Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2752 anonymous help

Freya suddenly remembered something:

(??????) "By the way, Nanshen! After going through the series of offensive and defensive battles, many races have submitted applications to the Carbon Alliance!"

"Among them, there are members of the Quality League who want to jump over, and some members of the Small League, but they are all suppressed by me, and I haven't responded yet. Look..."

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin, narrowed his big eyes, and said lightly:

(?~?) "What have you been thinking about? What the Carbon Alliance needs is timely help, but not icing on the cake!"

"Don't pay attention to general applications. If you expand blindly, it will only increase the size of the Carbon Alliance. The larger the scale, the harder it is to coordinate and lose flexibility. The current scale is actually just right!"

"If you want all kinds of crooked melons and cracked dates, not only will you not get any help in a real fight, but it will drag the Carbon Alliance back!"

When the invitation letter was issued for the first time, Jiangnan had almost included valuable races!

Even if there is a follow-up expansion, it will be strictly inspected and admitted on the basis of merit!

Big is not always good, random absorption and expansion will lead to problems sooner or later!

Yang Jian nodded and said:

(??v?v?) "This is also my idea. This is the difference between first come and last come, and if the Carbon Alliance is too bloated, it will not be conducive to follow-up actions!"

Jiang Nan looked pensive:

(?????〃) "But it's not appropriate to just miss such an excellent opportunity. You can choose the best to pass some contributing races!"

"Like Star Mirror, Lumu, and some small alliances with good potential, such as Zombies and Golems!"

"We can also take this opportunity to develop some nail races that are placed in other alliances, which should play a role at critical moments!"

Noah Chong Qianjin and the others grinned!

Lai Lai Di, is Jiangnan really cloudy?

Yang Jian couldn't help showing sinister smiles on his face:

(???) "Then leave this matter to me!"

The two foxes, one old and one young, looked at each other, and couldn't help letting out a wicked laugh!


Nine Blue suddenly said:

(?????~????)? "By the way, what about the hostages in the prison? They are still locked up inside. Do they really want to keep them?"

Jiang Nan grinned:

(?°??°) "We can't raise it for nothing, can we? Whether it is to build the Star Martial Arts or carry out technological iterations of various races in the future, the Carbon Alliance will need a lot of rare resources!"

"Some are even special products of other tribes. At this time, you can use the hostages to talk, lower the price, and after a severe slash, give them the hostages as a small gift!"

"Under moral kidnapping, they can only agree to it even if they suffer a little bit. So where is the hostage? It's all money saved?"

Noah's head was full of black lines, and he mourned for a second for the hostages. If you don't squeeze out the last bit of value from the hostages, you will never give up?

Jiang Jiang continued: "There are also those vitreous, just continue to fight, be careful not to kill them, I don't expect to make any deals with the Bose clan!"

"But those vitreous substances also have a certain weight, maybe they will be used in the future, so keep them for now..."

Yao Hong raised her hand and said:

(???~??)? "Can the Army of the Stars in Troubled Times continue to operate during this period?"

Jiang Nan frowned slightly:

(??v?v?) "The current situation is quite delicate. I still don't want to make too much noise. If this balance is broken, it's best to make it to the third ring safely!"

"You can continue to act, but don't be too ostentatious. It is best to avoid things related to Bose and silicon, try not to move, and avoid confrontation!"

"In addition, always pay attention to the movements of the two companies and report at any time. There is one more thing..."

While speaking, Jiang Nan's eyes looked around the audience!

"Everyone should know about my human star project, I don't expect you to liberate the entire race of slaves!"

"After all, the Stars Project is the proposition of our human beings. There is no reason to impose it on you. I will pull you into the water together. What I want to say is that if you are interested, you can use slaves to join humans in the cosmic array, or to upgrade the technology. !"

"The market price is fine. Of course, I also know that this can't cover all the slaves in your hands, so for those who can't be exchanged, please treat them kindly..."

"Even if it's my Jiangnan's request to everyone..."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Nan stood up and bowed slightly to the speakers of various races present!

Now those racial talkers are not calm!

(??w???) "Nanshin! You don't have to do this, you should!"

(??????????) "Since it is your request, we have no reason not to agree. If it can be paid off, it would be great!"

Acrylic looked at this scene, his eyes were a little red and he raised his head...

Noah also looked at Jiangnan with some curiosity!

(??????)???? "Ever since I met you, you have never done a loss-making business. The Stars Project may be the only loss-making business you have done. How many resources have humans poured into it? "

"Especially during the critical period of development, is it really worth it? I don't understand!"

Jiang Nan sat down again and grinned: "Business at a loss? Let's just assume it is..."

"You know? When it rains, the child without an umbrella has to run hard...and now...the child without an umbrella has grown up and has the strength to hold an umbrella, so he will also want to hold an umbrella for other children without an umbrella ..."

Noah was startled, and then laughed: "Very good answer, An Zhou will take this opportunity to take advantage of you!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "If you have that ability, just come here!"

Acrylic rubbed his eyes:

(??~???) "There is another thing. Some time ago, the headquarters of the Stars Troubled Times Army received a large number of rescued slaves..."

"I don't know who sent them here. Some of those slaves were robbed, and some were bought. I only heard from them that the organization that saved them was named Candlelight..."

"I don't know anything else..."

Yao Hong was stunned: (°ー°〃) "Speaking of this, the Stars Foundation has also received an anonymous large amount of money during this period! Although the foundation can also receive some scattered donations on weekdays , but this is the first time for such a large amount!"

"I checked, and I only found out that the call was from the Beiman Starfield. Could it have something to do with this candlelight?"

Jiang Nan's eyes were deep: "Candlelight? The name of this organization is interesting..."

They are obviously helping slaves, but they don't want to let this side know their identities?

Who is the one?

(??????) "It's okay... Accept it with peace of mind. At least you can confirm that this Candlelight organization is not malicious. If possible, you can try to contact it later to see if there is any possibility of cooperation..."

The meeting is still going on, ranging from the overall action policy of the Carbon Alliance, to the subtle starry sky trends!

The Carbon Alliance is operating like a precision machine, fully prepared to deal with the impact of the coming war!

And just when the Carbon Alliance held a joint combat meeting here!

Inside the Eternal Temple of the Eternal Stars in the Bose Starfield, there is martial law in all directions at this moment!

The eight big swallowing stars of the Bose clan gathered together, and at this moment, Qili was sitting on the main seat with a red face!

The seven swallowing stars under the seat are also extremely excited!

Yu Gen's eyes bloomed brightly:

(????) "Really? Master Guli? What you said is true?"

"Old Xun Zuta has really collected enough realm power, is he ready to take that last step?"

Gu Li smiled: (?°???°) "Why did I lie to you? Sequential offensive and defensive battles are not for nothing! Originally, Xun Zu was only short of a gap, which was enough to complete the accumulation of world power!"

"It's not in vain to endure until now!"

Qingcang clenched his fists:

(??vyiv?)? "Finally! Has it finally come to this moment? When Xun Zu becomes enlightened, we, the Bose Clan, can reproduce the glory of the eternal age and realize our unfinished ambitions!"

Liu Ren even had tears in his eyes:

(*??﹏??) "The hard work is not in vain! My Bose clan has created a god for 2.2 billion years, and it is finally created!"

Emperor Fu said with a look of displeasure:

(¬得¬?) "Fortunately, it was made up for through sequential offensive and defensive battles. If Siji didn't attack the Seed of the Universe in the first ring, where did all the trouble come from?"

"Damn tin cans!"

As soon as Di Fu spoke, all the eyes of Tun Xing fell on him, each of them could kill someone!

I can't wait to beat him up now!

Yu Gen narrowed his eyes:

(?Yi??) "You'd better shut up, I'll be angry when I see you now!"

Liu Ren gritted his teeth: (??'Yi?') "I've read that "Story about the stories I have to tell the wives of the elders and I will never be a younger brother!"!" The description is so vivid, You wrote it, right? It’s even published as an autobiography, right?”

The emperor's head was shaking like a rattle!

??(??﹏???) "It's not me! I really didn't write it, I don't know which bastard author messed with me! I..."

Cut Li said coldly: (¬_¬) "Okay! Please calm down, I'm going to have a meeting!"

"Although Xunzu has collected enough realm power, after all, it is collected through sequential offensive and defensive battles. The purity is not enough, and the amount is also small. It is just barely achieved. If there is the seed of the universe, the situation will definitely not be so embarrassing, and it will not be so. Stretched! But enough is enough!"

"Next, Xunzu will condense the most critical heart of the world. Once the heart of the world is formed and derived into a world, it will take the most critical step to completely break away from the ranks of devouring stars and ascend to the realm of the universe!"

"The process of condensing the heart of the world is extremely critical and will consume a lot of resources. Fortunately, my background and years of preparation from the Bose clan are enough to support it!"

"During this period, Xun Zu will practice in closed doors and cannot be disturbed in any way, and there may be a situation of insufficient strength. At that time, we will need our support to provide energy support for Xun Zu!"

Emperor Yu Gen rewarded them with nodding!

As long as Xunzu becomes enlightened, the Bose clan will be completely settled, and all the problems in front of them will be easily solved!

Anything goes!

This is also the real reason why the Bose tribe began to gather forces after the series of offensive and defensive battles, as if they had fallen asleep!

Everything is waiting for Xun Zu to break through!

At that time, the sleeping ferocious beast of the Bose tribe will fully wake up and turn into a domineering beast that suppresses the starry sky and kills all enemies!

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