Chapter 2753 Brave Nannan! Not afraid of difficulties!

Although the serial war has finished two rings, the Bose tribe temporarily occupies the first position!

But after the two rings, they didn't get anything good at all, and it was a shame, not to mention that there was still a large amount of glass in Jiangnan's hands!

The masters of the four major factions were taken turns to be abolished by Jiangnan, one was missing, and three were arrested. The original master of the holy star, Xing Luo, was also in Jiangnan's hands!

Is this pure faction master killer?

Guli can feel that the power and control of the Bose clan in the starry sky is not as good as before, even dropped to freezing point!

Times have changed!

The rules must be re-established, and anyone who can threaten the dominance of Bose must be eliminated!

Everything is just waiting for ancestor Xun to come to Tianyu!

Thinking of this, even though Gu Li's state of mind has been polished enough by time to be calm, he still can't restrain the excitement in his heart!

This day is finally here!

(¬?¬) "Where is the silicon base? What actions have you taken recently? Are you still honest?"

Yu Gen immediately reported: "Silicon base has also been at a standstill recently, and has been busy rebuilding and repairing to erase the bad effects caused by the outbreak of the Watt virus!"

"The compensation in the VAM agreement was paid to us exactly, no tricks, and the rest is that we did not relax the supervision of Carbon Alliance!"

"I guess I still haven't given up on the Zhizhipai terminal. The recent actions of the Carbon Alliance are quite big. I guess they are also guarding against the silicon base?"

Cut Li sneered, even he didn't expect that the Zhizhi faction terminal would fall into Jiangnan's hands, what a piece of shit luck!

"That's fine, let Siji and Carbon League go bite and pinch, so as not to bother us, during this period of Xunzu's breakthrough, we can still be a little bit more clean, and won't cause trouble..."

"Also, what happened to Dongdong Qicha? What's the result?"

Tianlu reported: (????) "I checked all the records about Dongdong Qi collected by the intelligence organization, and ruled out useless news!"

"Dongdong Qi in Jiangnankou can be determined to be the proud son of the heavens who appeared in the Dongtian clan more than 400 million years ago and contracted the Hongmengdongtian!"

"But died in the cave baptism ceremony..."

Cut Li stared:

(??v△v?) "The main terminal of the silicon base is in the cave of primordial Mengmeng? Did they hide the terminal in the cave? Have you confirmed it?"

Tianlu nodded: "I sent Herrscher to use dimension leap, searched all the cave communities of the cave clan, and found the location of Hongmeng cave!"

"There is indeed a silicon-based mechanical barrier hidden in it, but the terminal is no longer in it, and it was obviously transferred away secretly!"

Cutting his eyes, he grinds his teeth for a while, and his movements are fast enough. How did they quietly transfer the main terminal away under the eyes of the Dongtian Clan?

What is even more shocking is that Jiangnan actually knows the location of their main terminal!

How on earth did he know?

Now that he has changed his position, can he still know?

(¬必¬?) "If Jiangnan wants to trade, he can bid to buy the latest information on the location of Siji's terminal from him. It depends on whether he is willing or not!"

Tianlu nodded yes!

Yu Gen swallowed his saliva:

(??д??) "So is the apex war on the third ring still going?"

Guli laughed grimly: "Do it! Why not do it? Regardless of whether Xun Zu is enlightened or not, we will fight for the first place!"

"Apex War, what a great opportunity? Isn't it? Jie Jie Jie~"

Yu Gen shuddered fiercely, and then began to laugh grinningly, he even started to look forward to it!

During this period, the most worrying thing was the quality alliance. The relationship between them and Siji was completely deadlocked, and it was impossible for them to get close to Siji again!

Many races have plans to join the Carbon Alliance, even the core member races!

Chaos even secretly submitted an application to the Carbon Alliance without telling everyone, but unfortunately no reply has been received!

Jiangnan didn't invite them back then, but now he wants to join? Want to fart!

But thinking about it, the Quality League wants to join the Carbon League, and they have to count!

And because of the relationship between Aijiang terminal, Siji and Carbon League are already hostile!

If the quality alliance and the carbon alliance get married, will Silicon Foundation watch the carbon alliance expand its power?

It may be possible to directly attack the Qianzhimeng. After all, Siji only agreed not to take action against the carbon alliance for the time being, but it did not say that it would not take action against the quality alliance!

Now the quality alliance doesn't know what to do, it's a dismal group!

The Bose family is even more unbelievable, and the angel is a living example!

After all, Mai Liushi sighed: "It is better to ask for yourself than to ask for others! The times are collapsing before us, and everyone is a lonely boat under the huge waves! Who can we count on?"

His eyes gradually became firm: "Let's bet on this one time, my Tianchen clan was born in the era of great land reclamation, and the inheritance is not without foundation!"

"No one can beat us down! No one! Everyone, I'm afraid I need your help this time!"

"When the ancient will wakes up and the stars die, my celestial star must be the most dazzling one!"

His eyes looked towards the direction of the City of Thousand Stars across the endless starry sky...

On Vientiane Star, the industry and city to which the Quality Alliance belongs began to get busy. Huge amounts of resources and supplies were secretly sent there, one after another!

If you observe carefully, you can find that there seems to be some kind of mysterious law in the scattered cities and industries of the Tianchen Clan on the Vientiane Star...

The quality alliance is also preparing...

Only the Angels are the worst. They have already fallen out of the top ten, and they are completely hopeless. They don't have a single point in their hands!

There is still the last link that has not been played. They don't believe in the guarantee of the shitty Bose clan!

No one knows where the future of the Angel Race will go!

But Lucifer hasn't given up yet, the Holy Kingdom gathered forces, completely sealed off, and cut off all contact with the outside world!

The golden nebula in the kingdom of heaven began to become extremely bright, and the golden light flowed towards the center of the kingdom of heaven like a river of stars, converging!

It doesn't stop all the time, there are hymns floating out faintly, no one knows what the angel is doing again!


The gap between dimensions is lost in the country, and this action meeting can be regarded as over. It lasted for five days, and set the action goals of the Carbon Alliance for a period of time in every detail!

I saw Jiangnan got up and stretched fiercely, then leaned on the table, and said oppressively:

(???????) "The content of this joint meeting is an absolute secret. It is related to the survival of the members of the Carbon Alliance, as well as the core interests of each race! No one is allowed to spread it!"

"If I hear any bad rumors, or find out that someone is speculating and stabbing a knife in the back, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Don't think you can hide it from me! I can find the silicon-based main body terminal, as long as I want to know! Unless you don't do it! Otherwise...destruction is only light!"


There is no need for any force deterrence, Jiangnan only needs a warning!

The speakers of each race nodded like chickens pecking at rice!

Who dares? Let's not talk about linking with the interests of the family!

Hanging out in another house, and not being treated like this by the Carbon Alliance? And no one can figure out how many tricks Jiangnan has!

Those who are enemies with Jiangnan will end badly!

Only then did Jiang Nan grin:

(???????) "Okay! Then let's break up, there is still a lot of work to do, feel free to contact me!"

At the end of the meeting, each member of the Carbon Alliance has their own tasks, whether it is crowdfunding to build a star weapon, or technological upgrading!

A teleporter in the south of the Yangtze River rushed towards the Xinghai Yuanliu array!

Although there is no hope of breaking through Star Swallowing before the Vertex War, it is always good to be stronger!

Vivienne Xiao Chuihuo and the others are all rushing to swallow stars!

Jiang Nan was about to drill into the space array when he heard a voice behind him!

?? "Hey~ wait a minute!"

Jiang Nan paused and turned his head sharply!


Seeing the black god standing in the void like this, he called Jiangnan to stop!

Jiang Nan scratched his head: (???~??) "What are you doing? Go find Xing Cheng's dimples and play with them for a while. If you don't play games by yourself, I'm still busy practicing!"

The Black God rolled his black eyes:

(??~??●) "What are you kidding? Do you really think I'm that kind of useless god?"

Jiang Nan teased:

(?????) "Aren't you baa?"

Heishen dodged his eyes, leaned on his chin and coughed twice:

(????●) "Occasionally, I still do some serious work. With your foundation, half a year of cultivation in the space array is useless? Can you be promoted to the next stage?"

"Remember the baby I mentioned to you before? Didn't you always want to get it?"

"Will you go or not?"

I saw two flashes of lightning shooting out of Jiangnan's eyes, shooting out for several kilometers, comparable to Cyclops!

A teleport rushed to the side of the black god, frantically pinching his shoulders and beating his back!

(??????)???? "Really? Is it the right time for what you said?"

"What kind of baby is it?"

After all, is it something that the Black God can call a treasure?

Hei Shen hugged his shoulders and tilted his head:

(︶?︶●) "How can I still lie to you? The main reason is that you have arranged so many interesting things for me this time, and I, the big brother, can't say nothing!"

"As for the timing... Actually it hasn't come yet, your strength is still not enough, I originally wanted to use this baby as your magic skill when swallowing stars!"

"Judging from the current situation... If you don't take it anymore, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death before the day you go to the star!"

"As for how much you can get, how much you can improve, whether you will die, and whether you can come back alive, it depends on your own good fortune, everything is still unknown!"

Jiangnan's eyes are full of excitement:

(?????) "I say I am reluctant, but my body is very honest~ I know that the cauldron will not treat me badly!"

"Don't worry! I'm the best at getting chance or something! What the hell is it? Would you like to reveal it?"

Hei Shen looked serious: "I'm not joking with you, if you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to eat it at all, you will really die!"

"It's still too early for you to go now. Even so, do you still want to go and get it? You can wait a little longer!"

Jiang Nan was taken aback, knowing that the Black God was not joking, what was it that made him so serious?

With his current strength, will he die in the starry sky? Jiangnan is still a bit unimaginable!

But Jiang Nan smiled: "I still have to go. What I fear most has never been difficulties, but the powerlessness in the face of desperation..."

Hei Shen sighed, shook his head, and walked away with his hands behind his back:

"Then go say goodbye to Zhong Yingxue and the others. Even if it goes well this time, it will take some time. Besides, I don't know if you can hold on..."

"This time... I will go with you, wait for the rendezvous, as for what it is... I will tell you on the way..."

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