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Chapter 107: Offensive Dungeon - Boiling Hot Spring (5)

There was a muffled sound of "dong".

Dennis Ilya blocked the slap of the boiling water element with a shield. The huge force was like the impact of a heavy hammer. The shock made his left hand a little numb, but the apprentice knight still blocked the opponent's attack steadily without taking a half step back. .

In fact, Dennis knew that taking a few steps back would better relieve the attack of the boiling water element, and the militiamen holding the kite-shaped shields on both sides would also support him, allowing him to take the opportunity to recover his stamina. This is a better way to deal with it, instead of blindly carrying and trying to be brave like you are now.

But Dennis didn't want people around him to see his retreat, even if it was just a small step.

Whether it's because you don't want to sully your glory, or because of pure vanity, no matter what, the word "backward" is not a good word for Dennis after all.

This is the fourth hot spring, and Dennis never took a step back in the battle.

The front end of the body of the boiling water element is like a wave hitting the reef, and it splashes in all directions. But this is nothing to Dennis. He wears dark silver heirloom full-body armor, a traditional griffon helmet, and a cotton smock over the armor. The hot water splashes can't do anything to him. Damage, but the transpiration of water vapor will block his vision.

The flowing water is invisible, gathering and dispersing from time to time. Dennis knew that the broken arm of the boiling water element would soon recover, and then the violent impact like a flash flood, accompanied by high temperature and steam, would strike again.

The apprentice knight swung the long sword tightly clenched in his right hand while taking advantage of the boiling water element's attack.

The long sword is called Breath of the West Wind, and it is a magic long sword enchanted with demons. "Breath of the west wind, downwind", the magic attached to the long sword can make the wielder's attack faster and faster. Dennis was not used to it at first, but now he can handle it with ease.

The long sword, like his dark silver armor "Broken Halberd", is Dennis's family heirloom weapon.

This set of equipment should have been worn on Dennis's father's body. After all, the man was not yet fifty. He was in his prime, and he could fight in armor like Ser Arman, and it was far from the time to inherit the equipment.

But his father was too fat to wear this armor ten years ago. Years of paperwork and aristocratic entertainment made the man's belly fat like a pregnant woman, which made Dennis, who always used his father as an example in his childhood, feel quite ashamed and angry.

Knights shouldn't be like this. Although we are nobles, we shouldn't be like those nobles who waste most of their time on **** and entertainment.

We are first and foremost knights, the protectors of the kingdom, and secondly, the nobles, the privileged class of the kingdom, Dennis has always believed.

The magic stone at the hilt of the magic sword shone slightly, making him swing the sword much faster. The blade went from right to left, smashing the water-like shoulder on the left side of the boiling water element, and then hitting the body of the boiling water element that was always in a state of flow.

The breath of the west wind was drawn into the translucent body of the boiling water element, and Dennis felt some resistance coming from the blade, but these resistances could not stop the advancement of the blade. The next moment, the breath of the west wind came out through the body.

Dennis took advantage of the opportunity to swing again, and the long sword slashed through the body of the boiling water element again.

The body that was cut open by the boiling water element quickly healed, and the broken arms and shoulders slowly returned to their original shape.

The attack seems to be ineffective, but Dennis knows that as long as he hits a dozen times again, the boiling water element will explode into a pool of ordinary hot water, and then a crystal blue crystal will appear in the center of the pool of hot water. Elemental core, such a thing has happened several times before.

However, only his and Ser Arman's weapons can do this in the entire team, and no matter how many times the others' weapons hit the Boiling Water Elemental, no matter how shattered the Boiling Water Elemental is, this steamy light The large blue water mass can slowly recover as before.

When cleaning up the boiling water element in the third hot spring, the Nord tried it without giving up. His attack force was heavy, the two arms used for the Boiling Water Elemental attack were easily smashed, the Boiling Water Arrows he cast were repeatedly interrupted, and the fitted punches were easily evaded, so that the Boiling Water Elemental couldn't organize it. Even an effective attack.

The inconspicuous long sword of the Nord went in and out of the body of the boiling water element forty or fifty times. The light blue water mass even became only half the size before, but it was still full of vitality. Until Sir Arman couldn't see it, he went to Sanjian to break it up, turning it into a pool of ordinary liquid.

Only magical weapons can really hurt these pure elemental creatures. Dennis knows this, but he doesn't know the specific principle. But he didn't want to know either. He is a knight, not a lawyer. A knight should do the things of a knight, such as defending justice, such as defending the weak...

The healed Boiling Water Elemental Fit slammed into Dennis, like a mad and angry bull being teased.

I should dodge and dodge, but I can't. If there are helpless women and children behind me, my avoidance will inevitably put them in danger.

Although there is nothing behind me now, I should be prepared for it! Yes, a qualified knight should be stricter and stricter!

He imagined a group of terrified and helpless villagers behind him, and imagined that the boiling water element in front of him was a powerful, evil, and indomitable Balor, at least both of them were hot.

As a knight, you can't let this evil guy hurt innocent people!

"Glory is my life," Dennis shouted in his heart.

He raised the shield, leaned forward, and the half-human-high kite-shaped shield well protected his half body. With another muffled "dong", Dennis gritted his teeth and resisted the impact of the Boiling Water Elemental Fit.

And he didn't retreat half a step.

Ha, I succeeded again, I once again protected the villagers behind me, Dennis thought excitedly. Now it's your turn, evil one, go back to your elemental plane, this is not the place to be!

The magic crystal on the hilt of the sword shone again, and the breath of the west wind whizzed through the body of the boiling water element repeatedly. When the long sword in his hand did not know how many times it hit the boiling water element in front of him, Dennis found that the flowing body of the elemental creature began to shrink inwardly, and it seemed that he could no longer maintain his shape.

"Back off!" Dennis shouted.

He saw that the two shield-wielding militiamen skillfully distanced themselves from the boiling water element, but he didn't do it himself. Instead, he stood there and raised his shields to protect his head.

With the crisp sound of "pop", Dennis felt that the shield in his hand, the armor, and the tunic were all hit by the splashing water droplets. The smock was wet and steam was coming out.

Dennis didn't pay attention to this, he was accustomed to it. The tunic and armor have not been done since the battle in the first hot spring. It seems that they need to be properly maintained after the battle.

There was a burst of applause from the surroundings. Although the applause was warm, it was very lonely. It seemed that there was only one person. Dennis didn't have to look to know that the man was his squire, George Dunn.

In addition to George, many people watched his battle, including Ser Arman and the Nord.

Sir nodded to him, and motioned him to hurry to rest. After the team was reorganized, the horses would go to the last and largest hot spring.

The four hot springs that have been cleared have 34 boiling water elements in each. Generally, shield-wielding militiamen and adventurers will hold on to one or two of them, and then Sir Arman and him will destroy their respective one. After the elemental creatures, continue to destroy the rest.

Every time Ser Arman was wiped out faster than him, Dennis knew that it had something to do with the weapon in his hand. Breath of the West Wind does not directly provide attack power, but the handle in Jazz's hand does not.

"You played really well, my lord." Hucong ran over to George and said to him with a smile. Dennis glared at the squire who liked to play tricks, and the latter continued to compliment him without caring, "This is already the fourth, no, fifth big water mass you have Boiling water element!" he corrected.

"Yes, that's the name. The old butler has said it many times, but I can't remember it." George said with a smile, "You are so smart!"

His squire always likes to cause trouble and doesn't care about the way of knighthood, but he is very clever, and he speaks and does things in a relaxed manner. Dennis likes this young man who is less than ten years younger than himself.

Since George is my squire, I should make myself a role model for him! Dennis kept thinking about it. Instead of disappointing those who worship him like his father did.

Just when Dennis wanted to rely on his previous good performance to teach George a few words and let him return to the way of knighthood, the tall and strong Nord also walked towards him.

The Nord looked at him with a strange expression, and after pondering for a long time, he said to him, "Actually, you can use your back to avoid those attacks." The Nord's voice was very soft, as if he wanted to let his own voice It sounds kindly written, "Dodging is sometimes more effective than hard resistance, and it can save a lot of physical strength to deal with unimaginable surprises."

Dennis knew that the Nord said this for his own good, but, "In that case, the villagers will be in danger." He responded politely.

"Villagers?" The Nords were a little confused, "Where are the villagers?"

Che, you don't understand.


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