

Heishen's mouth was crooked with joy:

? "Come on~ what's the trouble?"

Benny May raised her hand and said with embarrassment on her face:

????-﹏-`??? "The core of our Gamma family is a gamma nebula, which cannot be moved, but we will move the main star here and keep it as a kindling!"

After speaking, everyone's eyes were all focused on Manti!

Noah tilted his head and said: (?????)???? "What about you?"

I can't just go into the water by myself, I want everyone to come together!

Manti spread her hands, with a natural look on her face:

?(????`)? "The core star of the Apocalypse clan has already begun to move?"

The corner of Heishen's mouth twitched:

(¬﹏¬?) "They have already stuffed the main star into the gap between dimensions, half a minute ago..."

Noah's face turned black!

(???Y????)? Damn! Do you want to be so fast?

Seeing that several core members have expressed their opinions, the sky is falling and there is a tall one standing on top, what are you afraid of?

So the parasites, the hidden spirits, and the fairy titans all expressed their participation in the Dimensional Star City Project!

But there are still a group of people who hesitate!

Noah stared, how can this work? Come together!

(?▼亮▼)? "What else is there to hesitate? Can you stop Xunzu? Can you stop the silicon-based Xingwu bombing? That's not what ordinary defense methods can do!"

"We built together Zong Xingwu, the technology has also been upgraded, and even the cosmic array has been ordered. I really want to mess with you, but I did it a long time ago! Are you still hesitating?"

Seeing that the big clans are so firmly supporting the Dimensional Star City Project, and the last batch of hesitant races have all joined the plan, this matter is finalized!

Heishen was so excited that he couldn't help rushing behind Jiangnan, put a chokehold on Jiangnan's neck, and brushed wildly on Jiangnan's ribs with his little hands!

"Niupi! Big brother is really good! You really do things, you? You are worthy of being my good big brother!"

Jiang Nan struggled frantically, and burst into tears from laughter:

?(?????)? "Ahahaha~ hold me, I'm in a meeting! Leader, I'm the leader!"

Seeing Jiangnan who was so close to the Black God, Noah and the others twitched their mouths, no wonder Jiangnan dared to do it?

However, not all members of the Carbon Alliance have moved, some races cannot move due to innate reasons!

Just like the Xinggeng clan, Qinger's body is too big, and he can't survive for a long time in the gap between dimensions. If he feeds them, he can't afford to feed them at all!

So they can only stay in the starry sky, such as the Dongtian Clan, whose core is an open cave, which cannot be moved...

But those who cannot be moved, also put important planets into the cracks of the dimension, as a kindling of hope!

After struggling for a long time, he finally broke free from the torture of the Black God!

Jiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Since everyone believes in me, Jiang Nan, then I have nothing to say, just let me do what I do!"

"Although the Carbon Alliance has the Dimensional Star City as a guarantee of standing, it does not mean that we have given up our foundation in the starry sky!"

"After all, the development of the race still depends on the starry sky. In order to better realize joint operations, a super-giant space teleportation array will be established in more than 2,000 home star fields of the Carbon Alliance!"

"In order to realize the connection of all races without time difference! It is extremely necessary whether it is to support operations or to transfer asylum! After all, if the support in wartime comes late, all the losses will be human lives. Dimensional Star Airlines still has its shortcomings. The space teleportation array can make up for it!"

"Does everyone have any opinions on this?"

The heads of the various races are about to appear phantoms. Is there no reason not to build it?

Everything is to better prepare for the chaos in the starry sky!

Jiangnan changed the subject:

(??v~v?) "Of course, you still have to pay for this. Building this thing is quite resource-intensive, and humans can't afford it!"

Chong Qianjin stroked his forehead with his hand:

(?)?-﹏-`) "I don't need to emphasize this point, we don't want to take a penny from you!"

Only then did Jiangnan smile with satisfaction:

(σ???)σ "Above the way! In addition, there is the problem of the Nether tribe. Originally, the existence of the Styx River is a good defense for the star domains of all tribes!"

"But due to the containment of the silicon-based two-dimensional Rubik's Cube, this idea can be realized! Although the silicon-based has not attacked the Styx star field yet! There is no guarantee that they will not attack in the future!

"The Nether people don't go back to the Starfield of the Styx for now, just set up camp in the gap between the dimensions, and let the little carp draw a sea of ​​​​underworld in the gap between the dimensions, as a temporary base!"

You Ming covered his face: (?) Yi(ヾ) "That's the only way to go!"

Among other things, the Nether tribe is definitely the worst, and they can't go home before they fight!

Eaten to death by the silicon base!

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