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Chapter 100: I won't brag but I'm not a qualified adventurer (Part 1)

Barritt strode towards Arman with a blank expression, surprising everyone in the room.

"What are you doing!" The squire stood up from Greg and shouted to Barrett. He reached out and touched his waist, only to find that he was not wearing a weapon. Not only him, no one on Ser Arman's side was armed except for Hannah's party at the dinner table.

Do you still need to wear weapons in your own home?

Yes, yes! Never let your weapon get away from you at any time! Barrett said silently in his heart. Unless there are very special circumstances, his weapon will never leave his body. Even when he sleeps, he will put it by the pillow and in his arms, because it is his "bride".

Barrett saw Greg, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old, very flustered, and the fact that he had no weapons made him a little overwhelmed.

He also saw that the young apprentice knight Dennis clenched the knife in his hand tighter when he passed by, and his body was also stretched and stiff, but he did not take any further action. Hu Cong George, who was beside him, looked up at him with a hint of excitement on his face.

"Sit down, Greg." Ser Arman frowned, "I'm so disappointed by your flustered appearance! Once the bull is timid, the jackal will pounce on it, so always look calm. "

Calmness can't save your life, only weapons can, Barret secretly slandered, but he also admitted that what the knight lord said was not wrong.

"My lord, I" Greg wanted to say something, but under Ser Arman's persecuting gaze, he sat down obediently, but still stared at Barrett with fear and nervousness.

As the focus of everyone's attention at the stage table, Barrett didn't care about that. The dining table is not big, and he walked to Yarman in a few steps, not giving the audience more time to think.

The knight lord turned his head to look at Barrett with a relaxed expression on his face.

Barrett stopped in front of Sir, and the two exchanged glances. The next moment, he stretched out his sturdy left hand to Yarman, and there was a sound of gasping and the movement of tables and chairs. Many people got up slightly, trying to stop him from going further.

Under the nervous eyes of everyone, Barrett's left hand swayed past the knight lord's eyes and held up the plate of blood sausage in front of him.

"You need to know how to share delicious food with guests. That's how a host treats guests." Barrett looked down at the arrogant knight lord.

After saying this, he returned to his seat with the plate expressionlessly, and asked the people on his side with the half plate of mustard blood sausage in his hand.

The people around were either confused and unresponsive, or subconsciously shook their heads.

"Since no one wants it, then I'm welcome." Barrett pulled the rest of the blood sausage on the plate into his own plate.

Although this series of actions is very rude and abrupt, for someone like Sir Arman, politeness and restraint cannot win his respect.

"Barritt." The barbarian adventurer followed Ser Arman's example and pointed at himself with a fork with a mustard blood sausage, but did not introduce his surname.

He stuffed the blood sausage into his mouth and chewed it. The blood sausage was made of pig's blood, with pig tongue, bread crumbs, and oatmeal added to it. He tasted it carefully and could tell that the spices included black pepper, thyme, and mustard seeds.

"I became an adventurer when I was nineteen." This age is not considered among adventurers. "Most of the time spent in the Bay of Pigs. Yes, the filthy adventurer's camp next to the Mist Castle. The Mist Forest? Oh, of course. I've been there, maybe four or fifty times. In fact, I've been there so many times that I can't remember clearly." No one in the surrounding area of ​​Galano did not know the strangeness and danger of the Misty Forest.

"Besides, I have also traveled to Muya city-state, Turion city-state, Yinlan city-state, and half the Griffin Kingdom." Barret continued to introduce himself.

In fact, in most of these places, he just passed by with a carriage, but he would not boast that he was not a qualified adventurer. "As for the beheaded monsters and monsters," Barrett pondered, "an adult pseudo-dragon has a pair of small wings and can't fly, but it is still fierce and abnormal. Believe me, there is no such thing as a creature with the word dragon. Seeds will be easy to deal with.”

Barrett took off the boots at the dining table and held them up in the air, "The boots are made of underarm leather of the pseudo-dragon, tough and soft, very comfortable to wear, oh, forgot to mention, I'm alone The one who killed it was alone! Because all my companions ran away, of course, I wanted to run too, but the pseudo-dragon chose me and pursued it perseveringly. I must say that it did choose one Good goal. Do you know how hard the dragon skin is? To be honest, the language is not very easy to describe, you should try it yourself when you have a chance."

He saw Hannah covering her nose next to her, but her eyes were full of smiles.

This woman, she must have thought that I helped her vent her anger, but I just saw that the old knight was unhappy, Barret thought helplessly in his heart.

The barbarian adventurer put his boots back on his feet, took another gulp of rye beer, and sighed comfortably, "Although rye tastes bad, it's really good for brewing. Thanks to the mage for creating rye, to the mage!" He raised his glass.

Everyone in Hannah's team responded to him with their wine glasses, but anyone on Yarman's side responded. Even if the squire George made a leap, he was pressed by his leader, the apprentice knight Dennis. go back. Until the knight lord Yarman took the lead in holding the cup, the others followed unevenly.

"Respect the Mage!" Sir Arman said.

He glanced at Barrett inexplicably.

"Respect the Master!" Everyone took a sip.

"By the way, there is also a petrified cow." Barrett pointed to the leather armor on his body and continued to introduce his experience, "It is not easy to break this scaly cowhide. Although it does not have dragon skin It is so hard, but it is much higher than the latter in terms of toughness. If you want to break the skin, you can only choose to cut it slowly, but there is no time for you in battle. Do."

Barrett said lightly, "The result of that fight happened in an instant. Yes, if the petrified cow didn't fall, it would only mean that I was turned into a stone statue. Fortunately, I am sitting here now. , and it was worn by me."

He patted the leather armor on his body, "The cow rushed towards me with its petrified breath. I had no choice but to make a judgment in an instant. How to kill it? It's very simple, put the weapon Insert it from the petrified cow's eye, just like this, first find the right angle, then dodge its petrified breath, and then insert it." He gestured with the dining knife, "It's not difficult, just the action Be steady, fast, and don't let that guy's petrified breath touch you, not even a little bit."

Barrett chose two more convincing examples first. After all, dragon leather boots and petrified cowhide leather armor were both worn on him at this time.

"I also helped people catch a few frost worms alive, which happened two weeks ago. As for the ogres," Barrett glanced at the knight lord, "not too many, I've killed more than ten one after another. There are also a similar number of forest trolls. I have to say that trolls are really hard to kill, they are very resilient, and you usually need some fire or acid to make the battle easier."

"What else?" The barbarian adventurer ate another piece of blood sausage, and then struck his head with the handle of a fork, thinking, "Frost spider, deaththorn spider, bone-faced beast, winter wolf, killer vine, burrowing worm, soft Mud monsters, hydras, giant owls, blood-sucking beetles, feathered snakes, there are just too many. As for the unnamed ones, there are many more. You know, many creatures in the misty forest are usually not known to outsiders, So there is no unified name.”

Barrett doesn't know that he doesn't know, but after calculating, he found that the types of beasts and monsters that died under his sword are actually very rich, "As for creatures like gnolls and goblins, the number of killings is too large to remember, but it is not It takes effort to memorize, after all, these things are not dangerous and not counted as merit."

"Who knows if what you said is true." Greg muttered in a low voice.

You can try it, I only use one hand and a knife, no, it's a spoon. Barrett thought to himself. But he didn't say such words, it's one thing to show off his powerful force, UU reading www.uukanshu. com provocation by virtue of its strength is another matter.

Barrett actually doesn't like to brag about himself like this, but if you want the other party to recognize and respect you, such brag is sometimes necessary.

"By the way, there is also a four-armed devil ape, and some of you may have heard its name. It is called Caesar, and it is a cruel guy who hates humans. It has killed more than 500 humans." In fact, the real number is It is more than double this. "There are many of your peers. I mean the knights of the Golden Clover Knights in the Mist Castle. Although those knights have no fiefs, they are also the second sons of the Miller family. The third child of the Hill family, as well as the Sharp family, the Langman family, and the Hawke family."

"All these people were killed by the four-armed demon ape?" George, the squire, asked in surprise, "My father still wants me to go to the Mist Castle to exercise when I become an adult."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask people from these families." Barrett said, "As for training in Mist Castle? All I can say is that joining the Knights of Golden Clover is really good for training people, which shows that your father does not I don't want you to eat at home and wait to die."

Barrett has a good impression of this young man. "If it's not the eldest son, you can only fight on your own. Stay humble, trust your companions and the weapons in your hands, and you will grow up quickly."

Barrett glanced at the knight lord again.

However, Sir Arman was not angry at Barrett's rudeness, he just sat there indifferently, with no expression on his stern and mean face.

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