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Chapter 106: Offensive Dungeon - Boiling Hot Spring (4)

George followed the Nord adventurer named Barrett and walked towards the hot spring step by step.

The current king of the Griffin Kingdom is also called George, who is twenty years older than the squire George, and is known as the kind-hearted George by the world. He was a kind-hearted king, or he could be called a woman's kindness. Regardless of whether those evaluations are true or not, the outside world is rumored like this:

Because he couldn't bear to eat the animals that were killed, even chickens, the king was a staunch vegetarian. He had to stand still for a while to mourn when he saw the ants die, so the palace was cleaned very cleanly, and there would be no one A worm appeared before the king.

He is also a melancholy poet. When the parrot he loved died, he went on a hunger strike for three days and wrote six long poems for it, and he almost followed him...

The kind-hearted George may not understand the military, politics, or how to run the kingdom, but at least he understands the people, and it comes out of his heart because he can't even be pitiful for animals, let alone people.

However, although King George was good at writing poetry, he didn't know how to do it so that the people under his rule could live a good life, and the only way he knew a little effect was to lower taxes.

So since he ascended the throne, the Griffon Kingdom has lowered taxes three times in a row, and King George is still very stubborn. Once the Royal Council does not pass his order, he will choose to go on a hunger strike...

Fortunately, the current Royal Council already knows how to deal with King George's waywardness, a newborn, white fluff, staring and chirping little griffin, or something like that, can make King George forget His "absurd" orders.

In other countries, a king with such temperament is likely to fall due to a coup d'état, but this is not the case in the Griffin Kingdom. Because of the relationship between the king of the moon and the sun, the public will not support the usurper, the nobles will not support the usurper, and adventurers, merchants, blacksmiths, tailors, and even cute people will not support the usurper. Of course, the mage is also indispensable.

But no matter what, in times of peace, a king like him won't make the kingdom stronger, but at least it won't make it worse.

The squire George and the Nord adventurer Barrett are getting closer and closer to the hot spring.

The surrounding temperature gradually warmed up again, and the dissipated steam slapped on his face, which was warm and moist. For George, he actually quite liked this feeling. However, the nearby camphor trees, palms, and laurels all withered, and it seems that they are shy and can't stand this too "warm" atmosphere.

When there were still about thirty meters away from the hot spring, the Nord stopped. He squinted towards the hot springs, but George saw nothing from the steam, and occasionally there seemed to be wisps of figures flashing, but they disappeared in a flash.

He saw that there were some dark clouds in the sky in the east, and the direction he looked at should be drifting towards them. If it rains heavily, will it disperse those annoying vapors? George doesn't know, but it's sure to take his archery skills down a notch.

"Can you shoot a hen 50 meters away?" The Nord asked suddenly and softly for no reason.

He remembered what I said at the dinner table, "Of course!" George answered confidently in the same soft voice, "I used to practice archery with the hens in the castle, and at least three of five arrows, I mean at least three. Sometimes it even hits with arrows, no matter how the hens flap their wings. But none of the arrows I shoot have arrowheads, and they're tied with sackcloth, so they can't hurt the hens, so Aunt Flanda Turn an eye on this."

Actually not. Aunt Flanda had beaten him many times for this, but George didn't care. Anyway, Aunt Flanda beat him very lightly every time, unlike his father, who beat him to the death every time, so George was the best. The thing he was afraid of was that someone would complain to his father.

"You're a smart person, and you're very thoughtful." The Nord gave him a meaningful look, "Get your bow and arrow ready, and shoot the first monster you see in a while, then shoot it or not. If you shoot, you must turn around and run back." The Nord repeated with a serious expression, "Remember, no matter if you hit or miss, you have to run in the direction of Ser Arman. Got it?"

George nodded obediently, took an arrow from his back, and put it on the bow, "Aren't we just here to attract monsters, don't we go deeper? To be honest, I didn't see anything here."

"You don't need to see anything, just do as I say." A hand axe suddenly appeared in the Nord's hand, he took a few steps forward, and after waiting for a while, he suddenly threw the axe in his hand. .

George saw the hand axe swirl into the steaming white water vapor, and then he heard the hand axe seem to hit something and made a slight "pop" sound, but the hit object did not scream. It fell to the ground with a "click".

Then, George heard a clutter of "squeak" and "hiss". Immediately afterwards, the steam was stirred, and it seemed that something was about to appear, which made him very nervous.

George tightened his nerves and body, breathing heavily, feeling that his hand pulling the bow was as stiff as a stone.

"Relax, just do as I say." The tall Nord held the sword in one hand, turned to him in a relaxed tone, "Just treat them as hens in the chicken coop, anyway A guy with wings that doesn't fly very high."

The Nord's words made George's heart feel very relaxed for no reason. He felt that his arms became flexible again, and his confidence increased a lot. He wished those monsters would appear soon.

The thick white water vapor kept churning. Those "hens" were so stupid, they didn't seem to know where the attack came from.

coming in the direction. But this kind of time didn't last long. After three heartbeats, a goblin spewing steam from its mouth flew out of the water vapor.

It saw me! George and the mephit looked at each other.

The mephit opened its mouth to scream and call for its companions, but halfway through the sound, the arrow that interrupted George's bow shot into its mouth.

Well done, one hit kills! George complimented himself inwardly, I could have shot more, he thought, time should come.

So, he disobeyed the Nord's orders.

George was a young man who would do it when he thought of it. His right hand touched the quiver behind him again, and a sharpened arrow was attached to the bow again.

The Nords didn't stop him, and George called this "acquiescence." Whenever he wants to do something and no one stops it, he assumes that everyone has agreed to his next move.

Like, shooting those hens when Aunt Flanda wasn't looking, and stealing plums from Old John's house when no one was there.

More steam mephits flew out from the water vapor. At a glance, there were as many as seven or eight, and the number was still increasing, more and more, and even a boiling water element appeared.

The arrow came out of his hand and hit a mephit with precision again. It's just that this time the hit part is the belly of the mephit. George is aiming at the head. This is not a good part. For humans, being shot in the abdomen by an arrow is likely to die, but those mephits will climb back. Go to the hot spring and rely on boiling water to quickly recover from the injury. In the previous battle, George had seen similar scenes several times.

Suddenly, George heard the Nord say a word, "Run!", the voice was not loud, but it was very real.

He obediently turned around and ran, exerting the strength of being chased by a dirt dog, and hurriedly ran in the direction of Sir Arman. But as he ran, George thanked that something was wrong. He found that the Nord was not following him.

What is that guy doing? George was a little curious. As he ran, he turned his head and glanced behind him. He found that the Nord was not far away, and his sword cut a flying mephit in half, and the ground seemed to lie down along the way. Another one.

George also found that the boiling water element had disappeared, and it didn't chase it out like a mephit. I think it should have returned to the hot spring.

The Nord's body is very flexible. Although the speed of swinging the sword is not fast, it is extremely deadly. When he barely swung in the air, every time he attacked, a steam mephit would be chopped to the ground.

Kill the monster, turn around, run, dodge the steam, dodge the pounce, then turn around and kill the monster again. This Nord did not simply run for his life, but moved very sensitively among the group of steam mephits, constantly reducing the number of mephits. The entire flock of mephits gathered and attacked the Nord repeatedly, but there was no good way to take him.

It is difficult for George to imagine such a tall and stout man, running and turning around so quickly, and the hot rainstorms cast by the steam mephits did not affect his movements in the slightest, which made George feel that the Nords in front of him were just like them. Like a sharp-tailed swift, UU reading calmly danced in the rainstorm.

This scene made George's blood boil involuntarily. He subconsciously slowed down his pace, and slowly changed from "running" to "walking", and then stopped.

George reached out and drew an arrow from the quiver behind him, put the arrow on the bow, and aimed at a target that flew towards him not far away.

After the mephit that flew towards George was shot, it screamed and fell to the ground, but the arrow of George's bow did not shoot out.

Several more arrows flew from both sides of George to the mephit swarm, and then another round of shooting, the number of mephits decreased a lot, but it was getting closer.

Immediately afterwards, George heard Sir Arman's cry, "Attack!", the whole team roared to greet him, and the arrows of George's bow shot out.

And then, the battle was over in an instant.

Yes, the whole battle ended so simply and quickly. Apart from a few minor bruises and less serious burns, the entire team didn't lose a single one, and morale was back on its feet.

Everyone chatted happily with each other, lamenting the ease of this victory.

A few drops of hot torrential rain fell on George's neck, causing a little pain, which made him shrink his neck subconsciously, but that was all.

George looked at the Nord not far away, he was really amazing! George sighed again in his heart.

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