Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 103: Offensive Copy - Boiling Hot Spring (1)

The next day, the knight lord Yarman led Barrett and the militia he had trained to the dungeon on the east side of the village, no, it was the "Boiled Hot Spring" in the area.

The hot spring is not far from the village, in a lush camphor forest,

The adventure team led by the knight lord, in addition to 25 combatants, also had 5 people waiting outside the hot spring, preparing to deal with the wounded and sudden situations.

They are two sturdy villagers, a healer and his apprentice in the village with a large bag and a small bag, and a scout on horseback who is responsible for patrolling back and forth around the hot spring to detect the situation.

Among the combatants, in addition to the 6 people in Hannah's Unknown Adventure Team, it also includes 1 knight Yarman, 1 apprentice knight Dennis, 2 knight squires George and Greg, and 3 quite experienced hunter weapons. Longbow and hunting knife, 1 militia captain with a giant hammer and part-time village blacksmith, or in other words, a blacksmith part-time militia captain, 3 archers, and 8 militiamen, 5 with spears and 3 with big guns. Shield and one-handed sword.

The hunters wore well-fitting half-worn leather armor, with bows and arrows behind their backs, and hunting knives tucked into their waists. Although the militia captain was much shorter than Barrett, he was not inferior to the latter, especially his sturdy arms. , whose thickness is almost the size of Barrett's thigh. The militia captain wore a set of steel half-armor on his upper body, and a thick, dirty leather apron over his linen trousers. His clothes were a bit nondescript. The plush bodice, their weapons and armor are obviously standard equipment, which should be distributed uniformly by the knight lords.

This team is more elite than Barrett imagined. In his view, these men, though called militias, were more elite than most of Galano's guards, apparently thanks to the rigorous training that Ser Arman had given them.

As for the opponent this team is trying to solve, the castle steward gave a more detailed introduction to it at the dinner table last night:

The monster gushing out of the "miscellaneous soup" on the other side of the crack in the plane is not a ham, nor a pickled cucumber, but a hot boiling water element, a variant of the water element.

The book in the secret room records this kind of elemental creature with a rather peculiar talent. According to the description of the author of the book, although boiling water elements are also a type of water elements, they are not only immune to water spells, but also have extremely high magical resistance to fire spells.

This boiling water element is not as stable as the ordinary water element, but its attack is much higher than the latter. They are constantly exuding hot steam, and the melee attack is more powerful than ordinary water elements, and the water arrows cast by short spells are also higher than ordinary water elements. After all, boiling water hurts the face more.

Not only is it very difficult for ordinary warriors to deal with them, but it is also difficult for even some more eccentric mages to deal with them.

Anyway, in Barrett's impression, without an enchanted weapon, almost all elemental creatures are difficult to deal with.

In addition to the unmanageable elemental creatures such as the scalding boiling water element, there are more small alien creatures called "steam mephits" that appear in the cracks of the plane. And this kind of creature is the main factor that prompted Sir Arman to attack the "boiling hot spring".

At the dinner table yesterday, Barret asked the knight lord Yarman such a question.

"Why don't you go to the Mage?" He asked at the time, "I heard that when it comes to space stabilization, the Mage will come forward to deal with it, and it doesn't seem like they will be paid."

At that time, the castle steward replied, "When we reported the matter to Galano, we also asked the mages from the Magic Association, but the mages in the tower said they couldn't help."

The butler's tone was a little helpless," said the mage from Galano that only those mages who specialize in conjuration branch space magic can repair the cracks in the plane and strengthen the crystal wall and space. But the entire continent There are too many such tiny cracks that will naturally open once every tens or hundreds of years, but the space mages can't repair them at all."

"And according to the mage, these tiny plane cracks don't need to be repaired, because they don't accumulate enough energy to expand again, and they won't break out any powerful monsters. It won't be long before the cracks will It is forcibly closed by the powerful self-healing property of the space itself, so most mages don't care about it. They will only repair those larger ones that are opened only once in thousands or tens of thousands of years, or may expand again after opening. Or the kind of rift that made some powerful creatures."

And the records in the secret room book also echoed the statement of the Association Master from the side. Hot, boiling water elementals are tricky to deal with, but they only roam around hot springs and can't get too far. And the book also records that every time the plane crack is opened, it will naturally close after a long time. Once the rift is closed, these elemental creatures in an unstable state will soon dissipate on their own without the energy support of the water element plane, so they don't need to be ignored.

But this is not the case with the small heteroplanar creatures like steam mephits, they will always exist, and there will be more and more. Because mephits are born with the spell-like ability to "call companions", and can use it once a day.

Once used successfully, a mephit of the same type will be summoned. Although the success rate of summoning is not high, it will still increase the number of such creatures slowly, and the speed of increase will be faster and faster. Some of the mephits have even left the hot springs and started breaking into villages in groups, attacking the villagers.

As the leader of the knight lord Yarman, he has arranged for the hot spring dungeon to hold back the boiling water element first, because this elemental creature is not easy to deal with

, and then fully output to destroy the mebat. After the mephits are wiped out, it will depend on the situation to decide whether to deal with the boiling water element.

Hannah's Unnamed Adventure Squad was assigned the task of assisting the militia in quickly destroying mephits.

Everyone knows that the task of holding back the boiling water element is undoubtedly more dangerous, but Sir Arman did not hand this task to the adventurers, but to him and Dennis, as well as several militiamen holding shields. .

This can't help but make Barrett's impression of Sir Allman slightly changed.

Although the knight lord may still be doing this out of his usual contempt and distrust of adventurers, he has no intention of using the latter as cannon fodder, which is very rare.

As the team marched, there were many brave young villagers who wanted to join in, but Ser Arman did not agree and drove them all back.

At the entrance of the dungeon, no, it was near the hot spring, and there were three young men with wooden sticks and axes waiting there, wanting to join the group temporarily.

Wait for the next time, now that the line is full, such a strange thought suddenly popped into Barrett's mind. Is the team still full? Strange, he shook his head, putting the inexplicable thought behind him.

"You're too weak, Bowen. The sight of a **** will make your whole body tremble with fear, not to mention those monsters with boiling water and steam." Ser Arman rode on his horse and vetoed mercilessly. "The weak and the coward are not allowed in my team."

He said these words, but glanced at Barrett and others. The rest of the adventure team didn't react, but Brandon held his breath and puffed out his chest, as if he wanted to prove that he was not weak.

"Yes, yes, but that's because I have a shadow on such terrible things as chickens!" The young man named Bowen explained with a blushing face, "I was pecked by a hen when I was young~www., uh, pecked underneath." He mustered up the courage to say in shame, "That experience made me, made me pee, and it went on for a long time. Even now, when I see a hen, it still hurts below and below." His face turned even redder, "but as long as there are no such terrifying creatures as chickens, even if I meet a giant dragon, I will not be afraid. !!" He was refreshed again.

Let's wait until you actually meet the dragon, Barrett.

And the other two young men, Sir Arman, also sent them away.

One of the very strong young men, Yarman said that he was too clumsy, pigs are more dexterous than him, and asked him to follow his father to chop down trees, because chopping monsters and chopping trees are not the same thing, monsters can't Standing there waiting for you to cut.

When the young man was not convinced by Jazz's evaluation, Jazz ordered the young man to step his left leg first, then his right leg, then his right leg, and then his left leg. Immediately afterwards, the young man tripped over himself inexplicably, fell to the ground in a daze, and didn't get up for a long time.

And the last young man, Ser Arman just glared at him fiercely, and let the latter run away crying.

This made Barrett shake his head helplessly in his heart.

After dismissing the guys who wanted to join the group temporarily, and arranged for the people who were patrolling and responding outside, Sir Arman dismounted, handed the horses over to those who were responding outside, and then led the crowd through the warning signs and entered the in the hot spring area.

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