Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 99: The Adventures of the Twenty-Five (Part 2)

At the dinner table, the knight lord Yarman completely dominated the conversation.

"This is Dennis, the eldest son of Ilya's family, my assistant, a trainee knight. His lance is better than mine, but his ability to fight on foot is less." He introduced the man in a luxurious dress to the crowd. The young man, "If his performance in this mission is good enough, I will make him a full-fledged knight for him. I hope you can watch the ceremony at that time, if you can all survive by then."

The last sentence he seemed to be talking to himself, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

The young apprentice knight nodded to everyone, his eyes met everyone politely, and stayed on Hannah for a little longer, but that was all.

This is a young man with enough tutoring and literacy, and Barrett can tell the difference. And the family is very good, at least much better than Sir Arman who lives in this castle. He compared the clothes of the two knights.

"But if your performance is not as good as those of the adventurers on the opposite side, I won't let you become my colleague casually."

Yarman looked down on adventurers, and Barrett found that when the knight lord talked about the word "adventurer", his tone was always with obvious disdain and contempt.

The knight lord stared at his junior with a serious expression, but he was chewing stewed beans, "If you are under that guy Calvin, maybe you can become a full knight the next year; Idiot, maybe the next day he'll be able to put his long sword on your shoulder. But your father made you follow me, old stubborn, apparently hoping that I would be strict with you so that your promotion would live up to your name and not be something else The laughing stock of knights."

"I understand, my lord." Dennis apprentice knight said solemnly, "I will make my promotion convince everyone, and be worthy of it."

The knight lord nodded with satisfaction, "When I was promoted, I killed three ogres taller than that guy with my own hands." He pointed at Barrett with a fork on a roasted potato, "Three! One of them Only got my lance pierced through the neck, and the other smashed the head of my beloved horse with its stick, but I also cut off its head. I chopped up the ogre first. Knees, but it still didn't fall down, but it couldn't move, and could only stand against a banyan tree. Then I cut its stomach again, and all the intestines and internal organs came out."

Not a good place to talk about this at the dinner table, thought Barrett. Although he didn't care about these things at all, he saw that the good-hearted Burton and the two young people in the team were not quite right. Brandon looked at the large plate of blood sausage on the table in front of him, and even vomited quietly.

You are all worthless except for that life, Barrett shook his head inwardly. He also found that the coachman still had an indifferent expression on his face. This non-existent guy seemed to be not interested in anything except his carriage and four little mares.

"The big guy knelt down with his stomach covered, and actually wanted to stuff the intestines back in. But the intestines flowed out too much, with a **** stench, covering the ground." Ya Sir Mann sneered, then threw a piece of mustard blood sausage into his mouth, "The ugly guy looked at the intestines on the ground with fear on his face. But it didn't last long, because I am a mercy Man, though it is an ugly and evil ogre, I have given it liberation."

The knight lord picked up another small potato and stuffed it into his mouth. "After its head was chopped off, it rolled all the way, and was trampled by a knight's horse. It's a pity." He sighed. I don't know why I regretted, "As for the third ogre, there is nothing to say, because it has been hit by three or four arrows, and one of the arrows is still in the chest, and it will die soon. Death was a relief for it, too, and yes, we got them all out of the way! That battle was a real joy."

The emaciated knight lord laughed.

"I remember it was a big tribe with hundreds of ogres," added the castle steward, who soaked the bread in broth and ate it with a spoon, like eating oatmeal.

"It's nearly two hundred!" Ser Arman corrected, "there are also numerous gnolls and goblin cannon fodder, they live in the deep mountains near 'Bibury Town', and they invade the surrounding villages and towns from time to time. At that time, in order to solve them, Galano gathered nearly 500 fully-armed knights, thousands of militiamen and guards, and even wizards to follow, and finally wiped out the ogre tribe in one fell swoop. It's a rare war in recent decades, alas, after all, there hasn't been a real war on this continent for a long time."

"I remember that the leader of the army was not Earl Galano, but Viscount Edric of 'Lucheng'." The castle steward said again.

"Yes!" Ser Arman's expression suddenly became unsightly, and he took a heavy sip of rye beer. "Count Galano was ill and couldn't ride a horse, so..." He suddenly stopped, and then spoke again. He couldn't help complaining, "In such a big event, the princes don't go to lead the army in person. The Benson family is really becoming more and more like a businessman." He complained about his old club again.

"You haven't introduced me yet." The squire next to the young knight said at the right time, breaking the awkward silence at the dining table.

The squire is a clever fellow, and the timing is right, Barrett thought to himself. Although this squire seems to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, he looks quite smart.

"George, the third child of the Dunn family, has the same name as our king. He is Dennis's squire and is good at brushing horses." Ser Arman introduced it casually.

"And archery!" George smiled at Barrett and the others, "I'd rather be an archer than a horse charge! My bow and arrow can easily hit a hen within fifty meters, even if it's moving. "He looked at Barrett and the others and said proudly.

"Don't harass those hens all the time. If Aunt Flanda finds out, she will definitely beat you with a wooden stick, and I won't help you." The young knight reprimanded in a threatening tone, but his servants But don't care at all.

"This is Greg, the eldest son of the Peters family, and my squire. The longsword is very good, but it was not taught by me, but by his father." Ser Arman pointed to the castle steward. The young man next to him said, "His father is the lord of nearby Castle Combe, Trent Peters. My father and I were knights at the same time. Trant was younger than him back then." The lord pointed to his entourage again, "but killed an ogre and three gnolls with his own hands."

The squire Greg glanced at Barrett and the others, but did not speak. The barbarian adventurer also saw disdain in his eyes, and he didn't know if it was because of Ser Arman's influence.

"In addition to these people at the table, I have a militia captain, three hunters, and 12 trained militiamen, but one of them was injured in today's training, so only 11. Three of them They are good at using bows and arrows, and eight of them can use spears proficiently, but apart from the hunters, these militiamen have no experience in dealing with monsters."

Monster, he said monster again, what is the monster in the hot spring?

"I've finished introducing my people, so tell me," Ser Arman ate his plate. "Give me that plate of blood sausage, young man," he said to Brandon.

Brandon stood up in a hurry, and in a hurry, he bumped into the chair behind him, which made a creaking noise that made his teeth itch. He handed the plate of mustard blood sausage in front of him to the squire Greg, who stood up and handed the plate to Yarman.

"Flanda's blood sausage tastes great! And remembering the way the ogre knelt in fear back then made my appetite even more." The knight lord put half of the blood sausage on the plate into himself in the dinner plate, and then put the blood sausage plate in front of him. "But I see that you don't like it very much." He looked at Barrett and the It was because they liked my little baked potatoes better! "The castle steward helped Barrett and others," and rather than blood sausage, I think roasted potatoes and rye beer go better! "

Ser Arman did not continue the topic, but kept looking at Barrett and the others, the dark red blood sausages churning between his teeth, "Don't be shy, are you all girls?"

"I don't think that introducing us has anything to do with this mission." Hannah said with a cold face. "What we should be discussing is the mission!"

"Since you want to join a team to fight, at least let me know what you are good at, isn't it? What's so hard to tell, are you good at embroidery? God, I didn't expect that." The knight lord again Haha laughed, and only he and his squire laughed because of this "joke" at the entire table.

Patience and silence do not earn respect.

Barrett stood up suddenly, and walked towards the knight lord Yarman with a blank expression amid the surprised, confused, or vigilant eyes of everyone.


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