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Chapter 102: Monsters in castles, chambers, and hot springs...

"Sebas, tell our guests what you have found." Ser Arman instructed the castle steward, "that is what you found in the book called the Castle Events Book that you found in the basement. ."

"Okay, my lord." The butler put down the spoon and smiled at everyone at the table.

Everyone stopped the utensils in their hands and looked at the gods who were listening. After all, everyone has been mocking each other openly and secretly for so long, and finally it's time to talk about something really substantive.

The old man was about to speak, but suddenly stopped. With an apologetic smile on his face, he made a "wait a minute" gesture, then raised his glass, took a gulp of wine, cleared his throat, and took another sip.

He put the wine glass on the dining table, moved it to the right, and took a deep breath. Finally, under the somewhat urgent gaze of everyone, Cai Shiran said, "Actually, the hot spring boiling incident like this one has happened more than once in the past, and it has been recorded for a long time."

"Isn't this the first time?" Barrett looked at Hannah and found that she was also surprised.

"It's not." The castle steward shook his head and continued, "In fact, this castle already existed during the Magic Empire period, but its original owner is no longer known. After all, in that dark and chaotic era, We have lost too much information, too much literature. Of course, there may be records in the floating city of the mage, but we all know that it is not easy to go there and look up information, unless you are a A mage registered in the Magic Association."

It's a pity we don't have one, Barrett added in his heart.

The castle steward put both hands on the dining table in front of him, "Later, at the beginning of the establishment of the Griffin Empire, the castle fell into the hands of Viscount Deddings. Because of the beast tide, the Viscount rebuilt the castle a second time. , made it what it is now. This spiky castle has successfully protected the Viscount family and the inhabitants of their territory on several occasions. But in the most famous and largest beast wave, this Unfortunately, the castle fell. But that's a no-brainer, after all, Galano almost perished in that beast swarm."

"The one that led to the death of the Moon and Sun King?" Barrett asked.

"That's a good guess." The old butler smiled and nodded. "As a Nord, do you know a lot about the history of our Griffon Kingdom?"

"No, I just know the history of the beast tide very well." Barrett replied, "For adventurers like me who wandered in the foggy forest, the beast tide is something that must be mastered."

"It was the beast tide." The old butler said, "According to records, this castle fell the day before the death of the Moon and Sun King, which was the night of the rebellion of the capital."

"To the great Augsger III." Ser Arman raised his glass and suddenly said, "To the great King of the Moon and Sun."

"The King of Respect for the Moon and Sun." Everyone raised their wine glasses and responded in a low voice.

The old butler put down the glass, "For a long time after this, the castle was directly managed by the Benson family, until Count Galano gave the castle and the entire village as a fief to our ancestors of Lord Arman. "

"Although the castle was once occupied by the beast tide, most of the facilities inside and outside have been damaged. However, there are still some hidden things that have been preserved. After all, those monsters will not be interested in the stone walls and walls. Fortunately, They don't eat stones, otherwise, the whole castle will be lost." The old butler tried to make the atmosphere at the table more pleasant, but was unsuccessful. "Well, what remains not only includes the city walls and walls, but also many strange devices. and a secret room."

"Ah, the secret room, that's not a good place. It's buried with secrets, maybe other things, like corpses and undead." Barritt heard Eddie muttering softly beside him.

"The Chamber of Secrets was discovered by Dylan. Dylan? Oh, the little boy who always follows Flanda. He stumbled upon it two months ago when he was going to the castle's underground warehouse to get turnips. The secret room. This kid Dylan always likes to bang and drill around the castle like a mole. By the way, he also discovered this chandelier-like facility above." The old butler pointed to the top of everyone's heads. A table with glowing stones.

The little boy who likes to cover his mouth and snicker appears in Barrett's mind. Maybe this castle is the boy's misty forest, where he lives and explores, and is surprised by any unknown discoveries.

"In addition to this, there are many strange facilities in this castle, and there may be more that have not been discovered." The old butler said, "After all, the secret room was only discovered recently. I doubt its previous owner, Deddings. The Viscount didn't know about this either. The setting in the secret room was very simple, with only a table, a chair, and several well-preserved books on the table. And one of the books recorded The hot springs are boiling."

Finally getting to the point, Barrett straightened up subconsciously. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hannah staring at the bean stew left on the plate in front of him in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

She became extraordinarily silent, Manzi thought, this is not like her character. But then, he put these thoughts behind him. It's pointless to guess what's going on in a woman's head. In this regard, women and mages are particularly alike.

Then, what about the female mage? Do not! Although Barrett knew that such strange creatures did exist, he did not want to deal with them at all.

"That book was recorded in the form of a diary. Judging from the writing habits and content, it does not seem to have come from the hands of Viscount Deddings." The old butler's expression became a little serious, "The diary records a lot of those planes, half planes

Based on the relevant content and knowledge, I suspect that the author of this diary is likely to be a mage, and this mage may have lived in this castle. "

"It is also possible that Viscount Deddings got this book from somewhere and hid it in the secret room." The squire George expressed a different opinion. "We've all been to that secret room. It's too small to be a noble mage at all."

"It is indeed possible." The old butler nodded.

"The secret room is for hiding secrets, not for revealing identity," retorted another squire.

"It's all in the past, it doesn't matter. Focus on what's in the book!" Sir Arman said impatiently.

"I was about to get to the point, my lord." The old butler said respectfully. "This mage, let's call the author of the book a mage. He recorded in the book the plane crack that caused the hot spring to boil, a plane crack that only opens once in hundreds of years."

Plane cracks? Barrett frowned. In his previous contacts with mages, he once learned that the space where this continent is located is called the main material plane by mages. He doesn't know what this name means, but he knows that the space plane where everyone lives. , does create some gaps and cracks.

Some of those cracks will lead to the ethereal void, some will lead to unknown other planes, and these plane cracks will occasionally spew out some monsters living in other planes. Although Barrett has experience in dealing with beasts and monsters, dealing with creatures from other planes is not his area of ​​expertise.

He has encountered that huge stone element in the misty forest three times, but every time he fought, it ended in his escape. Barrett didn't know how to get rid of this troublesome guy who had no brains and no hearts, wouldn't bleed if he chopped them down, just dropped a few pieces of dirt, and would recover in a short time.

Barrett once asked a mage who was familiar with him how to deal with those elemental creatures from other planes, and the answer given by the mage was expulsion, an expulsion magic will automatically return them to their original planes among.

This is not a good answer, and Barrett doesn't like it anyway, because it means nothing to him. However, the mage also gave Barret another answer to smash the core of the element, and the elemental creature will perish.

So where is the core of the element? Barrett asked again at the time, and the answer given by the mage was that after you smash the body of the elemental creature, you can naturally see it.

Obviously this answer is not much better.

"On the east side of the village, there are five hot springs, four small and one large. These five hot springs are nearly a thousand meters apart, but the ground is connected. The largest hot spring is bottomless. In the mage's record, the plane The crack is at the very deep bottom of that big hot spring, it is connected to the water element plane among the many element planes, and the breath and energy in the water element plane are constantly dissipated outward."

"I thought it was connected to the Fire Elemental Plane." Brandon asked curiously, "The energy in the Water Elemental Plane will also make the hot springs boil?"

"If it was the Fire Elemental Plane, these hot springs must have been dried up long ago, and there may be no hot springs boiling today." The old housekeeper said with a smile.

But there are other things going on, Barrett thought.

"In the plane information recorded in the book, there is a description of the water element plane." The old housekeeper said, "The water element plane mentioned in the book is not all about the rippling blue waves and the slow flow of ocean currents. There, there are huge icebergs floating on the surface of the water in some places, the sea water is freezing cold and thick and muddy in other places, like a swamp, and there are places where there is scalding boiling water, as if it is boiling meat mixed soup in a soup pot.”

It seems that the crack in the depths of the hot spring is connected to a place in the water element plane that is full of mixed meat soup, no, it is a place with boiling water. Barrett guessed. And what was the monster gushing out of the rift?

Is it roast pork, ham, sausage, pickled cucumber, or fresh mushrooms? He fantasized wildly.

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