Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 108: Subsequent results (top)

At night, in the hot spring village, in a tavern.

After a hard day's work, the villagers relax here with alcohol. They chat with each other in a low voice, or ask each other about the types of crops planted this year, or look forward to the golden harvest that will be full in autumn.

In this leisurely chat, a glass of ordinary rye beer for two or three copper coins is enough to keep them drinking all night, and if it can be accompanied by a piece of cheese or a pickle, life is simply better. If anyone can add a plate of cured meat and smoked sausage, it must have won money in the field game today.

Wine is something that all professions need. Not only are adventurers addicted to it, but farmers are often in love with it as well. It dulls the brain, forgets worries but makes the tongue flexible and facilitates conversation.

"Hey, Duruk, I said, have all the monsters in the hot spring really been dealt with?" a villager wearing a broad-brimmed felt hat and a light gray coarse linen coat asked aloud.

The subject of the questioning was wearing a cotton vest of unrecognizable color, and over the vest was a dirty leather apron with suspenders. His sturdy arms were casually placed on the table in front of him, but the table couldn't stop creaking.

The weather in this season is still a bit cold, especially at night, but this man's simple clothes did not make the other villagers around him feel strange. Everyone seemed to be accustomed to it.

"Well, you're asking about the monsters at the hot springs." The man named Druck pondered for a while. "To be honest, those monsters really deserve to die. Oh, you want to ask if they've all been dealt with? This is it." He picked up the wine glass and took a hard sip of rye beer, then put down the wine glass and wiped a handful of beer foam stained on his beard.

His mouth full of beard was messy and disordered, as if it had been scorched by flames repeatedly, with the smell of smoke and charcoal.

"What is this? Hurry up." The questioner was a little dissatisfied with Druck's pretence.

"Come on, don't go around the corner!" The other villagers also urged.

Although the person being questioned was average in stature, his body was extremely strong, with protruding muscles all over his body, hard and solid, with a metallic luster. However, the surrounding villagers were not afraid of it. They all stretched their heads and stared at the sturdy guy sitting in the middle of the tavern, waiting for his answer with anticipation.

"Those monsters, it's a solution." Duruk gave a vague answer, continuing to hang everyone's appetite.

"Ha, what is considered a solution? A solution is a solution, and no solution is a solution. What is the solution?" The questioner was not satisfied with the answer. already."

"If only you could pay the money and be as anxious as you were when you asked the question." Druck retorted, "You still owe me three silvers and twelve coppers. Your hoe, sickle, and shovel are all with me. It's been repaired at least three times, but you haven't paid for it once. Yes, you haven't even given me a single copper coin."

"Next time, hehe, I'll pay next time." The questioner's expression was embarrassed, and he was defeated in the battle of words.

At this time, the tavern owner at the counter personally took a large mug of beer, then walked towards Druck with the mug, and placed the beer mug with the hot spring pattern in front of him.

"Tell us about it, Duruk," said the tavern owner. "Apart from constantly boasting about their heroism and killing monsters, the lads who came back don't know much about the outcome of the whole thing. The situation is actually contradictory. Well, I really hope the Jazz can exercise their brains while training them, at least they should make these young people become smarter."

"But smart guys don't stay in the village." Druck said nonchalantly. "The smarter the mind, the more ideas it can hold in it, and farming is obviously the least attractive of those ideas."

"But it's also the safest one," retorted the tavern owner. "Anyway, it's safer to wield a **** than a sword, no doubt about it. If monsters don't provoke you, don't provoke monsters. Proverbs from ancient times It has been passed down to this day, and there is some truth to it.”

"But what if the monster finds you?" Drucker asked, "like this time."

"The strong resist, the weak pray, what else can we do." The tavern owner looked at it very openly. "By the way, have the monsters been wiped out this time?" He asked this question again.

Duruk didn't answer immediately, but looked at the oak wine glass in front of him, and then put his head out and sniffed the wine glass with his nose. This beer has a strong, sweet malt flavor, without the lingering bitterness of rye.

"Barley?" asked Drucker. "You are rare and generous." He seemed to have a bad taste, and he really enjoyed the feeling of making people around him anxious and mad.

"Not only barley, but also whole malt beer without any accessories. It's a waste to drink it for someone like you who doesn't know how to drink." The tavern owner sat across from Druck. "You militia captain will not be present tonight. Sir The banquet of , but appeared here, isn't it just to show us the first-hand information you have. Say it now, and then drag it on, and tomorrow Sir Arman will announce the result of the matter by himself."

"What is the militia captain, I just have some strength. To be honest, I don't like this position. Compared with fighting, I actually prefer blacksmithing. You are right, farming is safe, and blacksmithing is the same, but when The militias were not.

His face was smeared with hot water, and I don't know how the treatment in Galano is now. "

Drucker sighed, "These are all things that can't be helped. Sir assigned this position to me, the most important thing is that it will bring me an additional income of 60 silver coins per month, which is very important, otherwise, I have to knocking on the windows and asking for the money you owe."

The questioner who spoke first shrank his neck in embarrassment, but still did not leave. Instead, he raised his ears high and continued to listen to Drucker.

"I said it was wiped out, there is a reason." Duruk announced the results to the people around him, "The monsters in the four smaller hot springs have been completely cleaned up. Whether it is those steaming Boiling water element, or the mephit that once broke into the village to hurt people, all of them were eliminated by us! But the last hot spring is the largest."

When Drucker said this, he habitually started a lawsuit.

"How is the biggest hot spring?" the tavern owner asked helplessly.

Duruk took a sip of all-malt beer, raised his head and looked around, and found that everyone's eyes and attention were on him, and then Shi Shiran said, "The biggest hot spring, the magic in it. The bats have also been wiped out. There should not be any mephits in the entire hot spring. At least Ser Arman led a few guys on horses to patrol around the hot spring for a long time, but they did not find a single one. Only."

"That's good." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"My house has been visited by those monsters before, and it was still in the middle of the night." A villager said with lingering fears, "At that time, the mephit was squatting on the edge of the window of my house, looking into the house through the glass of the window. It was still a full moon that day. I could see that monster very clearly in the moonlight. I tell you, the monster is not tall, with wings, a bit like a man, a bit like a bat, and a bit like a little devil. That The expressions of things were vicious and ugly, really ugly! My wife and I were scared to death at the time, and we both covered our mouths and huddled in the corner, daring not to make a sound."

"No sound? Then why did I hear the screams from your house in the middle of the night?" Another villager who seemed to be a neighbor asked suspiciously.

"Oh, that's what my daughter said." The villager who spoke sighed, "When she got up in the middle of the saw the monster, and then started screaming lifelessly, the sound stinging. My eardrum almost shattered the window. Believe me, if I hadn't covered my daughter's mouth in time, not only my window, but also yours would not have been saved. But fortunately, that monster was finally caught by my daughter's Screaming scared away."

"When your daughter shouted, her voice was really sharp and high."

"She has this strength!" Others agreed.

After the discussion had subsided, the tavern owner asked Duruk again, "The mephits have been wiped out, but what about the steaming water elements?"

"They were also sent back to their original plane by us." Duruk replied, "There are actually 5 boiling water elements in the largest hot spring, but after a hard fight, those boiling water elements were still beaten by us. Broken into ordinary water, all of it! Of course, that's mainly due to Sir and Knight Dennis."

"Since it's all been wiped out, why do you say it's considered?" the tavern owner asked curiously.

"When Dennis Knight smashed the last boiling water element, we started cheering and preparing to celebrate the victory, but the hot spring suddenly boiled."

Duruk's expression changed, as if he was recalling, "Although the hot spring was always boiling during this time, the bubbles that were constantly rolling in the hot spring were getting bigger and bigger! Like the sea, it gives the impression that something huge is about to emerge from the deepest depths under the hot spring!"

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