Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 844 I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery!

Zhong Yingxue: ()?

"Huh? Isn't it one thing? Isn't the golden ring of paralysis used to paralyze the enemy?"

As soon as these words came out, Mo Tian's eyes widened, and many girls showed funny smiles!


Mo Tian: () "Pfft~ Xue Xue is so cute! I usually use it to numb myself!"

Zhong Yingxue looked at Xia Yao with a puzzled face!

Xia Yao snickered, leaned over to Zhong Yingxue and bit her ears!

(з) (°mouth°)!

Immediately, he blushed and turned into an apple, with smoke rising from his head, as if he had turned into a steam girl!

Shyly covering his face, squatting in the pool and blowing bubbles!

()﹏(ヾ) Remember the URL m.42zw. com

Also... can it still be used?

Mo Tian couldn't wait any longer. After changing her clothes, she took a group of sisters and headed towards the street stalls in Jiangnan!

Crazy to buy rings!

Changfa Xiao Zhen and other gay men were stunned. When did the girls have a soft spot for the paralysis ring?

Can't help but look at Qin Shuo!

"Scholar Qin, you have a professor's letter in your name. You know a lot. Why did Mo Tian and the others buy rings?"

Professor Qin: ( .. ‵)

"The golden ring of paralysis, if you understand it literally, you will suddenly be enlightened!"

Xiao Zhen was startled: "Ma... (3) Pfft~

Shen Te Meow literally means, I can't help but give thumbs up!

As expected of Professor Qin, he knows a lot!

But a sense of crisis has arisen in my heart. If things go on like this, what is the use of us?

no! Can't buy like them!

All of a sudden they rushed up to grab the ring!

Jiangnan is so happy, and the paralysis ring has become a new favorite after Dali Leek in one fell swoop!

The transfer is received softly!

Jiangnan is full of passion at this moment!

"Look at the ring!"

"The awkward dance grenade is also very good!"

"We only sell one hundred thousand for one piece!"

"From now on, there is a partner in the dance!"

While speaking, he took out an embarrassing dance grenade, pulled out the ring, and threw it away from the playground!

Guan Hu is studying the development direction of spiritual pet science with Zhao Dezhu!

The flying grenade hit him on the head!

Guan Hu was furious: "Who? Who smashed..."

Before the words were finished, the colorful electric light burst out, covering both of them!

Guan Hu Meng's eyes widened, he couldn't control his urge to dance at all!

One finger post, the other hand goes around the top of the head, and the face is full of horror!

(mouth) "Yeah yeah yeah yeah~"

Zhao Dezhu laughed: "Hey~"

"Don't scream so much!"

Guan Hu is a big man in a hurry, I didn't want to call you!

However, with another finger to the sky, one hand covering the crotch, swinging the hips from side to side...

(つ benefit) ∩

"Deng wait ~ Deng wait deng deng deng ~ Deng Deng ~ wait!"

While dancing, while also dubbing the voice!

Zhao Dezhu was stunned: "Little fat tiger? What are you doing? There are so many students watching, you are a teacher, how much attention..."

However, before the words were finished, Zhao Dezhu was also shocked!

He took a stance directly, covered his head with both hands, and started swinging his hips extremely rhythmically!

(Benefits) "Left!"

"Right!" (Yi)

ヾ (benefit) ゞ

"Incorporate your body into zei rhythm!"

"If it feels hot, let's unbutton it!"

"Exposing the muscles on the body~"

Then Zhao Dezhu grabbed the collars on both sides of himself and tore them with force!


At this moment, many students on the playground looked at Zhao Dezhu and Guan Hu in horror, and let out bursts of screams!

"Yeah~ Grandpa Zhu is so coquettish!"

"Is this the legendary person who is not old and does not have trouble dancing?"

"Quick, quick, take a picture and send it to our forum, the post is designated to be popular!"

The two dancing embarrassingly under the street lights immediately became the focus of the audience!

Flash shooting!

At this moment, Jiang Nan, who was dancing the green onion dance, had a stiff expression. Do you want to be so unlucky?

Why did it hit Grandpa Zhu?

And the eyes of the students squatting on the stalls were all red!

Can even Master Zhu and Xiashan Tiger be controlled? This awkward dance grenade is also amazing!

Those who have been to the abyss with Jiangnan know that this grenade is an artifact!

Without further ado, just pay for it!

For a while, the grenades were sold like crazy, Jiang Nan listened to the transfer sound of "crashing", turned around and forgot about it!

At this moment, the eyes of Zhao Dezhu and Guan Hu, who have passed the awkward dance time, are already spitting fire!

[The resentment value from Zhao Dezhu +1000! 】

【From Guan Hu…】

Sister, you are such a fool, you just came back for less than a day, and you came here?

Guan Hu glared: "Jiangnan, if you don't make your Houqiu into four petals today, my surname is yours!"

Zhao Dezhu gritted his teeth: "If you hit the eight petals, the stall will be lifted for you!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Jiangnan with red eyes!

At this moment, all the students laughed and laughed. After the calf, Nanshen is going to be beaten!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

At the critical moment, Jiang Nan picked up a forgiveness cap from the booth and put it on his head!

With a small waist and a fork, his face is full of arrogance!

(ˉ ˉ): "You fight? Do you dare? Don't dare at all!"

Zhao Dezhu and Guan Hu violently braked in front of the stall with a stiff expression!

Forgive the filter perspective:

(﹏): "It was so hard for me to go to the abyss, why are you willing to hit me!"

"It's not easy for me to make a living by setting up a stall to support my family!"

Zhao Dezhu: (*.) "Forgive you!"

Guan Hu: (~) "It's so pitiful, I'll forgive you~"

At this moment, the students all looked at this scene with their faces dazed!

Depend on! Where is Nanshen poor?

This is obviously already arrogant to the table, you two are dead, can you forgive him?

Are your tempers so good now?

Jiangnan: ( ) "I've come here, so you don't plan to take care of my business before leaving? I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery!"

Guan Hu's aunt smiled: "Of course, this is what I should do!"

Speaking of which, he spent more than one million yuan and sold a bunch of small ginseng!

Even Zhao Dezhu's eyes were red: "You are so difficult, as the vice president, I must lead by example!"

I also transferred one million to Jiangnan, and I didn't even take anything!

The students are stunned!

Is it still difficult for Nanshen? Then there will be no rich people!

Let him earn all our little money, okay?

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "No! I am a principled person, so can I ask for a little money for nothing?"

At that time, the Hulk brand pants with a plastic pocket were stuffed for Lord Zhu!

Even the six nuclear bomb milks were mentioned, six bottles!

Seeing the backs of Guan Hu and Zhao Dezhu leaving, everyone was shocked!

Do you want to be so harmonious, are these two evil?

However, Jiangnan flicked his hat brim, hey hey!

"Did you see it? That's where the irritability of the forgiveness hat comes from!"

"In 30 minutes, whatever you do will be forgiven!"

"Ready-made advertisements, you don't buy them?"

Everyone swallowed their saliva!

"It's so amazing? Didn't you give money to Lord Zhu and Brother Hu?"

"Too! The cliff is a too!"

Chang Fa stared: "I don't believe it the first time, okay, Nanshen, have you used marketing strategies?"

I saw Jiang Nan took out a big green stick, and as soon as the space wormhole opened, he directly opened a spoon to Chang Fa!

Everyone is excited to see!

Changfa, who was lying on the ground not awake, woke up after more than ten seconds!

With red eyes: "South God! I..."

():"forgive you!"

Seeing Changfa's smiling auntie, everyone was shocked!

Really so god?

Jiangnan: (ˉˉ)

"Forgive the hat for you!"

"More forgiveness and more love!"

"Girlfriend beats, scolds and feels wronged? Once you put on the hat, let her make you apple pie!"

"Isn't the strength enough to feel guilty? Once the hat is worn, I am the only one who is arrogant and undefeated!"

"100,000 can't be seen! What are you thinking about if you don't buy it?"

Where can you all sit still?

Where is this forgiveness cap? It's a life saver!

If nothing else, once the forgiveness cap is worn, the family status will rise immediately!

For a time, everyone went crazy, 100,000 apiece is not expensive at all, it's a conscience price!

Chang Fa looked excited at the moment, is this hat so magical?

Can't help but laugh!

Like you just opened my scoop? So you lose money to grandma's house!

While thinking about it, I bought a bunch of goods at the stall, then picked up a forgiveness cap and put it on my head!

Turn around and leave?

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Hey, hey? What are you doing, you haven't given me a little money yet?"

Chang Fa: (' `) "Huh? What kind of money? I just advertised for you!"

"There is no credit or hard work. Isn't it right to get some goods?"

Jiangnan: (⌒⌒)

"I'm learning pretty fast? Don't you dare to give me money? Are you itchy?"

Chang Fa swallowed his saliva, his forehead was sweating profusely, and he looked guilty!

"I'm wearing a forgiveness cap, shouldn't you forgive me?"

"Why do you still want to beat me? Look at him, his hat is not easy to use!"

Everyone is looking at Jiangnan!

I saw Jiang Nan straightening his hat!

"I'm wearing it too. Forgive for forgiveness! The effect will be offset, and I can't protect you?"

As he spoke, his little hand stuck out, the space wormhole opened, and he took off Changfa's hat!

Immediately, with lightning speed, he pulled out the grass growing on the top of his head!

At this moment, the eyes of the students looking at Chang Fa changed!

"Ah, ah! I'm so angry, how dare you take Nanshen's hard money? How can you bear it!"

"Assi! Shame on you, brothers, hit him!"

Often hair: Σ (﹏---)

【From Changfa...】

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